Chapter 3057, the sorrow of sorrow

It’s a rumor, not angry and laughing.

"Ha ha ha..."

The smashing voice made a big laugh, his eyes became distorted, and the look was a violent killing.

His eyes stared at Xu Feng like a sharp blade, and he said one word: "Xu Feng, if I don't slowly torture you to death, I am not a sputum!"

"Your biggest card, isn't it the last time you attacked Zhuang Fengyu's flame lotus? Unfortunately, no one is holding you down now, how do you prepare a flame lotus?"

In the tone of phlegm, all that is revealed is proud.

The reason why he dared to provoke Xu Feng.

Naturally, it is known that Xu Feng’s preparation for “burning the Buddha” takes time.

There was no one on the scene to help Xu Feng contain him.

However, Xu Feng dismissed the message: "To deal with you, you also need to display the words of burning Buddha, it is really a shame!"

"The waste you have is really not very qualified, let me show the burning of the Buddha!"

Xu Feng's tone is very confident, and his current body of cultivation has also cultivated to the peak of the mid-term peak.

The moment when the golden light of the body broke out, the power of the whole person made the people around him a little surprised.

"Xu Feng's body is so powerful, how do I feel that his body looks very unusual?"

Someone stared at Xu Feng's body and made a scream.

The person next to him suddenly said amazed words: "I know, why is Xu Feng's body so strong?"

Hearing his exclamation, many people looked at him.

After all, they want to know.

Why did Xu Feng have such a strong body?

"I don't think Xu Feng turned out to be a martial artist. He must also practice the method of refining the body. His body should be the realm of the body of creation!"

"Ah? The body of creation?"

Some people have obviously heard of these four words, and each one is full of surprise and shock.

"What kind of monster is Xu Feng in the end? He is a young man and actually refining his body. It is incredible!"


The phlegm is very familiar with the breath of Xu Feng. He saw Xu Feng and Zhuang Fengyu personally fighting before.

He doesn't think that Xu Feng can beat himself with his strong body. They are all sneer: "Xu Feng, don't you think that with your body, can you beat me?"

Hua Yan feels that Xu Feng is really whimsical. He is not an ordinary martial artist who has created a six-fold situation.

His cultivation is the six peaks of the creation of the country, and the number of souls that have been condensed has reached sixty.

As the sixty spirits above his head emerged, they formed a circle of spiritual waves that surged toward the surroundings.

His eyes sparkled with disdain, saying: "Xu Feng, I really don't understand, what do you fight with me?"

"Golden hurricane!"

The spiritual power of the phlegm has suddenly surged, forming a burst of whistling winds, and his hurricane is also integrated into the second-order best of the Holy Spirit.

Make the power of his Holy Spirit become even more terrifying.

At the same time as the hurricane swept through, it seemed that the void could be torn apart.

All formed are strong fluctuations.

A burst of turbulence accompanied by a hurricane, so began to sweep, heading toward Xu Feng.

It seems that the hurricane will devour Xu Feng, and then he will give up.

The face of the phlegm is triumphant.

"Xu Feng, if you kneel down and admit your mistake, I will give you a good time!"

The sound of phlegm, with disdain.


I know, Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, when he spit out two words in his mouth.

The spiritual flow of the body and the golden light converge, forming a strong wave of turbulence.

"Burn the wind!"

The gravity of Xu Feng’s body has also erupted, and the spirit of the head is densely displayed.

"I didn't read it wrong, Xu Feng's spirit is actually sixty!"

"No, it’s sixty-eight!"

No one had thought that the spirit of Xu Feng’s head had not completely disappeared, and what emerged was the dense veins.

The horrific shock of the road broke out, and Xu Feng’s burning winds and punches contained hot winds.

A fist hit out, as if a volcanic eruption, the formation of magma, unstoppable rushing out.


Two violent attacks, together with the collision of the scorpion, the waves of the wind swept in all directions.

At the same time, the two figures retired, and Xu Feng’s blood was calm, but he was incomparably arrogant.

Many people are stunned, and completely did not expect that Xu Feng can also explode such a powerful strength.

The face of the phlegm became gloomy, and he did not expect it to be seen in a short time.

Xu Feng’s strength seems to have improved.

"I really don't understand, where are you confident?"

Xu Feng’s words seem to be sharp swords, piercing the heart of the shackles.

He was so arrogant in front of so many people.

Today, I found that I faced Xu Feng and I didn’t take much advantage.

"I will make you die very badly. I just tried to test you just now!"

The spiritual power of the phlegm is stirring.

The momentum of the whole person became even more fierce, and immediately after that, the clothes around his body made a loud voice.

"Silver frost fried thunder!"

The use of phlegm and blood is a third-order holy spirit, and the violent outburst is completely erupted, causing many people to be surprised.

"This is the strongest of the flame list, the strength!"

"It is really the power of the eighty-eighth of the flame list. It is really amazing."

"I feel that if I face the trick of phlegm, I will die!"

"The power of this holy spirit is terrible."


Many people feel the momentum of the phlegm, and they are constantly talking about it. They are also surprised.

The face of the phlegm is proud. He stares at Xu Feng and says: "Xu Feng, no one is delaying you. You have to deal with Zhuang Fengyu's spiritual skills before, and you can't display it. Why do you fight with me?"

The words of phlegm are very proud.

However, Xu Feng’s mouth was raised.

His face is disdainful and said: "Who told you, I have not cultivated the third-order Holy Spirit?"

"Dry Tianzheng: Red Lotus Pai!"

Xu Feng’s dry and true fists are still the third-order best of the Holy Spirit, but he only cultivated the first style.

Otherwise, the power of his fists will be thoroughly crushed.

However, even with the first move.

If you want to defeat the phlegm, it is not a problem.

In particular, Xu Feng’s Holy Spirit is more powerful than the scorpion, and the spirit is more powerful than the sputum.

His gravity and mystery are even more ambiguous in the field of great perfection.

However, the cultivation of phlegm can not bring the advantages of cultivating phlegm, but it is in a disadvantage.

Xu Feng’s “Red Lotus Pacery” is displayed with the momentum of destroying everything, and gravity is integrated into the fist.


Countless people, their faces have changed!

The phlegm is going to be defeated!

(End of this chapter)

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