When the words fell, Mu Lingxi looked at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for Ye Tian's answer.

Ye Tian frowned, as he had guessed, hesitated for a while, and asked again.

Also, is the enemy the Black Holy See, or is it another enemy?

Since I was a child, I have not been taught by any magician elders, and I can only know everything by myself.

After booking a private room, the two walked into the private room and sat on one side of the coffee table.

After the voice fell, he glanced at Ye Tian again, even if he didn't tell him, it seemed that he knew a lot.

"Humans, the same humans as us, as well as the demon beast family, use magic as well. At the same time, there are also the same national forces as our Shui Lanxing, which are divided into three major empires and hundreds of kingdoms, with distinct hierarchies! "

It's just that I couldn't find any place to own it, and finally I had no choice but to give up the idea.

Mu Lingxi's face was sad for a while, and she said with a helpless sigh.

"Yes, because that planet is rich in resources and coexists with risks and opportunities, it is named a secret place!"

"Then let me tell you, in fact, the mission we perform has nothing to do with the Black Holy See. Although the Black Holy See is indeed powerful, and its power spreads across the entire Water Blue Star, it is extremely weak compared to our real enemy!"

Ye Tian thought about it and asked Mu Lingxi.

"Yes, not the Black Holy See, not people from other countries, nor any creatures on the water blue star!"

Hearing Mu Lingxi's words, Ye Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he whispered.

"Although there are two different summoning systems, one is to summon beast companions, and the other is to summon undead creatures, but the summoning method is the same, build a transmission channel between Shui Lanxing and Otherworld, and let the opposite beasts or undead creatures enter over here!"

Now it seems that even if you find death on the earth, you may not be able to find the magic spar.

It didn't take long before they came to the cafe where the two talked last time.

Hearing Ye Tian's doubtful voice, Mu Lingxi also explained.

Ye Tian wanted to find these things before, so as to earn a wave of wealth!


"Tell me first, what you know about the world!"

Ye Tian nodded, he has the undead system himself, how could he have never heard of it.

"The secret place?"

"I'm just giving an example to explain that in addition to Mercury, there are other planets inhabited by living beings in this universe, and this time our opponent is an enemy within a planet, and that place is also called by us. It's a secret place!"

"Teacher, do these things have anything to do with the tasks you went out to perform during this time?"

It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable when you see those tasks for the first time.

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Mu Lingxi couldn't help but smile, the originally sad mood eased a little, and explained with a smile.

When Mu Lingxi heard Ye Tian's words, there was a bit of surprise on his face, he didn't expect Ye Tian to think so far.


But he hesitated, then nodded.

I should have known that there are other planets in this world besides the water blue star, but I didn't expect it to be so far away.

Ye Tian was a little curious and couldn't help asking.

Without letting him think too much, Mu Lingxi paused for a moment, glanced at Ye Tian, ​​and asked.

Mu Lingxi could probably know the general feeling of Ye Tian. Before that, Ye Tian was just a student from an ordinary family.

If he doesn't know, he can live in peace for a while.

Mu Lingxi didn't hide it either, anyway, after a while, Ye Tian who should know will also know.

Ye Tian was stunned, it was not any creature from Shui Lanxing, could it not be an enemy from this world.

"You should have heard of special magic, summoning and undead summoning?"

However, he didn't say this, and Mu Lingxi naturally wouldn't know.

"Most of them are aware of it, except for a few like you, who have just stepped into the three-star level and haven't had time to inform!"

Mu Lingxi sighed helplessly, nodded and said, turning around and leading the way.

"heard about it!"

"It's related, or it's the same thing!"

However, after coming to Water Blue Star for so long, I have never heard of any ufo incident.

Ye Tian did not deny it, but nodded to indicate the default.

Ye Tian did not hesitate and said directly.

On the other hand, I heard about the earth where I lived in my previous life.

Ye Tian frowned slightly, even the teachers of the Magic University of Magic have fallen a lot, how strong is the enemy?

Ye Tian also fell silent. According to Mu Lingxi's words, knowing this matter meant that he had to perform his duties, and performing his duties meant that his life was in danger.

"Before I became a magician and entered the Magic University, I thought this world was a peaceful world, but when I saw the contents of the tasks in the task building..."

"Not the Black Church!"

Yes! I have awakened the undead magic, and my consciousness has also entered the abyss.

"Well, they were all killed in this mission. Many other teachers were seriously injured, including me, who was slightly injured!"

Ye Tian didn't hesitate any longer, raised his head, looked at Mu Lingxi, and said calmly.

Ye Tian clenched his fists, probably made a decision, took a deep breath, and asked.

Mu Lingxi nodded, her expression became solemn, and her voice was extremely serious.

Having said that, Mu Lingxi also told Ye Tian almost everything he wanted to say.

"Those teachers who haven't come back, are..."

"Okay, not much else to say, then I'll tell you something you want to know. You must be curious now, what exactly are the tasks we have performed during this time, right?"

"Just like the magic spar and blank magic scroll materials sold in our magic club now, these are all without raw materials on the side of Shui Lanxing, and the materials are all collected from the secret realm!"

Ye Tian blinked his eyes, full of shock and speechless, is he really an alien?

Of course, when he officially becomes a three-star magician, he will have the right to know, and he must perform his duties at that time.

"Okay, this is not the place to talk, you come with me!"

Mu Lingxi's face was calm, and she explained to Ye Tian lightly.

"Do other students who have reached the level of three-star magician know about it?"

After the two chatted for a while, Mu Lingxi didn't want to continue talking about these useless things, and turned to the topic.

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After the coffee was served and the door closed, Mu Lingxi also spoke slowly.

But not aliens?

"The teacher, tell me!"

"Mr. Mu, what kind of creatures, undead, or monsters, or some aliens or the like live in our opponent, the secret land?"

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