The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3087: Creativity

Chapter 3087

"Zhuang Fengyu, wait, next time you will kill you!"

Xu Feng’s voice came from the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

"Xu Feng, you stand for me!"

Zhuang Fengyu did not hesitate any more. He quickly chased him out of the place where Xu Feng rushed out.

Yun Zhiming and others followed closely and rushed out into the sea of ​​fire, and they were reluctant to miss the treasures in the depths of the sea of ​​fire.


The peak of Xu Feng’s Kuang Peng is pervasive, and his speed is extremely fast, bringing with him a burst of turbulence.

In an instant, he appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, his eyes condensed in the place below the sea of ​​fire.

I saw the front of the fire, the flames condensed into a huge flame vortex, and the flames burned.

In Xu Feng’s body, the heavens and the earth are constantly changing.

"So many whirlpools, which one should I take?"

Xu Feng's eyes swept.


Xu Feng took out the flames of the Promise.

The flames of the flames suddenly rushed out toward the flame vortex on the left hand side, and Xu Feng suddenly chased it up.

There is no doubt that as long as there is a treasure of fire in the sea of ​​fire, the flames of infinity will certainly be felt.


The flames of a burst of flames continued to flow toward Xu Feng’s body.

Promise flame, condensate!

Around Xu Feng's body, the flameless flame condenses into a shield, which separates Xu Feng.

The flame outside was completely blocked by the flameless flames. Those flames could not hurt Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's speed is very fast, he continues to extend into the inside, he wants to see, what is the depth of the fire?

When Zhuang Fengyu came to the sea of ​​fire, he did not hesitate, and he chose a flame vortex.

Just walked deep into the sea of ​​fire.


The figures of the road have all caught up.

The cultivation of these people is at least the late stage of the six-fold creation.

There are also some members of the quasi-flame list.

When Yun Zhiming came to the whirlpool.

He jumped into the vortex that Xu Feng entered.

I have to say that Yun Zhiming’s luck is really good.

Unfortunately, his jump is doomed to a dead end.



Xu Feng's footsteps fell to the ground. He looked at the flames burning in the depths of the sea of ​​fire. His eyes were shining with light.

He looked around the flames, not far away, and there was a horrible flame of burning flames.

"Good pure flame!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, and his face is full of excitement.

The spiritual power of his body is burning.

Xu Feng walked over there.

When he saw the front there, his eyes were suddenly contracted, and the look was shocked.

"Good and pure fire spirit crystal!"

Xu Feng went forward, and he was happy with his face. He looked at the fire and crystal, saying: "This fire spirit crystal has at least a thousand years!"

His heart is shocking, and only such a sea of ​​fire, burning for so many years, will condense such a pure fire crystal.

"If I refine this fire spirit crystal, my cultivation will inevitably be upgraded to the creation of the environment."

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly calculated.

Immediately, Xu Feng reached out and grabbed it toward Huo Lingjing.


At this time, there was a violent shock behind him, which made Xu Feng scared.

When Yun Zhiming appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​fire, his face was full of excitement. He looked at Xu Feng in front.

Happy face, cracked open mouth and smiled: "Ha ha ha ... Xu Feng, I can't think of my luck so good."

"There is such a pure fire in the crystal, enough for my cultivation, to break through to the creation of the seven."

Yun Zhiming feels that his luck is really good.

In Yun Zhiming's opinion.

Xu Feng is only a culmination of the cultivation of the realm, and how could it be his opponent?

As if, Yun Zhiming is the same as Huo Lingjing.

"Your luck is really good!"

Xu Feng smiled and nodded.

"Do you know how Yi Jianfeng died before?" Xu Feng asked Yun Zhiming, faintly.

"Is Yi Jianfeng dead?"

Yun Zhiming's face is strange.

"Xu Feng, you don't want to scare me, you are just a culmination of the realm of cultivation, how can you kill Yi Jianfeng!"

"Do you really think that I am very scared? Today, I will kill you here anyway!"

Yun Zhiming’s spiritual flow, he took the lead to rush toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shook his head helplessly.

“Why, sometimes, when I tell the truth, others don’t believe it?”

Xu Feng’s heart is helpless.

Sometimes he is too lazy to kill these flies.

However, these flies feel that their strength can do whatever they want, and they can ignore Xu Feng.


Xu Feng rushed to the moment of going up, all the strength of his body broke out.

Just a punch.

Yun Zhiming was quuck by the earthquake.

"how is this possible!"

Yun Zhiming’s face is changing. He can’t imagine why Xu Feng is so strong.


"End it!"

Xu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yun Zhiming, immediately the spiritual power of the body, constant flow, golden fists, one after another bombardment.


Yun Zhiming spurted out a stream of blood, carrying pieces of internal organs, and his heart was unwilling.

Xu Feng stepped on Yun Zhiming's face and said, "I used to contain your four battles?"

Yun Zhiming's face is full of embarrassment.

"Hey, those four wars are destroyed by me!"


However, his words have not been finished, he was shot by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng took down Yun Zhiming's storage ring.

Four battles are smashed, and it is really inside.

"Sure enough, as I expected!"

Xu Feng is very clear that the four war-type enamel-inlaid Chinese spirits are exhausted and they are earned by Yun Zhiming.

Yun Zhiming’s soul power is too weak to occupy Xu Feng’s soul brand. Naturally, this is the only way.

Xu Feng can't bear the four battles. These four third-order best-selling wars can be upgraded as long as they find the right spirit.

Once you become a fourth-order warfare, you can compete with the warriors of the destiny.

Of course, Xu Feng also knows that it is very precious to need the fourth-order Shangpin.

Take off the mysterious fragments of Yun Zhiming.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng continued to flow, and he sent the millennium fire spirit crystal directly into the building.

He sits cross-legged, and the pure spiritual power overflows from the creation of the tripod, and rushes toward his meridians.

The breath of Xu Feng began to rise.

"I want to break through to the creation of the environment!"

Xu Feng's constant refining and refining of the millennium fire spirit crystal, he is taking the road of great perfection, breaking through the spiritual power needed for repair, it is too much.


The millennium fire spirit contains pure spiritual power, moving into his body, almost everywhere, flowing.

Time is slowly passing.

Xu Feng's roots are extremely solid, and they have been broken into other people. They have already broken through.

With the spiritual power inside the fire crystal, it is gradually consumed.


After the fire crystal turns into pieces.


Inside Xu Feng’s body, it seems to be the sound of thunder and lightning, and his whole body is elevated.

(End of this chapter)

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