The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3047: Take the initiative to find death

Chapter 3047 takes the initiative to find death


Over time.

The giant palace slammed into a rumble, as if it were shaking in the heavens and the earth, and it was a shock wave of terror.

Xu Feng has quit after successively, and the shock wave that the giant palace rushed out made the blood of the people roll.

Even Xu Feng, some can not bear.

The wave of waves continues to have a wave of impact.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

They are very clear.

With the end of the impact of the waves, it is highly probable that giant palaces will enter.

The imposing atmosphere of the giant palace has made everyone wait for impatient.

They all want to hurry into it.

The gas wave lasts about half an hour.

As if it were a giant palace, it completely released its vicissitudes of life and presented everything to everyone.


As the barriers of the giant palace disappeared, the moment of the violent screaming, the whole giant palace was surrounded by the silence, and it became completely noisy, and the snoring sounded.

"I must break through the sevenfold creations!"


Many people are mad at the giant palace, rushing in desperately.

Xu Feng took the kitten and walked behind the crowd.

He did not rush into the palace.

The size of the palace is too big, and the entrance to the palace is everywhere. No one knows where to meet a good chance.

Xu Feng didn't think too much. He just found an entrance and followed everyone.

There are quite a few people who enter this entrance.

Some people feel that Xu Feng’s cultivation is only a sinister peak, and he has not paid much attention to Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng and the kitten are also happy, one person and one cat follow everyone, walking toward the front.

Not much time.

After the passage, the crowd appeared in a somewhat flat place.


Just as Xu Feng walked toward the front, not far from the side, a cold palm print, shot towards his chest.

The palm prints contain strong momentum, accompanied by horrific attacks, which form a sharp impact.

Xu Feng did not expect that he did not provoke the other party, and some people even wanted to find their own troubles.

Feeling that the other side is the cultivation of the five peaks of the creation of the realm, his mouth is raised, and the look is cold.

"you wanna die!"


Immediately, a punch burst out and the golden light struck out.

The fist contains powerful power.

As the fist and the palm of the hand collide, the air waves surged around and ignited a burst of dust.

However, the opposite man's eyes are shrinking, and he did not expect that Xu Feng's strength is so strong.

"Kid, are you looking for death?"

However, it is at this time.

A man who made a five-pointed peak in the environment, he also screamed at Xu Feng, his eyes were killing.

Xu Feng heard the words and said: "What do you mean, I don't seem to know you?"

"Kid, when you just fought, the air waves that hit me hit me, you need to give me a loss."

"I don't want too much, give your storage ring, I can check it out, I won't kill you."

The back of the man’s eyes are all mocking. He thinks that Xu Feng is only a virtual shackle and he has come to the giant palace. Isn’t this a self-seeking death?

Xu Feng heard the other party's words, but still did not understand.


These people are just a group of people, and they want to extort Xu Feng.

"The reason for your reason is too far-fetched. You directly say that you are trying to blackmail me. Isn't it better?"

Xu Feng looked around and said: "Are you two other than you, are you standing out?"

"I don't want to have too many treasures on my body. You are afraid that the distribution is uneven, and it is not good to fight!"

Xu Feng’s words made several people’s faces change slightly. “You don’t want to provoke distraction.”

"The relationship between several of us is very good. Everyone has been born and died for so many years. What treasures can you have in your body, let us turn against each other?"

Xu Feng took out a few medicinal bottles inside his hand.

"These are all third-class medicinal herbs. Are you not tempted? Or do you hurry!"

With the moment when Xu Feng took out the medicinal herbs, some people around him were wrong. He said: "This kid is a girl. Do you not know that the money is not revealed? This is not to let a few people not kill him. ?"

"Kid, let's die!"

With the moment when Xu Feng took out the medicinal bottle, several people changed their faces and rushed out to kill Xu Feng.

Looking at the two people who joined again, Xu Feng said coldly: "I will take the initiative to find death, and I admire you!"

Xu Feng’s words made many people feel incredible.

"This kid has a big tone. Can he really kill the five peaks of the creation?"

"How is this possible? He is nothing but a sinister slogan. How to kill opponents across so many levels."

"It may be that the uninformed person is not afraid, deliberately exaggerating, and wanting the opponent to be afraid."


No one thinks that Xu Feng can kill four people.


However, the golden light of Xu Feng’s body erupted, and the powerful force on his body seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth.

At the moment of the powerful force, the fist was bombarded on one of the palms of one of the people, causing the man to suddenly retreat.


Blood spouted from his mouth.

Other people have changed their faces.

"You are also qualified, want to blackmail me?"

Xu Feng’s words are arrogant, the moment when the footsteps move, the golden fist is like a storm.


The spiritual power of his body erupted constantly, a man who made the five peaks in the world, and he was punched on his head.

Just fall to the ground like this, when you die, your heart is unwilling and remorseful.


The strong momentum of Xu Feng’s body continued to erupt, and it was also a storm against a man who made a five-point peak.

His fist is really terrible, and it is a person falling down.

The remaining two people glanced at each other, and their eyes were full of fear.

They are the two people who joined later.

"This little brother, everyone can kill it? Let them take advantage of the fishermen!" Someone said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I can kill you easily, how can I let them take advantage of the fishermen?"

Said, Xu Feng is on the sidelines.

The golden fists are all the horror of the horror.

A punch is again bombarded.

"You inexplicably think that I am a soft persimmon. I want to blackmail me. I didn't think I was a soft persimmon. Is it a special regret?"

Xu Feng’s fierce attack on his fist, with a mocking smile.


Xu Feng broke through to the virtual world and repaired it. The strength was too great. Two people fell to the ground again and died completely.

The whole scene has become a bit quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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