The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3019: Shadow poison (six more)

Chapter 3019, Anti-Drug (Six)

Qiu Cheng’s face became very gloomy.

His eyes are full of anger, his heart said: "What a damn, how can this kid know Yan Yuting?"

Qiu Cheng’s heart is unwilling, and he will kill Xu Feng when he sees it. How can he watch Xu Feng leave with his own eyes?

"Hey, since Yan Yuting has something to do with you, then I have to look at it, will that person let you go?"

Qiu Cheng’s eyes are full of blackmail.

He is very clear that everyone on the flamefield is clear.

That is Zhuang Fengyu, the number one in the flame list. He has been pursuing Yan Yuting for a long time.

However, even if Yan Yuting said a word with him, he did not say anything.

Therefore, if someone dares to go very close to Yan Yuting.

Zhuang Fengyu will inevitably let him die without a place of burial.

"All of them gave me the message, spread it, and found the genius of the world. Yan Yanting was intimate in the city of Shishi, and she was familiar with her behavior."

As the words of Qiu Cheng sounded.

Several people around him frowned slightly.

"The owner, if this matter is known by Yan Yuting, she will probably worry." Someone looked at Qiu Cheng to remind him.

This approach is tantamount to the reputation of Yan Yuting.

In the character before Yan Yuting, if they know that they are doing it, they will die.

"Oh, as long as Zhuang Fengyu appears, that Xu Feng will die, and she will still care so much when she gets there."

Qiu Cheng said to the people around him: "I will immediately spread the news and spend some spiritual crystals at the cost. The speed of this news is bound to be extremely fast."

When Qiu Cheng spoke, both of them had coldness.

no doubt.

As long as Zhuang Fengyu knows the existence of Xu Feng, it is bound to kill Xu Feng.

Zhuang Fengyu is the first strength of the flame list.

He is in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

As long as there are no older generations of high-level creations, no one can resist him.


With Yan Yuting followed Xu Feng, after entering the Orange Heart Court.

Xu Feng looked at Wu Xin and said: "Wu elders, arrange a good room, don't let anyone close and disturb."

Xu Feng said to Wu Xin.

Wu Xin's eyes are envious and hateful, even if he is such an old guy, he really envied Xu Feng's Yan Fu. ,

He immediately went to arrange the room.

Xu Feng took Yan Yuting and walked into the room.

"How, I asked you to prepare the spiritual materials, how is it prepared?" Xu Feng's face is very calm.

I have to say that the beauty of Yan Yuting is very against the sky.

However, for Xu Feng, beauty does not make him heart.

Ling Bingrong is so resentful, but it is a snake.

He still doesn't know until now, whether his daughter Xu Duoduo is dead or alive.

Every time I think of Xu Duoduo, there is an inexplicable panic in his heart.

He is afraid that Xu Duoduo will become a woman like Ling Bingrong.

Unscrupulous, yin and sin.

The most important thing is that he can't imagine that if one day Xu Duoduo would have to deal with his father personally, his heart would be fearful.

"what happened to you?"

Yan Yuting took out the spirits, and she found Xu Feng's deep eyes, filled with panic and sadness.


Xu Feng was interrupted by Yan Yuting. He smiled and said: "Nothing, just think of something."

He immediately looked at the various spirits that Yan Yuting had taken out, and nodded with satisfaction, saying: "It is the person who controls the underground auction. In just a few days, these spiritual materials are collected!"

These spirits collected by Yan Yuting are very precious.

"You don't bother me, I want to give you a kind of spirit!" Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting.

"You will also configure the spirits?"

Yan Yuting did not expect that Xu Feng is so young, not only can refine the medicinal herbs, but also configure the spirit liquid.

"What's so amazing? Just configure the spirit!" Xu Feng said simply.

Yan Yuting almost did not vomit blood, her origin is not simple, she is very clear that the allocation of spiritual fluid, can be used to heal the spiritual fluid, it is not simple.

Haven't waited for her to come back.

Xu Feng has begun to configure the spirit liquid.

I saw Xu Feng’s palm on the palm of my hand, and the flames burned out.

Xu Feng looked at Yan Yuting and said: "Do you have a Chinese product?"

Yan Yuting heard the words and said, "How much do you want?"

She took out dozens of pieces of Zhongpin Lingjing and asked: "Is it enough?"


Xu Feng swallowed the swallow, it is really more human than the dead.


It is not difficult for him to imagine that Yan Yuting is so strong in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield that he still controls the underground auction site and the ability to accumulate wealth. Naturally, it is not simple.

The use of Zhongpin Lingjing to configure the spirit liquid, the effect is very good.

For the configuration of the spirit.

Xu Feng is no stranger.

As he prepared three spirits.

Beside the depths of Yan Yuting’s beauty, they are shocked and curious.

Her martial arts talent is very good, but Xu Feng's alchemy talent can also be said to be against the sky.

Even in her power, such a young third-order alchemy teacher is almost non-existent.

Xu Feng looked at Yan Yuting and said: "Smoke girl, your injury is a kind of dark injury, it can be regarded as an anti-virus."

"Image poison?"

Yan Yuting’s eyes are all strange, she heard the word for the first time.

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "When you are in the full moon, you feel severe pain, will you feel it at the same time, there seems to be a chilly energy in the lower abdomen, and you are constantly chaotic, and you I don’t even know, where is the energy of chills, right?


Yan Yuting’s eyes are full of shock.

She did not expect that Xu Feng knew such details.

"I will treat you with injuries. You may need to offend you." Xu Feng said here, Yan Yuting naturally understood what it meant. He bit his lip and said: "You must not have any special moves, otherwise, even my injury. I can't heal, I want to kill you!"

Yan Yuting said the evil.

"Do not worry!"

Xu Feng said: "Please also ask the girl to lie down on the bed and fade your clothes."


Yan Yuting's face is blushing, she is really a little overwhelmed, to know that she has never had a skin kiss with any man.

What's more, the clothes were removed and lying in front of a man with only one side.


Xu Feng took off a piece of cloth from his clothes. He covered his eyes and said, "Smoke girl, should you rest assured?"

Yan Yuting did not know why, she looked at Xu Feng so happy, she peeled off the cloth and covered her eyes, her heart was somewhat lost.

She went to the bed and faded her clothes, revealing a flawless body.

The pink skin is really blown.

Her heart is beating vigorously.

Xu Feng blindfolded his eyes and said: "The girl does not have to be nervous. It is not the kind of person who is in danger."

"Not to mention, I don't think about the smoke girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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