The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3065: Rebirth Warrior

Chapter 3065 Re-encourage the Martial Warrior

"This is Zhao Qingming's third-order sacred spirit, Qing Yao shuijian sword, the power is really terrible!"

"I think Xu Feng is afraid of death. Zhao Qingming has displayed such a holy spirit. How can he fight Zhao Qingming?"

"Hey, Zhao Qingming's strength is there, Xu Feng can't be his opponent. It's really a dead end."

"If I were Xu Feng, I still have to flee, and I will be entangled with Zhao Qingming."

Many people looked at the swordsmanship that Zhao Qingming showed, and they were all stunned and felt that Xu Feng would die.

They all replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Accompanied by his rainy and rainy meaning, the Qingyao water-tight sword seems to be a myriad of raindrops.

All the swords and mansions formed a dense network, covering Xu Feng, forming a devastating momentum.


Everyone is clenching their fists and waiting for Xu Feng's next attack.

However, Xu Feng's face is extremely calm.

He looked at the swordsmanship that Zhao Qingming had attacked and screamed.

The golden light of the whole person is pervasive.

His body of creation is also very powerful.

Today's Xu Feng, his body of creation has risen to the peak of the mid-term peak.

It brings a strong sense of power.

"Dry Tianzheng: Red Lotus Pai!"

Xu Feng’s third-order supernatural spirit is displayed, and the seventy spirits on his head are fully emerged.

Zhao Qingming has big eyes and his face is an incredible look.

The creation of the environment is one of the most important, condensing out seventy threads.

How can this be!

However, Zhao Qingming did not know that Xu Feng’s spirit is seventy-four, but not seventy.


The red lotus became a fist, and it brought all the momentum to destroy everything. His eyes sparkled.

"It's not just that you practice a third-order Holy Spirit, the power of your third-order Holy Spirit, but that's it!"


The fist was unstoppable and the long sword was hit by Zhao Qingming’s hand.

His whole person was even more fisted, mad in his chest, and his bones were constantly shattered.

Zhao Qingming's chest was sunk, and blood spurted out of his mouth. His face was unwilling.

A bang, heavy squatting on the ground.


Zhao Qingming spurted out a blood, the momentum of his body flowed, and the whole person madly fled toward the distance.

Zhao Qingming’s heart is very clear. He is not Xu Feng’s opponent. The punch that he just made is seriously hurting him.

He will continue to stay, it must be a dead end.

Only escape is the best choice.

"Zhao Qingming has escaped!"

Many people have opened their mouths and thought it was incredible.

Zhao Qingming is the strongest of the 48th Flame List. He is not an opponent of Xu Feng and has to choose to escape.

Zhao Yuan looked at the back of Zhao Qingming's escape. He also wanted to catch up, but Xu Feng blocked the way to escape.

"Before you fled and left, I thought that you might be able to get a chance. I didn't expect you to take the door to death, then I am welcome!"

Xu Feng’s face is killing.

The gravity of the body is pervasive, making the speed of Zhao Yuan slow down.

Zhao Yuan’s heart is full of anger.

Where did he want to get, Zhao Qingming was not Xu Feng’s opponent.

"Xu Feng, I know it is wrong, beg you not to kill me!"

Zhao Yuan’s voice is pleading.

Xu Feng heard the words, indifferent.

"I had no enmity with you before, you want to kill me. Now you think, will I let you go?"

"It is clear that in the cultivation field, your spiritual power is flowing toward me. It is your own waste. You want to anger you."

Speaking of this, Xu Feng said: "At that time, if the people who came out of the cultivation field were stronger than you, you must not dare to provoke."

"You think that Xu Feng is a soft persimmon, you can take it at will. If so, I will tell you that death is your choice."

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, and the golden fist was bombarded like a storm.

Zhao Yuan’s face was unwilling, and he died under Xu Feng’s fist.

He fell to the ground, and there was remorse and resentment between his looks.

Xu Feng put Zhao Yuan's storage ring away.

He looked at other people.

Those people dare not look at Xu Feng’s eyes.

However, Xu Feng did not continue to enter the cultivation field, so he went to other places not far away.

This huge hall is very wide, and there is nothing inside, no one knows.

Xu Feng's pace is very fast.


Xu Feng walked in a giant palace extending in all directions, even he did not know where he was.

Walking and walking, there was a loud noise coming from the passage not far away, and the spiritual power of his body flowed.

In the place where the sound came, it quietly lurked in the past.


"Ha ha ha... I don't think that the blood of several of you is so rich, destined to be my tonic!"

A gray-haired old man, his body is terrifying, and his body is full of dark magic.

However, several people on the opposite side are ordinary warriors, and the highest level of cultivation is the sixfold.

Several people's faces are iron blue.


The only thought of several people is to flee.


The demonized old man, his eyes flashed with darkness, and the speed was extremely fast. On the back of a man, his claws turned dark and the dark glow was revealed.

Seeing the claws in an instant, it is necessary to attack the back of that person, and that person will die.


He was so miserable that it was too scary.


No one thought of it, a figure came out, the golden light surging, the fist and the dark claws, the collision of the cockroach.

The demonized old man stepped back and forth, his body hitting the wall behind him.


The man’s eyes were all terrified.

He looked at Xu Feng around him, and his face was grateful. "Thank you for the help of the little brother..."


The demonized old man, his dark eyes, is even more radiant. He stares at Xu Feng, and his greed is faint.

"The horrible blood, I can't think of the genius that the old man can meet you. If I can refine your qi and blood, I can break through to the seven realities of the creation." The demon old man stared at Xu Feng, like The wolf looks at the sheep.

"That's afraid you are destined to be disappointed!"

Xu Feng said slowly.


The demonized old man slowly said: "You have to rebuild your cultivation, and I am not prepared to let you succeed."

"Next, I will let you know that you will die very badly and become my stepping stone."

The voice of the demonized old man is mad, the darkness of the whole person emerges, and the attack of both hands is more fierce.

Sharp claws, like a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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