The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2985: Wen Valley is very lively

Chapter 2985 Wen Valley is very lively

"You want me to let you go, it is very simple."

Xu Feng looked at Zhao Jixu below, his eyes blinking.

"As long as... you can let me go, what do you want me to do, I promise you... just don't kill me..."

People like Zhao Jixu are themselves bullying and fearing hard, but they are also greedy and fearful of death.

Xu Feng looked at Zhao Jixu and said: "You want to survive, it is very simple, that is..."

"Ah... you are so poisonous..."


With the moment when Xu Feng's palm was released, the hook fell with Zhao Jixu toward the sediment river.

Xu Feng said: "That is, if you can survive in the river, that is a good thing."


Many people took a breath of cold, they did not expect that Xu Feng's strength is so powerful.

Especially the Hang Jingming who had provoked Xu Feng before, he was glad at the moment.

He felt that if Xu Feng really wanted to kill him, it would be easy to be afraid.

After Xu Feng killed Zhao Jixu.

He turned his head, just a cold look and a run.

The meaning of the eyes is obvious.

Don't come and provoke me, otherwise, don't blame me.

Zhang Yiben also did not expect that the strength of Xu Feng has already been so horrible.

His face was unwilling, but he bit his teeth.

Xu Feng’s disregard for him, but makes his heart more depressed and angry.

He felt that he was also the existence of Hei Tiewei, and he was so disregarded by Xu Feng.

Yes, watching Xu Feng kill Zhao Jixu, he is very clear that he is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

Xu Feng turned around and he didn't even say a word to Zhang Yiben.

This is a kind of disregard for the lower person.

Xu Feng was moving across the bridge, so he swayed to the opposite side.

He had just walked down the bridge, and he felt that a burst of hot air was coming from a knife.

However, the violent spiritual power is also extremely rich.

Obviously, in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, it will be better than the cultivation effect in the outer area.

Xu Feng looked at everything in front of him, his eyes blinking slightly.

He just came to the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

He still doesn't know what to do?

All in all, he has the feeling of escape from birth.

Although the hot air is very uncomfortable, it can also increase the speed of the military's spiritual power.

The improvement of the warrior's cultivation is obviously faster than the external area.

Moreover, the effect is better.

Xu Feng glanced at the sediment river.

As for Zhang Yiben.

From the moment Xu Feng came to the flame battlefield, he really did not have any fear of Zhang Yiben.

"For now, walk around and see the inner area. Is there any strange place?"

Xu Feng was slightly indulged for a moment, and as he stepped forward, he walked toward the front inner area.


A burst of footsteps came, Xu Feng's eyes were all condensed, and he quietly hid in the bush next to him.

Hearing the footsteps from far and near, just from his point of view, he walked over while discussing.

"You have heard that there is no such thing. It is said that the Valley of the Valley has found a cave house. It seems to be a fresh cave house just discovered. Many strong people have rushed over."

"Well, I have heard about this incident. It is said that this cave house has not been completely opened."

"You said the inheritance of this Dongfu, who can finally get it?"

Several people have been talking about it.

Xu Feng heard their arguments. The spiritual power and breath of his body converge as much as possible. He followed the few people in front and silently followed the past.

Converging the breath of the body, this is what Xu Feng is very good at.

The first few people did not find it.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes are deep, but he is also surprised.

That is the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

The repair and strength of the warrior is obviously much stronger than the external area.

The first few people, the repairs are all more than four.


A burst of noisy voice came from a place not far away, as if it were a hot wave.

Feel the constant intrusion of the waves.

Xu Feng quietly retired.

He walked quickly from the path next to him, in the direction of the sound waves.

he knows.

Apparently, the place where the sound waves came is the valley of the text in several populations.

Xu Feng quickly came to the front.

He found that there are all warriors everywhere.

The breath of these people is extremely powerful.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, and even those who are five-fold in the realm of creation are also very common.

However, there is a strong atmosphere of existence, which is the existence of sixfold creations.

These people are gathered in the middle of the Wen Valley.

There are probably ten people.

They are all in the Wen Valley, waiting for the opening of Dongfu.

No one else dares to approach them.

Everyone is very clear.

The opening of the Wen Valley Dongfu must wait for these people to pick up the treasures inside.

They are able to enter the cave house.

Otherwise, now I’m going to get it, it’s a dead end.

"This little brother, if you do this, you will come to the valley, I am afraid it is fierce!"

Just at this time.

A man appeared next to Xu Feng, and his appearance, even Xu Feng was somewhat surprised.

Just because Xu Feng did not feel a strong breath, the other party appeared.

"I just came to join in the fun, no harm!"

Xu Feng looked at each other and waved his hand.

“No harm?”

The man’s mouth raised and said: “To tell you the truth, don’t look at the current Wen Valley is calm, it seems that there is no danger.”

"But once the Dongfu is there, it will be a fierce battle. The whole valley will be turned upside down."

"I still give you a piece of advice, let me go."

The tone of the man seems very sincere.

It seems that he is really advising Xu Feng.

Xu Feng said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I still decided to stay and join in the fun."

The man urged his brow and said: "Since you want to stay so much, it is better to have a photo with you!"

"I am called Yu Zhiqiang!"

Yu Zhiqiang introduced to Xu Feng.

His words rang, Xu Feng slightly hesitated, and the other party did not seem to introduce which forces belonged.

Yu Zhiqiang looked at Xu Feng and said: "You just came to the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield?"

"how do you know?"

Xu Feng asked.

Yu Zhiqiang said: "Only those who have just come are interested in which force I came from."

"The inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, there are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, everyone is built on interests and cultivation resources."

Yu Zhiqiang’s words made Xu Feng a little surprised.

"The rankings of the flame list will have their own power. In the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, everything depends on strength."

Yu Zhiqiang said very calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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