The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3099: Shocking Jin Heng

Chapter 3099 shocks Jin Heng


As the hurricane space appeared, the whole void made a squeaking sound, as if the void was torn.

"Dan medicine is going to succeed!"

Xu Feng’s face showed a strong smile, and his hands continued to bombard.

The spiritual flow of the body, the power of the soul constantly manipulates the burning alchemy furnace, and the medicinal herbs inside are constantly floating.


The alchemy furnace constantly vibrates, and the gradual voids are torn apart, forming bursts of wind.

"Snowflakes in one!"

Xu Feng exhibited the "Tianhua Familia 19", which formed a strong momentum, and the snow fell.

The entire burning alchemy furnace, which sounded rumbling, brought intense fluctuations in an instant.

The sound of the rumble came out, and the lid of the fire-smelting furnace was opened, and a strong breath came from the alchemy furnace.


Three medicinal herbs, flying out from the burning alchemy furnace.

Three medicinal herbs can tear the void.

Xu Feng reached out and put three hurricane space Dan into his hands. He felt that there was a strong air atmosphere above the medicinal herbs.

There is joy in the look.

"With these three hurricane space Dans, my space field has been upgraded to the tenth day, almost the fact that it is determined."

Xu Feng looked at the three remedies, he did not hesitate too much.

He did not expect that the refining of the hurricane space Dan would be so smooth.

"It seems that I am refining the fourth-order Holy Spirit Dan, not much difficulty."

Xu Feng put away the burning alchemy furnace.

He did not hesitate.

When I sat down on the knees, I began to refine the hurricane space Dan.

Inside his body, the creation of Ding exudes a strong breath.

Xu Feng first sent a hurricane space Dan into the building of Ding Ding, and it was a strong momentum.

The space of his body fluctuated, and his space field was before the ninth peak.

Nowadays, with the help of Chenghua Ding, it is not a big deal for him to refine the hurricane space.

As the first hurricane space was refining, the breath of Xu Feng emerged and turned into a pure space.

"Give me a breakthrough."

Xu Feng bit his teeth, his spiritual power began to flow, and his ninth heaven and earth peak space field burst into a terrifying momentum.

Around Xu Feng’s body, the space field was completely torn, and all the violent waves and waves were formed.

"The tenth heaven space field."

Xu Feng’s face was full of excitement, and he felt the slight fluctuations in the space.

With his palms sticking out.

As if on the palm of your hand, you can tear it apart.

His mind was moving, and the space around the body was full of violent fluctuations.

"Since the breakthrough in the space field, I certainly have to work hard."

Xu Feng continued to refine the hurricane space Dan.

His space field continues to improve.

Another two hurricane spaces are refining.

Xu Feng’s eyebrows are all shining.

"The tenth day of the sky is the peak of the field."

Xu Feng’s mouth is rising and his heart is excited.

He believes that it will not take long for him to break into the space.

By then, he realized the existence of three kinds of righteousness.

After his strength, thoroughly revealed.

It must be a huge improvement.


Xu Feng took a deep breath and his spiritual power flowed. He stood up and converges.

He reached out and the magical array around him disappeared completely, and the kitten jumped over his shoulder.


Xu Feng walked forward with the kitten.

His current space field wants to break through the space, and if it breaks through, it is unlikely.

He is not too anxious.

Anyway, in the giant palace, I don’t know how many opportunities there are?

He took a step and walked toward the front.



The noisy voice coming from the front came.

Almost in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, all the warriors choose to enter the giant palace.

Naturally, this giant palace is extremely lively.

Xu Fenggang came outside the crowd.

A violent sword mang, he went to his back and smashed out.

The swordsman tears the length of several dozen feet.

In an instant, Jianmang seems to divide Xu Feng’s body into two.

Many people are open-mouthed and full of mistakes.

"Isn't that the fourth gold medal in the flame list? He actually chose to attack a young man, it is incredible."

"The young man is afraid of being dead, and Jin Heng’s sword is so terrible." Some people even had no time to discuss.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is flowing, and the back is bursting with coolness.

Just in the midst of a thousand miles.

The spiritual flow of his body, his tenth heaven space broke out, and the void was torn apart.

Jin Heng’s sneak attack instantly fell through.

Xu Feng appeared not far away, his eyes fixed on Jin Heng, said: "You attack me?"

Jin Heng did not expect Xu Feng to avoid his own attacks, his face became extraoriously ugly.

In particular, his cultivation is the sixth peak of the creation, and he is the fourth in the flame list.

The understanding of his righteousness is the meaning of fastness. His swordsmanship contains the meaning of speed, and the speed is fast and jaw-dropping.

However, Xu Feng actually avoided his sneak attack.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of anger.

If it were not for his space, he would be promoted to the tenth day.

He is sure that he was sneaked this time, fearing that he would not die and be seriously injured.

This Jin Heng was so despicable that he even attacked him.

"Xu Feng, you are beyond my expectations and can avoid my long sword." Jin Heng looked at Xu Feng, some strange way.

"Hey, you will only do something to steal the chicken and touch the dog."

Xu Feng said.

"Xu Feng, hand over the spiritual materials you got, I will not let you die." Jin Heng's face was full of anger.

"If you want the spiritual material in my hand, it depends on whether you have this ability."

Xu Feng's look is killing, and the golden light on his body floats.

"you wanna die!"

Jin Heng burst into a bang, and the long sword smashed out quickly toward Xu Feng’s chest.

It is his quickness to be synonymous and integrated into the sword.

"It is the fourth in the flame list, and the strength is stronger than Tian Zhenli. It is too strong."

Xu Feng’s heart is a glimpse.

If his repair is to break through the duality of creation, he may still have a trace of fear.


The momentum of the body broke out, and the golden fist contained all the power of terror, and the fist seemed to be able to tear the void.

In an instant, the gravity of the body spreads, causing the opposite speed of Jin Heng to be suppressed.


Jin Heng did not expect that Xu Feng also realized the gravity of the righteousness, able to suppress his quickness, making his swordsmanship extremely speedy.


The sword method constantly collides with the fist, and Xu Feng is the realm of the late life of the body. Jin Heng simply does not have any cheap.

As the battle continues, Jin Heng's heart becomes more impetuous, and the sword will become more anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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