The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3033: Killing and creating the environment

Chapter 3033 kills the sixfold


As the dragon blood falls down.


Even if it is a member of the Flame List, it is impossible to get the dragon blood safely.

A burst of horrific offensive broke out.

Many people are rushing to the flame list.

"You are looking for death!"

In Ni Xian’s eyes, the flashing is the killing of the Senan. He did not expect that someone really dared to kill himself.

"Ni Xian, although you are a member of the Flame List, you want to swallow the Dragon Blood. Do you think we will promise?"

"Yes, the dragon blood is so precious, we are not vegetarian, we are working hard in the inner area of ​​the flame list!"

"Whoever is afraid of who wants to swallow the dragon's blood, you have to see if you have this ability."

The strong momentum of Ni Xian’s body broke out, and his golden mystery broke out, and the golden light of his body struck.

Above his palm, it seemed to be a golden light, and it was attacked by the crowds around him.

Not only Ni Xian, Wang Qiuping and Huayu, but also by other people.

There are many warriors fighting for dragon blood here.

They are all crazy, and those who get dragon blood attack.


The scene became very chaotic.

The snoring of the road continued to spread.

No one dared to approach her where Yan Yuting was.

However, Yan Yuting received three drops of dragon blood in succession.


The hurricane on the scene, surging around, made some towering trees, all divided.

Some people are lucky, just after the dragon's blood, they immediately flee around.

Some people are waiting for an opportunity to move, waiting for others to fight almost the same, when both lose, they take a strong shot and win the dragon blood.

When Xu Feng’s hands were holding a drop of dragon blood, the violent momentum moved toward his arm.

Xu Feng instantly collected the dragon's blood into the storage ring, and his eyes looked not far away.

I saw an old man with a gray hair. His strength is sixfold. He just captured two people and captured a drop of blood.

When Xu Feng looked at him, the old man also looked at Xu Feng.

"Oh... good guy, kid, hand over the dragon blood you just got."

The old man stepped up toward Xu Feng, and his eyes were full of killing.

"The area is illusory, and you are also coming to Longyuan Valley to compete for dragon blood. Isn't this a self-seeking death?"

The old man felt that Xu Feng’s cultivation was just a sham, and he was not in the eye.

Xu Feng’s cultivation was a breakthrough in the virtual world, and his spirituality was also raised to 64.

He just wants to find a personal exercise. Since this old man takes the initiative to send it to the door, he certainly won't be polite.

"You have a lot of nonsense!"

Said, Xu Feng's strong golden light burst, the body of the creation is filled with shocking power.

Power seems to be able to destroy everything, and in his body, the flames are constantly burning.

The formation of the hot air tumbling, strong power broke out from Xu Feng's fist.

"Burn the wind!"

With the impact of the hegemony, the fists of his fists are also revealed.

The old man on the opposite side felt Xu Feng take the initiative to attack. At the beginning, his face was disdainful.

He even stood there, holding his hands, as if waiting for Xu Feng to actively attack him.

However, as Xu Feng's fist became very close to him, his face suddenly changed.

"A good and powerful fist, this kid is not simple!" His body floated, and the moment the palm lifted up, between the rushes, toward Xu Feng's fist, slammed out.


At the moment when the fist and the palm collide, a burst of spiritual power waves continually overflows around.


The old man’s footsteps continued to retreat. After he stood firm, his body was stirring.

"Good boy, really a little strength, no wonder so crazy!" The old man said coldly.

Xu Feng’s spiritual power is pervasive. His eyes are cold and killing. He said: “I didn’t think about taking your dragon blood. Since you want my dragon blood, now I will give you a choice. Hand over the dragon's blood, I spare you not to die!"

"You spare me not to die?"

The old man thought that his ears were wrong, and his eyes were mocking and disdainful.

"Kid, you don't really think that I will be knocked back a few steps by you, can you kill me?"

In the voice of the old man, all that is revealed is contempt and ridicule.

He never thought of it.

A young man with a false ambiguity is also so arrogant.

"It is not difficult to kill you!"

Xu Feng’s cultivation was promoted to a virtual and sinuous situation. He did not believe that he did not have the opportunity to kill the ordinary six-armed martial arts.

You must know that he also realized two kinds of ambiguity.

However, his space field has been upgraded to the ninth heaven, and it can also exert a strong fighting power.

"Ha ha ha..."

The old man couldn't help but laughed and said: "This sentence is the most arrogant words I have heard in the inner battlefield of the flames. I will let you see, my true strength!"


As the words of the old man rang, his head was above the head, and the veins of the strip were like spider webs.

It is worthy of being in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield for decades. This guy has a lot of spirituality.

Even with the number of spirits of 65, his palms will become more ferocious.

At the moment when the spirit was wrapped, he moved his feet and his hands swung toward Xu Feng’s chest.

"Kid, arrogance is a price!"

The old man’s words reveal confidence.

"But that's it!"

Subsequently, the spiritual power of Xu Feng's body surged, and the spiritual pulse emerged. The gravity of his body emerged.

Within a few tens of meters around his body, the void became heavy and heavy, as if it was constantly falling.

However, the void is crushed very seriously.

The old man's face suddenly changed, saying: "Do you actually feel the righteousness?"

"Do you know now?"

Xu Feng’s voice screamed and his eyes were cold and fierce. He said, “I’ll try it out with you. I’ve just practiced a holy spiritual skill some time ago, try the power of this holy spirit!”

"The third-order best of the Holy Spirit, gravity nine waves, gravity cage!"

With Xu Feng's hands waving.

The spiritual power of his body seems to be pouring out.

Spirituality rushed toward the front.

Actually, the formation of a cage is generally present.

The old man's body fell into it, and it became difficult to walk, and his face became extremely embarrassing.

"How is it possible, what level of holy spirit is this?" The old man made an incredible voice.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and said: “It seems to be the third-order best holy spirit. It looks like the power is not bad!”


The old man was squeezed by gravity, and the cage made the old man unable to move, and Xu Feng stayed up.

After dozens of punches, the bombardment of the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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