The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3000: Holy Spirit Enhancement

Chapter 3000: Holy Spirit Enhancement

"I can’t say anything about it. Before I fought with you, I didn’t go all out. Do you really think that you can beat me with sixty threads?”

In the voice of the man, there is arrogance and hegemony.

His body is full of spiritual power.

His cultivation is indeed stronger than Sun.

"Is the five peaks in the late stage of creation?"

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The man smiled and said: "Knowing my cultivation, you don't have to hand over the things I want. If I am a good-hearted person, I can spare you a life!"

Men don't know where to come from.

Perhaps, Xu Feng’s cultivation is really too low.

So much, he felt that Xu Feng could not qualify for him to fight.


Xu Feng plainly spit out two words.

The man was furious and his physical strength came out. On his arm, a long sword suddenly appeared.

The long sword slammed as if there were countless raindrops falling, and the raindrops became countless swords.

In an instant, the sword has already attacked Xu Feng’s chest.

Strong swords are criss-crossed.

"Get out!"

Xu Feng burst into a bang, the golden light rose to the sky, and his fist slammed out.

A bang!

The fist is unstoppable, and the moments of the swords are intertwined.

The sword gas has become shattered.

However, Xu Feng’s fist is still not losing momentum.

The man’s eyes condensed and said: “It’s not easy. It’s no wonder that you can kill Sun Zhong, but unfortunately you are not qualified to do it with me.”

The long sword floats and becomes more fierce and fierce.

Every sword attacked the vital parts of Xu Feng.


The man's swordsmanship is very mysterious. It seems that Xu Feng's body is to be stabbed into a horse's nest.

Unfortunately, he is still disappointed.

His swordsmanship could not hurt Xu Feng at all.


Two horrible momentum broke out.

The moment of the gravity of Xu Feng’s body, the man’s body suddenly became heavy.

Seeing Xu Feng's fist toward his face, his eyes were shocked when he slammed out.

He wants to avoid, but finds his body around, as if the void is blocked.

"Gravity is righteous, do you actually understand the meaning?"

The man has wide eyes.


What greeted him was Xu Feng’s punch.


The place on his shoulders collapsed, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body flew out.

The slammed impact on the ground, his biting his teeth, his eyes are blood red.

"Good boy, I can't think of it, but I underestimate your strength. You also realize the existence of the righteousness."

The depths of the man’s eyes are envious and hateful.

Why, Xu Feng is young and can realize the meaning of the righteousness.

These people, who want to feel the meaning of the righteousness, do not know how many years, have not succeeded.


On the man's body, the horrible momentum suddenly erupted, but it was the third-order sacred spirit.

All of his eyes are crazy, saying: "Hey, let me show the third-order sacred spirit, you can see even if you die."

This third-order sacred spirit is also the man’s courage to come to kill Xu Feng’s biggest capital.

The swordsman rises up in the sky and circulates like a dragon.

The long sword smashed down.

The void is making a loud noise.

Under the impact of Jianmang, Xiaolong became a shadow.

It’s terrible that the sword is dozens of feet long.

"Kid, even if you realize the meaning of the righteousness, then what? Under the third-order Holy Spirit, it is a bubble!"

The voice of the man is extremely arrogant.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised slightly and said: “Do you think that only you have a third-order holy spirit?”

"In addition, your third-order Holy Spirit technique is almost in my eyes, and the swordsmanship of Fangcai."

The man heard the words and his face was full of anger.

"Dry Tianzheng: Red Lotus Pai!"

Xu Feng body, the fist turned into a red lotus.

The lotus flies out and gradually becomes huge.

In addition, Xu Feng's gravity is integrated into his fist, making his fists even heavier.

More unstoppable.


The man feels the power of Xu Feng Hong Lian's hegemony. His eyes are dignified and his heart is unwilling.

"Want to run?"

With the shadow of the shadow was suppressed by Hong Lian.

The man is very clear that I am afraid I will not be able to run.

"Golden kill!"

Above the top of Xu Feng, the Taikoo Dragon Soul appears.

In an instant, a golden glow.

Going toward the man's back, the impact went away. ,

The man's eyes widened. He looked at the holy soul at the top of Xu Feng. When he fell to the ground, his face was unwilling.

"You... turned out to be a soul teacher..."

The man is upset inside.

If he knows that Xu Feng is a soul teacher, how can he dare to do it?

"You don't think about it. If I don't have some strength, can I really come to the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield to find death?"

"If I am weak, the bridges across the river are afraid that I have long been a nourishment in the river!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the man seemed to realize it.

Unfortunately, it is a bit late.

Xu Feng still took down the man's storage ring.

“The harvest is quite good!”

Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles.

He walked toward the front of the passage, until the end, his brows picked.

"A good place is really a good place for my soul refining and revitalizing the soul."

Xu Feng won the middle of the soul crystal.

In the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

Only by improving your strength can you increase your chances of living.

What's more, the Qiu invincible that he provoked, Wu Siyue and others, I am afraid that may not be willing to give up.

He felt the rich energy of the Holy Spirit. He simply arranged several arrays and was in the center.

After the kitten was seriously injured in a coma, the injury was almost restored, but there was no sign of recovery.

Xu Feng sat cross-legged, he took out the middle of the soul crystal, felt the above-mentioned, the soul of the Holy Spirit, the heart is excited.


Xu Feng has some regrets. If he can get more Chinese soul crystals, the help for his holy soul power is too great.

He did not hesitate, and his body was adjusted to the best condition.

The Taikoo Dragon Soul emerges.

Above the soul of the soul, the constant energy of the Holy Spirit, pure and incomparable, flows toward his Taikoo Dragon Soul.

Xu Feng's two-pronged Taikoo Dragon Soul is like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing and engulfing the energy of the Holy Spirit.



On the top of the two-claw Taigu Dragon Soul of Xu Feng, two more soul lines were added one after another, making the Taikoo Dragon Soul even more powerful.

However, the energy of the holy soul of the Chinese soul crystal is still a steady stream, like running water.

"forty one!"


"forty three!"


"forty five!"


As soon as the texture of the Taikoo Dragon Soul was raised to forty-five, the Zhongxing Soul Crystal made a crackling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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