The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3061: Xu Feng, whose strength has skyrocketed

Chapter 3061, Xu Feng, whose strength has skyrocketed

Xu Feng is not very interested in the situation outside, nor does he know.

The kitten is still absorbing the spiritual power.

If anyone sees this scene.

I will be shocked and unable to speak.

Xu Feng is very abnormal, and the kitten is also very scary.

At the moment, the kitten's body is also wrapped in spiritual power, as if it is wrapped in a cocoon.

To a large extent, the horror of Xu Feng’s cultivation field attracts the effect of heaven and earth, which is caused by him and the kitten.

Xu Feng sat cross-legged, his heart was very calm, and his cultivation was a breakthrough when he made a breakthrough.

The veins of his head emerged in a dense manner. Before that, he was sixty-eight.

He later condensed two threads, and then repaired it to a complete breakthrough.

After breaking through to the realm of creation, his number of spiritual veins increased sharply, adding four threads.

Seventy-four spirits!

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, all the flashes were surprises. He did not expect that his own thread would increase by four.

He has reached 74 spirits, and his heart is full of excitement. He can feel that his cultivation has been greatly improved.

Xu Feng stood up and he did not stop practicing, but began to understand the cultivation of the creation.

At the same time, the seventy-four veins in his body emerged and converge on his head.

“Is this the strength of the creation?”

Xu Feng took a deep breath and he could feel the power of his body.

Now, he can't wait to fight, and he wants to fight one person and test and test his own improvement. How big is it.

The repair was completed.

His gaze fell on the kitten, and he found that the kitten's breath improved a lot, and there was still a steady stream of spiritual power to gather towards the kitten.

Time passes by one minute.

Outside the cultivation field, the fun was resumed again.

Just because Xu Feng’s practice ground, the horrible situation that attracted the heavens and the earth’s spiritual power disappeared.

As for Zhao Yuan, he still stayed outside Xu Feng's cultivation field. Everyone can see that Zhao Yuan is not waiting for Xu Feng to come out and swear by the rhythm.

"Zhao Yuan really wants to wait until Xu Feng comes out of the cultivation field. Does he want to kill Xu Feng?"

"I don't know where Xu Feng is recruiting Zhao Yuan. Does Zhao Yuan want to kill Xu Feng and go to Zhuang Fengyu to receive the award?"

"One thousand Chinese spirits, and Zhuang Fengyu's human feelings, to tell the truth, even if I am very heart-warming!"

"Unfortunately, if your strength is to kill Xu Feng, it will be equal to giving the head no reason."

Some people are talking about it.

Some people are also very jealous of killing Xu Feng's reward, the people next to him, but unrelentingly poured cold water.


The spiritual power of the kitten gradually disappeared. He opened his eyes, his eyes were blinking, and the shimmering lights were all shimmering.


The kitten jumped onto Xu Feng's shoulder, and the voice seemed very excited. His strength improved a lot.

"Do you still have to cultivate? If you don't cultivate, we will leave here!" Xu Feng said to the kitten.

"Brother, I am almost practicing!"

The crisp sound of the kitten sounded.

Xu Feng took the kitten and walked outside the cultivation ground.

"Look at you, Xu Feng came out of the cultivation field!"

"Hey, it seems that Xu Feng’s luck is not so good. If he comes out now, it will give Zhao Yuan a death!"

"I think Xu Feng will wait for a while, maybe Zhao Yuan will leave here, he can live!"

"Unfortunately, he still chose to come out of the cultivation field. It is really regrettable."

Xu Feng walked out of the cultivation field, and many people looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with compassion and worry.

However, Xu Feng’s gaze fell on the opposite Zhao Yuan, and he had seen Zhao Yuan’s hegemony before.

He frowned slightly. He didn't understand. He didn't seem to have provoked Zhao Yuan. Did he come to kill himself and give Zhuang Fengyu a reward?

"Kid, if you tell me honestly, what you did in the practice field, I might be able to spare you!"

Zhao Yuan’s words sounded, and Xu Feng was like watching an idiot.

In the cultivation field, are not all cultivation, improvement and repair?

"The cultivation field is naturally the place to cultivate. You don't even know this, you still want to kill me!"

Xu Feng said.

He did not know that he was promoted to the realm of cultivation and brought in the vision of heaven and earth before he provoked Zhao Yuan.

"are you an idiot?"

Xu Feng's face is blank.

Zhao Yuanzhang’s words: "Kid, do you want to lie to me?"

"You have caused a vision of heaven and earth before, if it is not a precious treasure in the cultivation field, how can it bring a vision of heaven and earth!"

"If you want to live, I advise you to be honest. Otherwise, you don't know how you die."

The tone of Zhao Yuan’s tone is still overbearing.

However, this time he faced Xu Feng.

"The vision of heaven and earth?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are wide, and he’s just a breakthrough in the creation of a realm, which causes a vision of heaven and earth.

"If I say that the vision of heaven and earth is caused by my cultivation, would you believe me?" Xu Feng looked at Zhao Yuan and asked.

Zhao Yuan did not think about it and said: "I don't believe it! I only believe in my own strength."

"In this case, what are you doing with such nonsense?" Xu Feng disdained.

"You want to die as soon as possible, I will fulfill you!"

The spiritual power of Zhao Yuan’s body converges toward the palm of his hand, forming violent waves and fierceness.

In an instant, his speed is raised to the extreme, and the sound of the palm of his hand is really unstoppable.

Seeing Zhao’s unstoppable palms hit, Xu Feng did not hesitate, and the golden fists condensed.

A punch in the palm of Zhao Yuan, greet him, his body of creation, the power of the outbreak is terrible.


The fist-hand collision, the shock wave formed by the two attacks, surged in all directions.

Many people think that.

Xu Feng could not be the opponent of Zhao Yuan.

I know, just a touch of contact, Zhao Yuan actually went out to go more than ten meters.

In other words, fighting with Xu Feng.

Zhao Yuan completely took the lead and did not take any advantage.

"God, I am not mistaken, Zhao Yuan was actually quit by Xu Fengzhen, he can be stupid to force the list of the strongest of the seventy-four!"

"I don't think that Zhao Yuan is not an opponent of Xu Feng. That is to say, his ranking in the flame list will inevitably lead to a big improvement."

Zhao Yuan felt the power from his arm, and his eyes were indignant.

"Kid, I am just a little you, I want to see, how do you stop my next Holy Spirit!"

The spiritual power of Zhao Yuan’s body, a complete outbreak, the eyes of the whole person, all of which are full of horror.

The moment he stepped out, his hands became more fierce and went out toward Xu Feng’s chest.

(End of this chapter)

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