The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3083: Tian Zhenli arrived

Chapter 3083, Tian Zhenli Arrives

"This is the capital you are proud of, really not what?"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Qiu Cheng, his face was sneer.

Among his eyes, all the twinklings are mocking.

He thought of the death of several people in Orange House, who were innocent.

They did not provoke Zhuang Fengyu.

However, because of a bit of intersection with Xu Feng, it was so ruthlessly killed, which is not fair to them.

And this account must be counted on Qiu Cheng's body.

Qiu Cheng felt a strong force impact, his blood was rolling, his face became awkward.

He really did not expect that Xu Feng’s strength became so terrible that he was remorseful.

Why did my father not kill Xu Feng earlier? Must let him come to the flame battlefield experience?

Qiu Cheng’s heart is full of anger. He stares at Xu Feng and says: “Xu Feng, you don’t want to be too early, I just didn’t go all out, but it’s just testing your strength!”

"Now it seems that you are enough for me to deal with you, but your death is coming soon!"

In the words of Qiu Cheng, they are all killing.

The spiritual power of the body is surging.

His speed increased, and the whole person's clothes were all squeaky.

Qiu Cheng stayed up.

Above his hands, the eruption is a horrible momentum, obviously his third-order Holy Spirit.


As the hands of Qiu Cheng suddenly lifted up, they formed a horrible shadow, as if a wolf was hitting.

In an instant, a tear apart, splitting into two, formed a strong wave of impact.

"Xu Feng, do you really think that my strength is really weak?"

When Qiu Cheng showed his fangs, he made a proud scream, and his face was cold.

The sneaky sneaks are unstoppable and indeed terrifying.

However, Xu Feng's face is extremely calm.

He said faintly: "To tell the truth, in my eyes, you are really not very good, that's it!"

"Dry innocent, red lotus hegemony!"

On Xu Feng’s body, the violent momentum broke out, and the third-order Holy Spirit technique was also displayed. His double fists became a fierce red lotus.

Red lotus gathered on top of the fist, bringing with them a horrible momentum, which made the whole void distort.

"Xu Feng's strength is really very powerful. What he showed is obviously the third-order holy spirit!"

Seeing the fists that Xu Feng showed, the condensed red lotus is overbearing, and many people secretly said.

Qiu Cheng’s eyes are dignified in the depths, and the heart said: "Damn, the strength of this guy, and the previous in Shishicheng, it is really too much improvement."



The two strong holy spirits collided together, forming a violent wave of air, which surged in all directions.

Xu Feng's red lotus condensed fists, all brought horrible waves, and the shock of the smashing out.

The opposite sneaky scorpion was instantly crushed into a smash.

After Xu Feng broke through to the peak of the creation of the realm, his strength has increased too much.

Qiu Cheng’s face changed slightly.

He did not hesitate, and his hands continued to be bombarded.


The two figures constantly collide, forming a violent wave of air, constantly surging around.

The whole void is in constant turbulence, and the two are in a crazy confrontation, and it seems that they cannot win or lose.


On the palm of Xu Feng's hand, a horrible imprint was condensed, and the suppression of the smashing out formed a dramatic fluctuation.

The whole void is constantly shaking, bringing the impact of the waves.

"Xu Feng, I really didn't think that your strength has increased to such a level, it really surprised me."

Qiu Cheng’s eyes are all dignified. He can say that he is going all out, but he can’t kill Xu Feng.

On the palm of Xu Feng’s palm, “Polo Polo” condensed and said: “Your nonsense is really a lot.”

The strong air and waves rolled, and the whole void was constantly shaking, forming the momentum that destroyed everything.

The imprint went toward the opposite Qiucheng and was suppressed.

"How can Qiu Cheng have so much nonsense? Is he very jealous of Xu Feng?"

"That is of course, otherwise how could so much nonsense?"

"I think he is really a bunch of nonsense."

Everyone is very clear.

Since the battle between Qiu Cheng and Xu Feng, he has been almost chattering, and his words feel very powerful.

However, he can't kill Xu Feng. In this way, it means that he is talking loudly and cheering for himself.

Liu Kang and others are all wrong. They did not expect that in a short period of time, Xu Feng’s strength has been upgraded to such a level.


The imprint was bombarded, and Xu Feng’s body, the gravity of the nine waves, was displayed as a gravity cage.

His gravity and ambiguity instantly merged into a network, as if it were a cage, and suppressed Qiu Cheng’s death.


Qiu Cheng’s eyes are all condensed. He wants to go backwards, only to find that his body is suppressed by death.

His speed became so slow that he could only bite his teeth toward Xu Feng's mark and tear it out.

As his attack slammed out, his hands squeaked.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, and his face was unwilling, and the whole person was blown out by heavy impact.

When he fell to the ground, Qiu Cheng struggled to get up. His face turned pale. He didn't expect that he was not Xu Feng's opponent, and he was so miserable.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Qiu Cheng.

"Yu Cheng, you Qiujia three times and five times want to put me to death, you are even more abominable, spread my message, want to kill by knife. Zhuang Fengyu killed the people of Orange Heart, they are innocent, today Use your life to pay homage to them."

Xu Feng’s voice is a killing.

He punched with an unstoppable spiritual power and slammed out toward the opposite Qiu Cheng.

"I am fighting with you!"

Qiu Cheng burst into a burst, and the spiritual power of his body emerged wildly.


Qiu Cheng was once again shaken out, and this time his internal organs were severely torn.

Xu Feng stepped forward toward Qiu Cheng, and a figure appeared in front of Qiu Cheng.

It is Tian Zhenli.

Tian Zhenli’s eyes stared at Xu Feng, cold and cold: “Xu Feng, let you be lucky to leave before, I believe that next, you will not be so lucky.”

"It seems that you are really a ghost, do you really think that I am not your opponent?"

Xu Feng stared at Tian Zhenli on the opposite side, cold and cold.

He did not expect that Tian Zhenli appeared three times and five times and wanted to kill him.

"Hey, if you can beat me, I really don't understand, what are you doing three times and five times?"

Tian Zhenli's cold road, the sound is disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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