The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3008: Underground auction

Chapter 3008 Underground Auction

Underground auction.

All the way up, there is Wuxin to clear the way, and no one dares to find Xu Feng's trouble.

Qiu Yu learned that Wu Xin personally escorted Xu Feng, and Wan Ping followed the Orange Heart Pavilion. His eyes were all condensed.

"Hey, where are they going?"

Qiu Yu looked at the person in front of him and asked.

"It seems to be going underground to the auction!"

The person reporting the news said.

“Well? Is there any treasure in the underground auction?” Qiu’s eyes condensed slightly.

He snorted to the informant and said, "I will immediately ask Master Liu Kang to let him go to the underground auction with me."

Qiu Wei felt that Wu Xin and others, so eager to go underground auctions, must be the existence of treasures in the underground auction.


Underground auctions are extremely lively.

With the arrival of Wu Xin and others.

They found a place to sit and three people were seated.

Xu Feng looked at a lot of people around.

The heart is secretly shocked.

There are not a few weapons in the six kingdoms.

He looked at Wu Xin around him and said: "The origin of this underground auction is not easy?"

Wu Xin heard the words and nodded. "But all the shops and industries in the city of Stone Rock are supported by the strong players of the flame list."

"Just like this underground auction, such a chaotic situation, without the suppression of the strong, when the treasures appear, it is possible to get together and snatch."

Xu Feng naturally understands this.

The inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, most of the people themselves, are militants.

Moreover, for the sake of treasures, everyone can fight for each other.

"The back of the underground auction is the third in the flame list, Yan Yuting!" Wu Xin said to Xu Feng.

"The third in the flame list?"

Xu Feng has seen the strength of the 97th Chen Wenhao in the flame list. He is very clear about how terrible the third is in the flame list.

"This Yan Yuting is a strange woman. This woman is not simple. Her age is among the top ten in the flame list, which is the smallest."

When Wu Xin said that he was here, he took a breath of cold breath.

According to many people.

If Yan Yuting continues to experience in the flame battlefield, in the next three years, the flame list will be the first place, it may become Yan Yuting.

Xu Feng looked at Wu Xin again and said: "Who is the owner behind the Orange Heart Pavilion?"

Wu Xin heard the words and did not hide it.

"The flame list is twenty-three in the rain, and is also a disciple of Gai Shizong."

Xu Feng is shocked inside.

It seems that if you come to the Stone City, you will encounter a lot of presence in front of the Flame List, but you can look at how strong these people are.

With more and more people.

Wu Xin looked at the place not far away, where several figures appeared in the underground auction.

Xu Feng also saw the hills not far away, and said: "It is really a ghost."

Qiu Yan heard the words, said: "Kid, you have to be careful with some of the hills, this person is sinister and poisonous."

Xu Feng’s face was extremely calm. “The waste like him is still unable to kill me.”

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Wu Xin next to him was slightly awkward.

You must know that Wu Xin and Qiu Jun are also half a catty.

Even Qiu’s talent is even stronger than Wu Xin.

Xu Feng also discovered the shackles of Wu Xin.

He smiled and said: "I am not saying you."

Immediately, he patted Wu Xin’s shoulder and said: “If you can get some materials, it’s not too easy for you to break through to the seven places.”

"Ah? Is this true?"

Wu Xin also estimated the embarrassment just now, and immediately excitedly asked Xu Feng.

In the past few years, he has never wanted to break through to the seven aspects of creation.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to break through.

"Is it good for you to lie to me?"

Xu Feng slowly said.

"Xu Feng's little brother, what kind of spiritual material is needed, you can open it. I have been in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield these years, and it is also some connections and accumulation." Wu Xin is really excited.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "When the auction ends, I will go to Orange Heart Court with you, and I will write it to you."

"If you can't get together, and find these spiritual materials, it's up to your own creation."


Wu Xin nodded with a happy face.

Xu Feng looked at Wu Xin and asked: "Is the owner behind the Wang Dan Pavilion, is it the Qiu Cheng of the Flame List?"

"how do you know?"

Wu Xin asked.

Xu Feng said: "Of course I know that this guy has 5,000 yuan in the middle of the spirit, want to kill me!"


Even if it is Wu Xin, his face is changing, he is very clear about the value of Wuqian Zhongpin Lingjing.

He did not expect that Xu Feng, who was to be chased by Qiu Cheng, was the young man in front of him.

Throughout the Rocky City, many people know Qiu Cheng’s killing order.

Everyone wants to find the owner to be chased.

Unexpectedly, it is far from the horizon, close at hand.

Wu Xin also thinks that Xu Feng is the third-order elite alchemy teacher. His heart is shocking. It is no wonder that Qiu Cheng is going to chase Xu Feng.

Such a young third-order elite alchemy teacher will become a four-in-one alchemy teacher in the future.

As the underground auction was announced, the scene became quiet.

Many people's eyes are staring at the auction floor.

A slightly old man, he appeared on the auction floor, his face was smiling.

“Welcome everyone to come to the underground auction once a month, and then the auction is about to begin!”

As the old man's words rang, he said: "The first auction item is not simple, but it is a third-order Chinese spirit, and the bursting bear is cracked."


Many people's eyes are full of fiery light, the power of the third-order Chinese spirit, which is quite powerful.

To a large extent, the warriors who have been cultivated at the same level are comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the Holy Spirit skills cultivated by each other.

However, the third-order Chinese spirit is very powerful.

"The starting price, 50,000 Lingjing, each increase must not be less than five thousand!"

The voice of the old man just fell, the underground auction is the sound of the price increase.

Xu Feng sat in the same place and was unmoved. He was not interested in the third-order Chinese spirit.

Wu Xin’s eyes are also a bit strange, and his heart said: "What is the origin of this kid? It’s just a martyrdom of the virtual world. It should be a sneak peek at the third-order Holy Spirit!"

At last.

This third-order Chinese product, the Holy Spirit, was acquired by a warrior who was at the top of the six-year-old peak.

Subsequent auctions are nothing more than medicinal herbs, weapons, and all kinds of exotic treasures.

Both Wu Xin and Wan Ping are accompanied by Xu Feng. They also have no treasures of heart, and there is no asking price.

Not far from the hills and other people, he always pays attention to Xu Feng's movements, and will not take the initiative to bid.

Wu Xin said: "We want Van Gogh water, I am afraid that it will be auctioned by Qiu Yan!"

(End of this chapter)

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