The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3090: Joining hands to kill Qiu Shu

Chapter 3090 joins in killing Qiu Shu

"Xu Feng crushed the fifth in the flames of Zhou Shan, he is now making a duality?" Someone could not help but scream.

Seeing that Xu Feng defeated Zhou Shan, their faces were incredible, and their hearts were shocked.

If Xu Feng is as old as them, they will be the same as them.

They may not be surprised at all.

However, Xu Feng is now younger, and the cultivation is only twofold.

"It's incredible!"

Someone sighed.

Xu Feng walked up toward Zhou Shan and said: "Zhou Shan, you know, why did your master kill me?"

Zhou Shan heard that he stood up with his teeth and stood up. "Xu Feng has been defeated since ancient times. I am dead in your hands. I have no regrets."

"Hey, since you have provoked my master, I have not been able to help him kill you, it is my skill."

Zhou Shan’s voice is firm.

Xu Feng slowly said: "Since you are so indifferent, so stubborn, then I will fulfill you!"


Xu Feng did not expect that people like Zhou Shan had no principle.

Wu Siyue is the elder of Black Iron City.

I don't think about how to improve the Black Iron City, but because Xu Feng defeated his grandson, he wanted to set Xu Feng to death.

Such a selfish person, now his disciple, is also true, then Xu Feng will naturally be polite.


The continuous fist blowouts brought out a violent momentum, which made Zhoushan continue to regress.

The Cangyan sword that heard the lonely sea continued to puncture, so that Qiu Shu did not have much opportunity to deal with him.

Of course, it is impossible to kill Qiushu.


Zhou Shan was sprayed with blood. His face became very blue and the whole person was lying on the ground.

This time, Zhou Shan did not continue to climb up, but was completely crushed by Xu Feng and fell to the ground.

After Xu Feng killed Zhou Shan, he took down the pieces of the fire of Zhou Shan and collected the storage ring.

Inside the storage ring of Zhou Shan, there are many spiritual materials and spiritual crystals, and even some soul crystals exist.

Xu Feng's face is very calm, as if for him, killing Zhoushan is like a very simple thing.

Not far away, Qiu Shu, who is fighting the lonely sea, his old palm, brings a violent shock wave.


The Cangyan sword of Wenghai trembled, and the whole person stepped back a few steps in succession. The blood on his body was somewhat tumbling.

Although he obtained the inheritance of Cang Yanjian, his cultivation was only the peak of the six creations.

He wants to defeat the old guy like Qiu Shu, the difficulty is too big.

Qiu Shu is a battle of existence.

It is almost impossible to find the flaws in his shot to defeat him.

Xu Feng looked at Wen Guhai and could not kill Qiu Shu.

The golden light on his body, without any cuts, said: "Small brother, let's join forces and kill Qiu Shu!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and his golden fists were displayed as “burning the wind and punching”.

This punch, as if the wind is whistling, brings the burning flame, the body of heaven and earth smoldering.

It is, the flame of nowhere.

As the infinite flame gathers above his fist, the flame of the fist seems to burn the void.

"Xu Feng, my Qiu family and your account are not clear, you dare to take the initiative, you will die!"

Staring at Xu Feng's initiative to take off, Qiu Shu's spiritual power flowed to the extreme, his veins are crazy gathering.


Two violent attacks, awkward collisions.

Although Xu Feng was only rebuilt in the realm of rejuvenation, he and the Qiushu, who had a strong situation in the environment, did not fall into the slightest disadvantage.


Wen Guhai slowed down and grabbed the Cangyan sword. From the side, a sword went to Qiu Shu.

In this way, Xu Feng and Wen Guhai joined forces and attacked Qiu Shu at the same time, making him extremely passive.


"Ben Biao is also coming!"

Just as Qiu Shu’s full response to Wen Guhai and Xu Feng, the kitten came out from Xu Feng’s shoulder.

His sharp claws, very fast, went to Chu Shu's cheeks, tearing away.

Qiu Shu's face changed greatly. He felt very clear that if he had to deal with the kitten, he would inevitably suffer from Xu Feng and Wen Guhai.

In this way, he can only choose to bear the sneak attack of the kitten.


Qiu Shu made a scream, and was torn by the kitten's claws and smashed over his head.

Blood ran down from his forehead, and he bit his teeth, his face was full of sorrow, and his face was killing.

"Ah, little beast, I want you to die."

Qiu Shu's eyes were red and his hands were desperate. He grabbed the kitten and tore the kitten.


However, the kitten slammed out and sneaked out. He proudly ridiculed: "Hey, you can't catch me."

Qiu Shu’s attack fell through.

The kitten was very proud and jumped back to Xu Feng’s shoulder.


However, just in the moment when Chu Shu was distracted, the Cangyan sword of the lonely sea was inserted from his waist.

Blood ran down from his abdomen.

The face of Wen Guhai is killing.


Qiu Shu made a scream, the whole man went backwards and the sword was pulled out of his body.


Xu Feng slammed into the punch and shocked him on the back of his back. Blood spurted out of his mouth.

"The strength of Wen Guhai has also improved a lot. How do I feel that Wen Guhai now has at least the top five strengths in the flame list."

Wen Guhai can fight Qiu Shu in this way, naturally it makes people look at each other.

"The sword in his hand is very powerful and really enviable."

Someone stared at the Cangyan sword, and there was envy between the look.

Qiu Shu’s face is unwilling.

He looked at Xu Feng and Wen Guhai, and they surrounded themselves. He wanted to escape, unless he defeated one of them.

In the end, Qiu Shu still chose to fight in the direction of the lonely sea, and the attack became more fierce.

"Small brother, be careful!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are condensed, and he can naturally see it.

Qiu Shu is preparing to go all out, then tearing the place where the lonely sea is located, fleeing in the direction of Wenghai.

"Get out!"

Smell the footsteps of the sea, Cang Yanjian stabbed out, condensed into dozens of swordsmanship, smashed out.

This is the smell of the sea, and it has only recently been merged with Cang Yanjian from the inheritance of Cang Yanjian.


The impact of this sword smashed out, forming a fierce sword, and the sword gas overflowed in all directions.

"The good swordsmanship, how do I feel, smelling the sea and the sword, have done the same."


Qiu Shu’s eyes are all condensed, and they are constantly regressing.

However, he seems to have forgotten.

Behind him, there is another person, that is Xu Feng.


Xu Feng’s fist hit the back of Qiu Shu and rushed out to the front with his direct impact.

"Oh no!"

Qiu Shu made a screaming scream, and the body was crushed by Xu Feng’s fist and hit the Cangyan sword in the smell of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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