The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3010: Don't dare to increase the price?

Did you dare to increase the price in Chapter 3010?

Until now.

Everyone understands that Qiu Jun was born by the young man.

The old man at the auction, he saw Xu Feng a few more eyes.

He felt that if Xu Feng came to the auction every time, the benefits of their auction would be increased by more than one third.

After Xu Feng sat down, Wu Xin and Wan Ping knew that Xu Feng really needed Van Gogh.

This kind of third-order supernatural spirits is similar to those of the spiritual materials, which is hard to find.

After so many auctions and lessons, when the next round of the Van Gogh water, is Qiu Jun dare to bid with Xu Feng?

Although Qiu Jun still sat, but his heart is full of fire.

He spent more than half a million Lingjing before and after.

However, the value of these auctioned items is up to 200,000.

Even if some spiritual materials are made into medicinal herbs, the value is up to 300,000.

His heart is bleeding.

If it wasn’t an underground auction, if he didn’t dare to slay, he really wanted to rush to kill Xu Feng’s impulse.


As the auction continues.

Many people throughout the scene are satisfied with what they need.

Not much time.

The auction seems to be coming to an end.

The old man said: "The next thing to auction is still a kind of spiritual material. It is just that this kind of spiritual material is very strange. Even if I don't know the origin of the spiritual material, we will not be sure of the underground auction. What level of spiritual material."

"And, the people at the auction of spiritual materials feel that this kind of spiritual material is risky to pick, and the auction price may be slightly higher."

The words of the old man rang.

I saw a person holding a plate and came to the auction floor.

There was a slightly reddish grass on it, but it revealed a silvery white shimmer, which was a bit strange.

The most speechless thing is that there is no spiritual fluctuation on top of this grass, which is very common.

"I said that you have an underground auction, when will you use such ordinary grass to be a treasure auction?"

Someone looked at the old man and said directly.

The old man is also awkward.

He also strongly opposed the auction of this grass. After all, there is no spiritual fluctuation, which proves that it is not a good spiritual material.

Sure enough, it caused a lot of people's resentment.

"You are talking about how many Lingjing auctions this grass needs!" Someone spoke to the old man.

The old man said slowly: "We don't know what this grass is. The auctioneers need 50,000 Lingjing."


The entire underground auction was almost riotless.

"Is your underground auction a robbing person? Even the spiritual materials that the name doesn't know, you have to have 50,000 Lingjing. Isn't this obvious to grab people?"

"Yeah, you have been in the underground auction for many years, and you can do it in the name of the city!"

"Yes, this kind of spiritual material, hurry to shoot!"

Everyone has rushed to say something.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stood up and said: “This kind of nameless flower may have a magical effect. I want to have 50,000 Lingjing, I don’t know the hills of Wang Dange, I will not follow. What about the fare increase?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the entire underground auction, countless people were stunned.

"I still have a big head, I am going!"

"Fifty thousand lower spirits, buy such a shit!"

"It's so funny!"

"Do you know what, you can't forget, before this kid called the price, Qiu Jun is following the fare increase!"

"He is going to prepare for the pits?"

"Oh oh... I understand..."

Many people look at the past.

Qiu Yan looked at everyone's eyes, his eyes were all condensed, said: "Boy, do you really think that Laozi is a fool?"

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly funny.

"You are really a fool. If you are not a fool, you will quickly increase the price. I am sure to tell you that the value of this spiritual material is definitely more than the sum of all the spirits you auctioned before."

Xu Feng said vowed to Qiu Yu.

If Chu Qiu knew the routine before Xu Feng, he really believed Xu Feng’s ghost.

"Hey, boy, you want to be a big head, you are yours, I don't want it!" said Qiu Jun.

Xu Feng is a smile inside, this flower is not simple, if Qiu Yu knows the value of this flower, afraid that it will vomit blood.

That is the fourth-order under the spirit of the spirit, actually only auctioned 50,000 Lingjing.

The old man heard Xu Feng asking for the price.

He once again asked: "This little brother, our underground auction is still about credibility. We don't know the name of this kind of spiritual material. Are you sure you want to auction 50,000 Lingjing?"

Xu Feng heard the words, the face was annoyed.

"Qiu Wei, you really are dumping goods, so you dare not increase the price?"

Qiu Jun heard Xu Feng's snoring and said: "Boy, do you really think that my Lingjing has no place to use?"

Qiu Yi feels that he is much cheaper.

I know, this is the fourth-order underpinning, silver silk red grass.

"The big man said a word, it is difficult to chase, this kind of spiritual material, I want it!" Xu Feng smiled.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng seems very happy.

When he happily took out 50,000 Lingjing, he got the silver silk from the opponent's hand.

Qiu Jun’s eyes are all condensed. “I’m right, isn’t the treasure that this kid wants, the one that was just auctioned?”

Liu Kang said: "It is not impossible, no one knows the spiritual material, the spiritual material is either of high value or worthless."

"Oh, I am fooled!"

Qiu Yi patted his head and his face was angry.

He realized that Xu Feng’s previous auction items wanted to hang him, and the purpose was to make him illusion.

Wan Ping looked at Xu Feng who sat down and said: "Xu Feng brothers, what is this spiritual material?"

Xu Feng said: "The fourth-order lower spirits, silver silk red grass!"


Wan Ping almost didn't pick it up.

The fourth-order under the spiritual material, only fifty thousand Lingjing, if Qiu Yu knows, it is not to learn to die.

The auctioneer knows that I am afraid that he will vomit blood and die.

Next to Wu Xin, the heart is shocking.

"Next, it is our auction, the last piece of spiritual auction!" The old man said: "The third-order best spirit, Van Gogh water, can be used for alchemy, you can also take it directly, can comb the meridians, finishing the breath. ”

"It's really boring!"

Many people have shaken their heads.

For the spiritual material, many people are not very interested.

The old man also wants to end the spiritual auction early.

There are not many alchemists in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

Naturally, these spiritual materials will not be of high value.

"Van Hai Xian Shui, starting price of 50,000 Lingjing!"

However, the words of the old man have just begun to sound.

Xu Feng looked at the hills not far away, he said with aloud: "90,000 Lingjing!"


Many people are screaming, I did not expect Xu Feng to add so much.

However, they also understand the dispute between Xu Feng and Qiu Jun, and they all laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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