The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3035: Upgraded version of Burning Buddha

Chapter 3035, Upgraded version of Burning Fossil

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, all the screams are hesitant.

He looked at the standing, arrogant Zhuang Fengyu.

The face is cold and killing.

"Oh, it’s just that it’s the six peaks of the realm of cultivation. If I am the top six in the realm of creation, you don’t deserve to give me shoes!”

No one thought of it.

A more arrogant sound sounds through the valley.

Xu Feng went to the center, his eyes staring at the opposite Zhuang Fengyu, his voice was powerful.

His words rang and many people could not help but nod.

"It is rumored that Xu Feng can kill people across many levels, even if it is a five-fold creation, it is not his opponent."

"I also know this rumor. His strength and talent are really strong."

"If he is the sixth peak of the creation of the realm, Zhuang Fengyu still dare to be so arrogant? I can't dare!"

"I don't even have to think about it. People like Zhuang Fengyu are obviously doing nothing outside, but they are just bullying!"

Some people still feel uncomfortable for Xu Feng.

After all, Zhuang Fengyu is the first repair of the flame list.

However, his character is overbearing.

It seems that the people in the inner area of ​​the entire flame battlefield are despised by him.

Naturally, many people also see him unhappy.

"You are Xu Feng?"

Zhuang Fengyu looked at the opposite Xu Feng. His handsome face was cold and killing, and his heart was full of excitement.

Mind: "This guy is nothing but a sham-necked sect, and he can kill the five-fold genius and the horrible talent."

"Oh, but today you are in my hands, then I will make you die like death!"

Said, Zhuang Fengyu's powerful momentum broke out, and his shackles were all sent out.

As the strong waves of violent tumbling, his eyes were filled with blood red light.

"The field of blood!"

"It turned out to be Zhuang Fengyu's blood field. It seems that Zhuang Fengyu really wants to kill Xu Feng. It is no wonder that he has used the field of blood!"

Feel the temperament of Zhuang Fengyu, many people are frightened.

Xu Feng stood there, and he was not afraid. The spiritual power flowing on him and the emptiness of the nine-fold force seemed terrible.

Even if there are some five-armed warriors in the realm of creation, there is no such thing as the explosive power of Xu Feng.

"I want to see, what qualifications do you have, and I fight for women!" Zhuang Fengyu said coldly.

Zhuang Fengyu's pursuit of Yan Yuting for such a long time, can not get the heart of Yan Yuting, even if it is a good word.

However, Xu Feng did not know how long it took for Yan Yuting to let Yan Yuting's face anger.

Zhuang Fengyu’s heart is awkward, with hate.

On the top of Zhuang Fengyu's head, the spirits are densely popping out.

It is the first existence of the flame list.

The number of the spirit of Zhuang Fengyu has reached 80!


On the top of Zhuang Fengyu's head, a lot of people feel the tremors.

Their hearts are full of fear and heart: "Zhuang Fengyu's strength is really terrifying, and it has condensed 80 spirits."

"That Xu Feng is afraid of being ravaged. Although his strength is good, he can face Zhuang Fengyu. He has no advantage!"

"This is also true. His cultivation is only a sham, and it is still too bad."

Zhuang Fengyu's eyes sparkled with killing, the moment of stepping out, the hands above, a strong air wave.

The pervasive spirits are all gathered together, and the bombardment of Xu Fengyu makes the void become distorted.

"Dry Tianzheng: Red Lotus Pai!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body broke out, and his fist broke out in an instant, forming a red lotus shadow.

The pressure of the fist is also very strong, especially the gravity of his body is filled with ambiguity, accompanied by killing.

However, Xu Feng integrated the killing of the righteousness into the fist, making others feel that the momentum of killing is brought by his fist.

When Zhuang Fengyu attacked, his eyes were also dignified with a touch of dignity. "This kid is a terrible talent!"

"The sixty-four spirits, along with the gravity of the righteousness, have also cultivated the boxing method of the third-order Holy Spirit, which is incredible!"

Zhuang Fengyu’s heart is full of jealousy, but also with killing.

He is in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

Occupy the first place in the flame list for so long, if Xu Feng grows up, his flame list is first, fearing that it will be handed over sooner or later.

This is unacceptable to Zhuang Fengyu.

Perhaps at the beginning, he just wanted to kill Xu Feng and prove to Yan Yuting that he should be a man of Yan Yuting.

However, his current thinking is to kill Xu Feng, in order to consolidate his position in the flame list.

"I don't think Xu Feng's strength is so terrible. If he let him break through to the realm of creation, he really can't imagine it!"

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and all that came out of the look was shock.

At the same time, there is also a trace of mercy.

Calling Zhuang Fengyu means that Xu Feng will die.

"Your strength is very good, but unfortunately you are facing me Zhuang Fengyu, you will die!"

The momentum of Zhuang Fengyu broke out, the wave in front of him, toward Xu Feng’s fist, without any hesitation, shocked out.


The wind and waves of Zhuang Fengyu are almost unstoppable.

Originally, Xu Feng thought that he would break through to the virtual world and be able to compete with Zhuang Fengyu.

Unexpectedly, the gap between him and Zhuang Fengyu is still too great, especially the 80 spirits of Zhuang Fengyu.

The strong shock wave caused Xu Feng's arm to make a sound of broken bones.

Xu Feng’s body and blood were rolling, and the whole person flew out heavily, and the waves crashed on him.

A bang!

His body was on the ground, and within a few tens of meters, it was a crack, and his eyes were cracked.

Yan Yuting looked at this scene, her pretty face was angry, rushed to the front of Xu Feng, said: "Xu Feng, is it okay?"

Xu Fengqiang supported the pain of the body. He stood up and took out a lot of medicinal herbs and swallowed them in an instant.

His eyes were red and he looked at Zhuang Fengyu on the opposite side. He said: "Smoke girl, can you give me time to resist Zhuang Fengyu?

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and many people did not understand what Xu Feng was doing.

However, Yan Yuting’s eyes are deep in the eyes, with a touch of joy.

She saw it last time, Xu Feng's power of a fiery red lotus.

Immediately, she nodded and said: "You can rest assured that Zhuang Fengyu's strength is very strong, I am not his opponent, but I want to resist the time of his fragrance, it is also very simple."

Zhuang Fengyu heard that his face became gloomy.

"Yan Yuting, you have to be a waste, and I am right?"

Zhuang Fengyu’s words rang.

Yan Yuting didn't even have a lot of nonsense with Zhuang Fengyu, and the spiritual flow of his body already explained everything.

(End of this chapter)

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