The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3059: Defective imaginary peak

Chapter 3059, the virtual top ten peaks

"Where do you waste, who gives you the courage to let me go?"

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over the man who fell to the ground opposite.

He is even lazy to look at each other a bit.

Turn around and walk towards the training ground behind him.

"The strength of this guy is really strong, and only the people on the flame list can sanction him!"

Someone stared at Xu Feng's back, and the look between them was killing. They felt that Xu Feng should not get a training ground.

"I am afraid that only the talents of the Flame List are his opponents. Unfortunately, everyone on the Flame List can get a training ground. Who is willing to provoke him?"

Some people stared at Xu Feng and looked at the other cultivation sites around them. They also all had flames in the list to practice.

"You want to get a training ground, you asked me to find out!" A violent voice came.

I saw a man, the momentum on his body, as if the flame was burning, filled with hot flames.

"Seeking the middle, the members of the flames list, his strength is very strong, but it is the existence of the fire."

"If he has his shot, Xu Feng wants to take the training ground, I am afraid it is not such a simple thing!"

Seeing to find out, blocking Xu Feng to go to the cultivation site.

Many people have talked about it.

They feel that the strength of seeking a middle is very strong.

Xu Feng wants to defeat Zhongxun, it is not a simple matter.


There is no hesitation in the search for the Zhong, and the flame on the hands is burning, forming a flame blade.

The burning of the flames screamed toward Xu Feng's body and fiercely. His speed was extremely fast.

Feeling the attack of Zhong Zhong, Xu Feng's face is extremely calm. "You still have no qualifications, and stop me from entering the cultivation field!"

"You and the people before, there is not much difference, the difference is me, I don't want to kill you!"

Xu Feng’s words are really arrogant.

Such arrogant words made many people feel that Xu Feng was overpowered.

"This kid is really crazy. Does he really think that he is a member of the Flame List?"

Unfortunately, they don't know, Xu Feng is indeed a member of the Flame List, and is still ranked 88.

After he killed the phlegm before, it meant that Xu Feng dominated the ranking of the Flames.

There are rumors that still feel.

Xu Feng's ranking should be more advanced. He can kill the eighty-eighths of the shackles and prove his strength. He is stronger than the people after the eighty-fifths of the flame list.

"court death!"

Looking for an angry scream, the flame above the palm becomes more fierce, like the same tiger plunging down the mountain.

"I am afraid you are dead!"

The flame on Xu Feng also broke out. Above his fist, the flame burned and became more horrible.

No one expected that the flame above Xu Feng’s fist was not worse than the flame that broke out.

Even stronger!


The attack of the two flames collided, and the pupils of the two eyes were all contracted. He felt the arm burn.

The whole person's blood is burning, and his eyes are all stunned, saying: "Damn, what is this flame?"

"Heaven and earth fire?"

"How can you possibly have a world of fire?"

In the voice of Zhong Zhong, all that is revealed is incredible.

“Is this called fire self-immolation?”

Xu Feng's mouth is raised, the flames of the flames will find a complete package, and the screams will come out, making many people feel creepy.

"What is going on, isn't it the righteousness of fire? Is he actually burned by the flames?"

"Is this guy tired of living? He actually set himself on fire, which is incredible?"

"He is not going to kill Xu Feng? Now this is a trouble, I am really a bit forced!"

Seeing that the situation is being burned by the flames, many people are unclear, so they are too far away.

I don't know the battle change of the electric stone fire, but I feel that the flame on the body is very strong.

At the same time, the screams of Zhong Zhong’s screams make people feel chilling.

Zhong Zhong disappeared in the miserable snoring.


The scene became silent, and countless people looked at Xu Feng with awe.

They can't imagine why a member of the quasi-flame list is so vulnerable in front of Xu Feng.

In fact, if he does not compare with Xu Feng, he can still insist on a few moves.

It is a pity that in the body of Xu Feng, there are four kinds of heaven and earth.

In other words, Zhong Zhong felt that his own fire threshold was very powerful, but did not expect.

He encountered a more perverted pair of flames, which meant his tragedy.

Even those who truly understand the true meaning of fire, playing with the flames in front of Xu Feng, do not have any advantage at all.

"Who else wants to stop me from entering the cultivation field, even though I am coming back, I will accompany you!"

Xu Feng’s voice is complete.

No one dared to stand up.

Xu Feng turned and walked toward the cultivation ground.

After he entered the training ground, many people on the scene were deeply relieved.


Xu Feng entered the cultivation field, and his face was full of surprises. "It is incredible to have a strong spiritual power!"

Xu Feng is very clear that this training ground is probably a long time accumulated, and all the accumulated spiritual power is integrated into these training grounds.

His eyes are slightly condensed, and his heart said: "It seems that the opening of this giant palace will inevitably result in many military martial artists who have made their achievements in the six peaks.

Xu Feng is very clear that the members of the flame list, if they are cultivated in such a cultivation field.

At least 80% of the grasp will break through to the sevenfold.

"No matter how much, try my cultivation first, and be able to break through the creation!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are firm in the depths.

He is very clear that if he is promoted to the realm of creation.

Then, his strength will be greatly improved.

Even if it is facing Zhuang Fengyu, it has the power of a battle, not as passive as the last time.

Of course, Xu Feng will not think that Zhuang Fengyu will enter the giant palace and will stay in place.

Therefore, Xu Feng has to upgrade his own strength, and he will not be able to make a knife for me.

Sitting cross-legged and running, "running anger and anger", the world's heaven and earth singularly fired, and the dynasty began to rotate.

Xu Feng's body is like a huge melting pot, so that the spiritual power around the cultivation field is concentrated towards his body.

The sixty-eight spirits in his body began to absorb the spiritual power from the creation of Ding.

Sixty-eight spiritual veins run through Xu Feng's body, causing spiritual power to flow toward every meridian of his body, as well as flesh and blood.

The breath of Xu Feng’s body began to rise!

“The illusion of the top ten!”

It is worthy of the accumulation of spiritual power for a long time, gathered in the heaven and earth cultivation field.

It was only the time of cultivation, and Xu Feng’s cultivation was rushed to the top of the virtual world.

(End of this chapter)

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