At the door, Ye Tian was also a little surprised when he heard the news from Shen Niefeng.

I didn't expect the teachers to come back at this time, count the time, it has been out for more than three weeks!

He has been out for more than ten days, and the teachers have gone out more than a week before him.

"When did you come back?"

Although Ye Tian was a little surprised, his expression was still calm, and he wondered.

"I just came back, and many students have seen it, and it didn't take long!"

Shen Niefeng heard the words, pondered for a while, and then replied.

"What about tomorrow's class, do you want to take it?"

Ye Tian nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked again.

Today is Sunday, and tomorrow is Monday. Logically speaking, it is the main course of Mu Lingxi's magic skills explanation.

It's just that during this time, because she went out to perform tasks, no one could attend class, so she was idle for a while.

This time, I will definitely continue the course.

"This teacher Mu has just called, and the class is still the same as before!"

Shen Niefeng replied directly.

Having said so much, Ye Tian understood it, thought about it, and asked curiously.

"By the way, have you inquired about what tasks the teachers are going to perform during this time?"

"It's the teachers' business, you ask me how do I know?"

When Shen Niefeng heard Ye Tian's words, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, complained, and continued.

"Although I don't know the specific tasks, I just heard that there are many teachers who were seriously injured when they came back. They may not even be able to take courses this semester, and even many classes have simply changed teachers!"

Speaking of this, Shen Niefeng's face was solemn.

Although I don't know what the specific task is, it can be seen from these superficial situations that it should be very dangerous.

"Severely injured, what about Teacher Ren and Teacher Mu?"

Ye Tian's complexion changed slightly, it seems that this mission is more dangerous than what he imagined!

So many teachers went to perform tasks together, but in the end, many people were injured. What kind of tasks were they going to perform?

In the **, Ye Tian currently knows that there is a Black Holy See, an existence that everyone gets and kills, and the rest is unclear.

Could it be that this mission is a large-scale siege of the Black Holy See or something?

If it is a mission like this, there is indeed something to say about casualties like this.

"The two of them are nothing, but they were slightly injured!"

Shen Niefeng thought for a while, looked at Ye Tian and replied, walked to Ye Tian's side at the same time, and said something in a low voice.

"However, I heard that not only many other teachers were seriously injured, but some did not even see anyone coming back!"

"Any teacher didn't come back?"

Ye Tian heard the sound coming from his ear, and his face changed slightly.

What did he mean by not coming back? He couldn't figure it out.

Either die in the quest, or have other quests to perform.

However, he always had a feeling that the former was more likely.

Coming to the Magic University does not mean that it is safe, even teachers are in danger of falling, let alone students.

This point, from the first time Ye Tian saw the mission, he already understood that the mission meant that his life was in danger.

Of course, if you stay in the school all the time, don't perform tasks, eat and wait to die, then don't say anything.

Just, is this possible?

The second generation of demons is okay to say that if they don't go to perform tasks, at least there is a supply of resources for cultivation at home.

But students from poor families have no choice. If they don't perform their tasks, it means they don't have the resources for cultivation.

Without cultivation resources, it means that the magic level cannot be improved!

In the Magic University of Magic, there are corresponding assessments every year. If you fail to pass, it will affect graduation.

"Well, don't think nonsense and talk nonsense, I can't be sure of this, if it is spread out, I won't admit it!"

Shen Niefeng nodded his head and warned Ye Tian again, looking serious.

"Don't worry, you don't know who I am Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian shrugged helplessly and said.

Shen Niefeng glanced at him, didn't say anything, turned around and went back to the dormitory.

On the other side, Ye Tian also returned to the dormitory and closed the door.

In the dormitory, Ye Tian was constantly thinking about what the teachers were going to do this time.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of it, so I gave up.

Mu Lingxi told herself last time that when her strength reached three stars, she would know something.

Now, I have reached the level of the Thunder Element, I don't know what I can learn?


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the next morning.

This morning, it was Mu Lingxi's magic skill explanation class.

In the class, Ye Tian observed the specific situation of Eye Mu Lingxi a little, and there was nothing, it was normal.

Soon, today's magic skill explanation class will begin.

However, it is not the usual way to explain the knowledge of thunder magic skills.

Instead, a monthly test was started to test the students' mastery of magical skills.

The monthly test was supposed to be carried out a week or two ago.

It's just that because of Mu Lingxi's mission outside, there is no way to come back, so he can only stay until today.

The test order is arranged according to the student number in the class, and Shen Niefeng is the first one to test one by one.

Shen Niefeng went up, cast two primary magics, and then came down.

This is the content of the assessment, to complete the casting of two primary magics.

It didn't take long for it to arrive at Ye Tian, ​​for Ye Tian, ​​now even intermediate magic, let alone primary magic.


Ye Tian stretched out his right hand and made a bang, the magic stars in his hand gathered instantly, and a magic was formed.

Immediately afterwards, a thundercloud condensed in the sky again.

Because of the presence of a high-level magician like Mu Lingxi, Ye Tian was not worried and blew up the classroom.

In less than a second, the two magic tricks came at random.

Compared to other students, it takes a while to charge up.

Ye Tian's casting speed was undoubtedly very fast, and the two magics were formed almost at the same time.

"Ye Tian casts magic so fast!"

"To cast a magic, in less than a second, this is already instant magic!"

"As expected of the first student of the Mage Tower, the speed of casting magic is probably unmatched among freshmen!"

In the class, many students who saw Ye Tian casting magic all commented with envy on their faces.

Even Mu Lingxi, as a teacher, was somewhat envious.

Even if she already knew about Ye Tian's ability to cast magic instantly, but seeing it again, it is still a bit difficult to understand.

You must know who you were at the time, but it took a long time to reach the intermediate level magician, and then you can achieve instant primary magic.

And when Ye Tian achieved instant magic, he seemed to be a one-star magician, right? He didn't even reach two stars.

In this comparison, she couldn't help feeling a little hurt, where did this monster come from?


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