The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3017: Yan Yuting came out

Chapter 3017, Yan Yuting came out

"Yu Cheng's strength is very strong, but I can't resist Qiu Cheng alone. If you follow me, you can still resist the Qiu Cheng for a while."

Xu Feng’s eyes are shining with light.

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, Wu Xin and others are very surprised.

You know, they really don't know anything about the formation!

"Master Xu, we don't know anything about the formation!"

Wu Xin said very directly.

Xu Feng said: "The way of the formation is very complicated, but it is not complicated."

"As long as I have my guidance, it is not difficult for you to control the bundled dragon locks with me."

"If your understanding is high enough, this bundle of dragon locks can also be used for you."

When I heard Xu Feng’s words, their faces changed slightly, and each one had a surprise.

For many people, the array is even more mysterious than the medicinal herbs.

Today, such a powerful array.

Xu Feng is willing to teach them.

"Master Xu, your heart is too broad!"

Wu Xin couldn't help but admire.

"We don't want to delay the time. Then I will teach you to bundle the dragon locks. When everyone follows me to control the formation, it is not too difficult to resist the Qiucheng."

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and saw his arm begin to slide. He said: "I will draw a detailed map for you."

"See clearly, there is no lock, the lock is a lock, and the most important thing is that this bundle, and the locks in it, is the key!"

Several people are all aware of the bundled dragon locks, and Xu Feng also explained them in detail.

The hearts of everyone are gradually understanding.

Xu Feng said: "Don't worry, we will start to control the array, I will teach you!"

"Wu Xin, you stand on the left hand side..."

Xu Feng was arranged in an orderly manner to everyone.

With eight people, everyone is here.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: “Bundle locks the sky, it will open soon!”

Xu Feng snorted.

The spiritual power of the body rushed wildly, forming violent waves and waves, and the whole void was oscillating.

A burst of strong momentum broke out.

Today's bundled dragon locks are more powerful than the previous ones.

Several people, such as Wu Xin, were shocked by their faces.

They did not expect that they could control such a powerful array.

"What happened, what happened to Orange Heart Court, I feel that the power of the law has improved a lot."

"You don't feel very strange. Orange Heart Court first refines a very good Samsung Qing Dan."

"Now, Orange Heart Court can also arrange such a powerful array of methods, it is really a bit sudden."

"This is also true. Is it in the Orange Heart Pavilion that there are any high-profile people who will lead to such a situation?"

Both sides of the Wangdan Pavilion and the Orange Heart Pavilion attract many warriors to gather, and they all want to see.

Orange Heart Court and Wang Dan Pavilion, how will this matter end?

"Don't look at it now. Orange Heart Court seems to have the upper hand, or it has to be hit hard. Once Qiu Cheng arrives, all the advantages will be gone."

Someone said this thing, the most crucial place.

Qiu Cheng is the existence of the 16th Flame List.

The strength of his strength is unquestionable.

"This is also true. In the face of absolute strength, this formation may not be able to withstand how long the road is."

Many people are also worried about the Orange Heart Court.

"The owner of the Orange House, Yu Ningyu, is also the presence of the 23rd Flame List. She is not afraid of Qiu Cheng."

Some people know the origin of the Orange Heart Court and also said.

"Master Liu Kang, what should we do now?"

Among the Wang Dan Pavilion.

Everyone's face is very ugly, and Qiu is now seriously injured, and it is difficult to protect himself, let alone fight against Orange Heart Court.

"I really didn't expect that the kid named Xu Feng was so perverted and able to arrange the array!"

"It's no wonder that even if the owner spends five thousand Chinese spirits, he must also issue a killing order and chase the kid."

Liu Kang slightly lowered his brow and said: "We don't want to act for the time being, wait for the owner to come, and then make a decision!"

Time passes by.

In a blink of an eye.

Two days passed by.

Qiu Cheng returned to Wang Dange. When he looked at Qiu Jun, his eyes were all killing.

Qiu Jun is the cousin of his Qiu Cheng, but now he has been hit hard, I am afraid that this life is a waste.

How can he Qiu Cheng swallow this breath, he looked at Liu Kang and others, and asked: "Who did it?"

Liu Kang came forward, he gave Qiu Cheng, and told the story of the cause and effect of the matter.

Qiu Cheng’s face is cold and killing. He said, “Hey, this Xu Feng’s kid really doesn’t know how to live and die, and he is looking for a dead end.”

"He killed Qiu Zhi's account. I haven't taken the initiative to count with him. He himself has invested in the net."

In the eyes of Qiu Cheng, all that emerged were cold.

"It seems that I don't need to spend five thousand Chinese spirits!"

Qiu Cheng said to himself.

He said: "This kid thinks himself, can you resist me by arranging a formation?"

After Qiu Cheng finished, the spiritual flow of his body, he looked at Liu Kang and others around him, said: "Be prepared for me, don't let Xu Feng escape."


Qiu Cheng took a step and walked outside the Wangdan Pavilion.

His speed is fast, and his spiritual power is constantly surging.

The cultivation of Qiu Cheng is the six peaks of the creation of the realm, and the spirit of the top of the head is even more dense.

His spirituality reached the point of seventy-eight.

"It is worthy of the existence of the Flame List 16."

Xu Feng stood in the Orange Heart Pavilion. He opened his eyes and looked at the crowd. He said: "Yu Cheng has arrived, ready to fight with him at any time. I want to fight against my bundle of dragons, just let him Pay the price!"

Xu Feng’s heart is killing, and Qiu’s family wants to put him to death five times, how can he be willing to give up.

Since the Qiu family does not want to give up, he will not stop Xu Feng, if he kills Qiu Cheng.

Not only is the entire area of ​​the flame battlefield vibrating, even the Qiu family is afraid that it will no longer be safe.

Qiu Cheng can become the existence of the flame list, his talent and strength are unquestionable.

"Xu Feng, hiding in the formation, do you really think that I have no way to kill you?"

The sound of Qiu Cheng came from outside the Orange Heart Pavilion.

Xu Feng did not care: "If you can kill me, you can shoot, I will let you know, what is the battle."

Xu Feng’s heart, for Qiu Cheng, has already issued a killing order.

The spiritual power of Qiu Cheng is surging.

Just at this time.

A shadow appeared outside the Orange Heart Pavilion, and her appearance made the scene a sensation.

They looked at the beautiful women, they were extremely curious, why this woman appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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