The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3078: Central hall

Chapter 3078 Central Hall

"I have to look at it. What is this psychedelic formation? My mind is so determined, and you can't confuse my heart with whatever psychedelic method!"

Xu Feng headed for the front, filled with **** red light.

He came to the place where the blood red psychedelic method, his eyes slightly condensed, the environment around him suddenly changed.

Xu Feng's eyes are staring at the constant changes around him, and his eyes are firm inside.

The constant changes around are the experiences of Xu Feng all the way, and all the pictures of the southern continent are constantly emerging.

Those pictures have no effect on Xu Feng.

His mind is as firm as a rock.

In this way, Xu Feng simply sat down on his knees.

In his mind, it seems to be a movie screening, and a period of plots are constantly emerging.

Stick to your heart!


Distant horizon.

A woman in a black dress, she has a stunning beauty, her face is perfect.

However, at her side, following a girl, about ten years old, she is also a country.

"How much, how long have you been a teacher?"

Among the women in the black skirts, the glittering atmosphere is cold, her face, no smile.

The feeling of giving people is very depressed.

Yes, this teenage girl is Xu Duoduo.

That is the daughter of Xu Feng.

However, this black skirt woman is Ling Bingrong.

The former Ling Bingrong wore a white dress, and since returning to the Lingshen continent, Ling Bingrong has always been a black skirt.

Among Xu Duoduo’s eyes, they were all docile. She actually listened to Ling Bingrong’s words and replied: “Master, more than three years...”


Ling Bingrong nodded and said: "You have been following me for more than three years. The talent is powerful. Now your cultivation and strength are very powerful. It is also time to go out and practice and stay with the teacher. It is not much benefit to you. ""

Inside Xu Duoduo’s eyes, there was a love.

"Master, I don't want to leave you."

Xu Duoduo’s voice is a little sad.

Ling Bingrong slowly shook his head and said: "The dark temple needs a new saint, you are gifted, and the teacher hopes that you will become the saint of the dark temple. This decade is a test for several of you!"

Ling Bingrong’s words rang, Xu Duoduo’s face was firm.

"Master, you can rest assured that I have confidence to defeat the other eight players and become a saint!"

Xu Duoduo’s voice is firm.

Ling Bingrong looked at Xu Duoduo’s face. Her heart was sneer: “Xu Feng, destroying my good deeds, I want you to pay a painful price. Your daughter will become the most crazy and horrible saint in the dark temple history. ""

"The eight opponents she will face are selected from billions of people. When she becomes a saint of the Dark Temple one day, I really want to see how your father will treat her. ?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Ling Bingrong’s heart is full of laughter, her eyes are shining and dripping.

"Many, Master is very reassured to you naturally, you remember to teach you everything."

"The victory of the saints in the Dark Temple, the winner has the right to speak, and the loser has only one dead end."

Ling Bingrong’s voice was cold.


Xu Duodu nodded dignifiedly.

"Come out!"

With Ling Bingrong's words sounding, a man wearing a black robe, he quietly appeared in front of Ling Bingrong.


The breath on the man was unfathomable. He was very respectful to Ling Bingrong and shouted.


Ling Bingrong nodded and said: "She is the seedling I have chosen. I will hand it over to you. When the selection of the saint is started, she is the player. Do you understand? I don't want my people to be deficient in the selection of the saint."

"The Lord, we will do our utmost to help the little and the Lord, but the seed strength of the other eight Lords is very strong!"


The words of the black robe were finished, and Xu Duoduo stepped forward, and the slap in the face fell on the face of the black robe.

"What do you mean, I am weak?"

Xu Duoduo’s voice became ruthless.

Ling Bingrong looked at Xu Duoduo's performance and nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't dare!"

The black robe said with a low head.

"Go, hope you don't let me down!"

Ling Bingrong is cold and cold.

"Less master, please!"

The black robe man no longer dared to disrespect Xu Duoduo.

He had seen Xu Duoduo at first sight, and he felt that Xu Duo was more docile and too young.

Unexpectedly, Xu Duo dared to beat him like this.

It also proves that Xu Duoduo's strength is good.

Seeing that Xu Duoduo and the black robe man left, Ling Bingrong’s face was cold.

"You can't do this. She is a good boy. You will hurt her for a lifetime."

Outside Ling Bingrong's body, a white phantom emerges, and her looks are exactly the same as Ling Bingrong.

"Hey, before in the southern continent, because of your kindness, my plan failed. Finally, the treasure I wanted to find was even missing. Now, if you lose control of your body, you will give me honestly. Let's go!"

Ling Bingrong of the black dress is a strong momentum.

The white skirt Ling Bingrong issued an angry roar.


It still disappeared.



Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled, and he looked at the illusion of change around him, and all the illusions did not affect him.

"Since the illusion seems so real, let's end it!" Xu Feng was too lazy to continue wasting time.

His mind seems to have experienced tempering again.

The Xu Feng, who has been tempered, has become more tenacious.

He walked outside the illusion.

His speed is very fast.


After Xu Feng came out of the psychedelic array, not far from the place, a burst of noisy voice came.

His eyes are all condensed, and the kittens on his shoulders seem to have never been lost in the illusion from beginning to end.

"Brother, what happened to you, why do I call you, you don't agree?" said the kitten strangely.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "There was a magical array, I was in a magical array."


The kitten's eyes flashed.

He obviously didn't fall into the illusion.

"The front seems to be very lively. What is the front?"

Xu Feng and the kitten walked toward the front.

It was a large hall that looked a bit wide, filled with ancient momentum, and gathered a lot of warriors.

These people's body, strong and weak, are standing in the central hall like this, and they don't know what they are doing.

However, Xu Feng went to the central hall and did not attract too many people's attention.

He was quietly mixed in the crowd.

His eyes were moving toward the surroundings, sweeping through.

Finally, his eyes stayed in front of the central hall, and his face glowed with surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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