The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3080: Achieving a peak

Chapter 3080, creating a peak


Zhong Rong really did not expect that the area was rebuilt and dared to be so arrogant. His heart was full of anger.

"Do you really think that I am afraid of you?"

The spiritual power of Zhong Rong’s body flows, and the moment when the whole person moves, the hands are above, and they become two spiritual cyclones.

Strong fluctuations, hitting Xu Fengyu.

Zhong Rong’s sentiment is the essence of the wind.

Immediately, he was extremely fast.

The spiritual cyclone above his hands, with a strong power, he violently came toward the impact of Xu Fengqi.

However, the golden light of Xu Feng's body surging, his body of creation was promoted to the later stage, and powerful power broke out.

In an instant, the fist was filled with golden light, and both fists brushed toward the whirlwind of Zhong Rong’s spiritual power.


Two dull sounds rang, and everyone saw it. Zhong Rong was directly attacked by Xu Feng.


Many people are taking a breath of cold breath and watching Xu Feng with a stunned look. Some of them are speechless.

"This young man is so powerful, who is he?" Someone began to inquire about Xu Feng's identity.

"He is the Xu Feng who provoked Zhuang Fengyu!"

The next person replied.

"What, he is Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “Is it really arrogant? Are you qualified to come and do it with me?”

"In this case, then quickly solve the battle, I will collect the existence of this alchemy furnace."

Xu Feng stepped out toward Zhong Rong, and his speed was very fast. His strong fists contained powerful power.

In an instant, the fist with a golden light, toward the clock, unstoppable, shocked out.

Zhong Rong’s face changed slightly, and he still greeted Xu Feng’s fist, and his head was also emerging.

However, he suddenly discovered that the strength of the young man who is opposite to the realm is terrible.

"How could this be?"

Zhong Rong continued to retreat, and the blood of the whole body was swayed by Xu Feng’s fist.

There is a bright light in his eyes. He can't imagine why Xu Feng is so strong.

The constant eruption of gravity has made the wind of Zhong Rong's winds completely crushed.

"Why? It's also the existence of a first-order esoteric, your gravity, can crush my wind?"

Zhong Rong’s voice is not reconciled.

He didn't know.

Xu Feng’s righteousness is the perfection of great perfection.

His power of ignorance has long surpassed that of ordinary warriors.


A fist hits his chest, his bones are squeaking, and when he breaks, the blood in his mouth spurts out.

Not far from Liu Kang, he whispered a word to a person around him, and the man turned and left.

"Come on to Qiu Cheng to come here, he can kill Xu Feng." Liu Kang thinks that Qiu Cheng only sees Xu Feng, killing Xu Feng, will inevitably help him to conquer this alchemy furnace.


Another blood spouted out, and Zhong Rong was heavily squatting on the ground. His eyes were not reconciled.

"Don't kill me... beg you, don't kill me... I know it's wrong, I don't want to die..."

Zhong Rong stared at Xu Feng, and his eyebrows were frightened.

He couldn't imagine that a young man with a strong background was terrible.

If he knew that Xu Feng was so powerful and gave him a hundred courage, he would not dare to provoke Xu Feng.

"Master Liu, save me..."

Zhong Wei thinks that Liu Kang is the third-order best alchemy teacher. Maybe Xu Feng will give Liu Kang a little face.

I know that Xu Feng’s mouth is rising, saying: “The garbage alchemy teacher like Liu Kang, you also call him a master, it’s really shameful.”

"Do you know that when he was in the city of Stone Rock, he used the poison to be dismantled on the spot, can he be said to be angry and angry?"

Not far from Liu Kang, his heart is the 18th generation of the ancestors who cursed Zhong Rong.

He felt that Zhong Rong was really disgusting.

This is actually to raise the value of hatred.

However, his heart is secretly saying: "Kid, let me make you squat for a moment, when the Qiucheng arrives, I think you dare not be so arrogant?"

Liu Kang thinks that Qiu Cheng is fifteen on the flame list. It is not too difficult to kill Xu Feng.

"You think he will save you, it's ridiculous!"


Punch down.

Zhong Rong was completely exhausted, his eyes were all sinful, watching Liu Kang’s direction.

He obviously came to Liu Kang to accept this alchemy furnace. I didn't expect Liu Kang to finally see death.

After Xu Feng smashed Zhong Rong, he took out the shard of the wind of Zhong Rong and took it out directly into the storage ring.


"If I can get the magical pieces of the wind, how good is it?" Some people's inner monologues.

Xu Feng went to the center of the huge alchemy furnace, and his eyes were full of light.

He reached out and touched the alchemy furnace.

Many people think that Xu Feng will certainly be miserable.

After all, even the third-order elite alchemy teacher like Liu Kang can't surrender the alchemy furnace. Why did Xu Feng surrender?

I know.

Xu Feng's palm, just touched on the alchemy furnace, as if gently touching a child.

"Yes, good... In my hand, you won't be dusty!" The soul power of Xu Feng's body is constantly erupting.

In an instant, he felt the majestic and excited momentum in front of the alchemy furnace.


Many people have big mouths and full of shock.

"How could he possibly accept this alchemy furnace so easily, knowing that many of the top 50 people in the flame list have been helpless?"

“Is this Xu Feng an alchemy teacher?”

Many people have wide eyes.

If Xu Feng is still an alchemy teacher, is this too bad for people?

Liu Kang clenched his fists and his heart was unwilling.


The alchemy furnace violently rotates, the huge alchemy furnace gradually shrinks, and finally becomes the size of the palm, so it is suspended above Xu Feng's palm.

“It turned out to be the fifth-order best alchemy furnace, the burning alchemy furnace!”

Xu Feng felt the temperature of the burning alchemy furnace, and his heart was satisfied.

Mind: "The next step is to reduce the difficulty of refining the fourth-order Holy Spirit."

"Just surrender?"

They don't understand that such a powerful alchemy furnace is simply surrendered, and the heart is envious and hateful.


However, at this moment, in the burning alchemy furnace, filled with pure spiritual power, moving toward Xu Feng's body.

"Ah? In this alchemy furnace, there is still a heritage?" Many people are eager to move.

Xu Feng snorted at the kitten and said: "Kitten, give me protection!"

"Whoever dares to shoot, don't blame me Xu people are welcome!"

Xu Feng sat down on his knees.

The burning alchemy furnace is suspended on the top of Xu Feng's head, and the pure spiritual power is instilled from the top of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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