The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3049: It's your turn!

Chapter 3049, it's up to you!

The Kim Mudao smiled. He looked at the other five people and said: "Everyone hastened to introduce themselves, and we will leave here!"

"Lianchang East."

The man standing on the left hand side of Xu Feng, he introduced himself, his hair is very long and his skin is very white.

Later, other people also began to introduce, and finally it was Xu Feng to introduce himself.

Xu Feng, through the introduction of four people, he can see that Tang Jie and Lai Ming are dissatisfied with themselves, and can also be said to be killing.

The other two, Lianchang East and the remaining woman Yi Lanchu, these two people are not cold to themselves.

As for the Kim Mudao people, this person has a smile on his face and can't see his emotional changes.

However, Xu Feng does not believe that Jinmudao is a fuel-efficient lamp. He has invited several people to take the initiative.

"let's go!"

The Jinmudao people whispered softly, and the six men walked toward the passage that had just arrived, the one on the left hand side.

There are a lot of people in the crowd, and there are not too many people paying attention to the Jinmudao people and their six people.

However, a man, his eyes are small, as if it is a slit, the skin looks dark.

The breath of the body is not weak, but it is the six peaks of the creation of the environment. He followed the footsteps of six people, including the Kim Tao Tao.


Xu Feng turned his head without a trace, and glanced a little, and he walked around Yi Lanchu.

He did not have any indication that he found someone tracking them, but did not say it in advance.

Xu Feng does not want to tell Jin Mudao and others that his ability to perceive is very strong, and this is one of the cards.

The less Xu Feng shows, the weaker a few people will be on his guard.

Not long after, the Jin Mudao people walked in front of him, his old eyes slightly stunned, and his mouth raised a killing.

Other Tang Jie and others have also looked at each other, and they also found people behind them.

The Jin Mudao people looked at Tang Jie and others and made a look.

In an instant.

Their speed is improving.

The man behind him, suddenly rushed out.

However, at the moment of rushing out, Lianchang Dong and Yi Lanchu evaded on both sides and suddenly cut off the men’s way.

Jin Mudao and Tang Jie and others have turned back.

The little-eyed man’s face was a little awkward. He smiled and said, “Hey, everyone, it’s a coincidence!”

In the eyes of Jin Mudao, there is a killing in the eyes: "Hey, dare to follow us, you are looking for death!"

"If you have something to say, everyone... I can work with you..." The man said quickly.

"Hey, since the old man didn't invite you, you shouldn't follow, kill!"

The faces of the Kim Tao people are cold and killing.

As he rushed out of the moment.

The momentum of the six-fold late stage of the creation of the body broke out.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart said: “This is the true face of the Jin Mudao people. It’s a heart-wrenching, decisive and decisive!”

It is reasonable to say that the Kim Tao people can also accept the request of this person and let him join the team.

Unfortunately, the Kim Tao people did not do this.

Xu Feng has no intention to do it.

How could the man be an opponent of five people, including the Kim Taoist.

Not much time.

When the screams came, the man fell to the ground, and in Tang Jie’s hand, the sword went toward the man’s chest and a sword passed.

His swordsmanship is extremely horrible, his face is arrogant, and he said: "Where you waste, dare to follow us!"

"Just, like joining us!"

The last sentence of Tang Jie, when he spoke, was obviously watching Xu Feng.

Everyone can see it.

Tang Jie refers to the mulberry, said Xu Feng garbage.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder, and some of them were eager to move. As long as Xu Feng gave a command, he would tear Tang Jie's mouth.

However, Xu Feng shook his head at the kitten.

"Don't delay time here, let's go quickly, so as not to be discovered by more people!"

Jinmudao people urged.

Tang Jie took down the storage ring of the smuggled person. He did not have to give it to everyone, and he swallowed it privately.

His face is arrogant.

Jinmudao people also flashed a hint of killing in the depths of their eyes.


Jin Mudao people think that Tang Jie is a bit arrogant.

"This side!"

The Kim Mudo people walked in front of the passageway, and he continued to take the road around the crowd.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten on his shoulder. He asked the kitten to remember the road he had just walked and wrote it down in detail.

Taking the cat's ability to write down these routes is a breeze.

He nodded to Xu Feng and his face was proud.

"Brother... This old thing is good or bad. He took you at least two-thirds of the journey!"

The kitten said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words and nodded.

He just discovered the clue.

He believes that several other people have also discovered it, but everyone has not said it.


The Kim Mu Dao lived in the footsteps. He looked at the five people behind him and said: "It is here, you see the traces here!"

The words of the Jinmudao people rang, and he pointed to the wall, as if it were really a door.

"You, I used to push this door all the time, but I can't push it. You have to help me!"

Xu Feng heard the words, said: "The original Jin Mudao people can not open the door by themselves, but also said that he is so kind!"

Immediately, the mighty momentum of the Jin Mudao people broke out, and his old palm, facing the wall, suddenly slammed out.

The entire wall is not moving.

"You, help me soon!"

The Kim Mudao people snorted at the people behind them.

Then, Tang Jie and others all joined.

The crack on the wall was a little torn.

Tang Jie’s eyes are cold and stern, saying: “Boy, what are you standing on, what are you doing?”

"Don't worry, I don't mean it, I don't think you are really a waste, the strength is really small!"

Xu Feng can see that the door inlaid on this wall must be a powerful force to be able to push open.

Although the cultivation of several people is tough, the power is too small.

With Xu Feng, the golden light broke out.

Jin Mudao and others, both eyes are a condensation.

They can feel that the power of Xu Feng’s body is terrible.

The Kim Mudao people are all happy inside, and they said: "I just fancy the power of this kid's outburst, and he is invited to come. It may really come in handy!"


With the outbreak of the peak power of Xu Feng's body in the middle of his body, his palms were suddenly bombarded.


At the moment when Xu Feng’s palm was added, the door inlaid on the wall made a squeaking sound.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed.

Xu Feng’s face is relaxed. He looks at Tang Jie and says: “It looks like you are the oil bottle of everyone. Are you growing up with milk?”

"Oh, don't be embarrassed, if you have a glimpse, my ability will suddenly become smaller. At that time, this door may bounce back!"

Xu Feng’s face is mocking.

Tang Jie's face is gloomy, he wants to swear Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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