The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2983: Coincidentally Zhang Yiben

Chapter 2983 coincides with Zhang Yiben


Inside the river of the sediment river, the tumbling boulders and the rolling yellow sand are constantly coming out.

The whole void seemed to be driven by the sediment river, which made Xu Feng appear beside the sediment river, and felt the incomparable shock.

Xu Feng looked at the sediment river, and his eyes were dignified in the depths.


The gust of wind and the raging wind are all the roaring roar of the yellow sand, as if you can sweep people out.

Xu Feng’s eyes are dignified. He can’t imagine how the sand river in front of him should pass.

He looked at the tumultuous river that was constantly rolling, connecting the width of nearly 100 meters.

“How can I get through the sediment river?”

Xu Feng is very clear.

This river wants to pass it like this, and it is completely equal to finding its own way.

Even if Xu Feng's body is the body of creation, it can't hold up such high-intensity impact.

Once the whole person is trapped in the sediment river, I am afraid that it will be broken and boneless, and there will be no place to die.

"It seems that I can only choose to cross the bridge!"

Xu Feng knew before that this river could only choose to cross the bridge.

Above the sediment river, there are quite a few bridges connecting the two sides.

Xu Feng walked toward the downstream of the Liusha River.

His speed is very fast.

Follow the lower reaches of the sediment river and keep walking.

Whirring whirring……

The constant impact of the sediment can be said to be a thousand miles.

The rushing waves of the rushing force came out.

Xu Feng looked at a place not far away, and saw a bridge spanning both sides of the sediment river.

The bridge is majestic, as if it were a single-wood bridge, and it seems to be crumbling at any time.

Far from Xu Feng, I saw a lot of people flashing above the wooden bridge, and all of them floated.

Xu Feng quickly walked toward the Duoqiao Bridge, and his eyes sparkled with light.

He looked at the bridge and could only accommodate one person walking on it. It could be said that it could be dropped into the river at any time.

"Kids, don't join in the fun here. If you are just doing this, I am afraid that you will just step on this bridge, and you will be scared to death. When you fall into the river, you will die."

A middle-aged man, he looked at Xu Feng coming over, very interested in the appearance, he reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at each other with his eyes, but he frowned slightly. He ignored the good intentions of the other party.

"Hang Jingming, others obviously do not lead you, why do you have extra nonsense here?"

A few people not far away, all the faces are smiling, they are all swaying.

Hang Jingming's eyes are full of anger, he stared at Xu Feng, said: "Boy, I am reminding you, you don't know what to do, when you die, you can blame others."

Xu Feng still did not pay attention to Hang Jingming, he looked at the bridge, those who crossed the bridge.


"Ah! Save me!"

A miserable snoring sounded, and many people looked at the center of the bridge.

As he fell into the river, the sand river took him with him, and he swept out and died.

Many people take a breath.

A burst of gusts of wind swept the entire sediment river, as if the dragon was roaring and roaring.

Among Hang Jingming’s eyes, with sarcasm, said: "Boy, you see no, once you step on the bridge, it is very likely that you will die very badly. Just the person who fell into the river, he is a real estate. The triple peak is repaired."

Hang Jingming’s words rang.

Xu Feng couldn't help but look at Hang Jingming and said: "Are your nonsense finished? If you finish, can you stay away from me, lest I can't help but want to kill you."

"kill me?"

Hang Jingming thought that he had got it wrong.

His mouth raised and said: "I really want to see, how do you kill me!"

After Hang Jingming finished, his strong momentum broke out.

The four imposing manners of the creation of the country are incomparable.

His palm turned into a huge stone and swooped toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's body, the golden light broke out.


With the palm of Hang Jingming's palm, and the collision of Xu Feng's fist, the formation of violent waves.

The gust of wind whizzed past, and there was a burst of dust on the ground.


Many people think that Xu Feng will definitely die.

Hang Jingming was punched by Xu Feng and the earthquake quit.

Hang Jingming's blood tumbling, his eyes are shocking.


When he wanted to talk, a blood spurted out of his mouth and his cheeks became pale.

Xu Feng stared at Hang Jingming and said: "Don't mess with me again, otherwise, killing you is not negotiating!"


Many people are full of mistakes, they look at Xu Feng's eyes, all with surprise.

"This youth is so powerful?"

They just watched Xu Feng with ridicule, and felt that Xu Feng wanted to smash the bridge of the sediment river, which was simply arrogant.

At this moment, they understood it.

Why, Xu Feng just did not argue with them.

Just because, in the eyes of the other party, these people are not worth mentioning at all, what is worth arguing about?

"A very good young man, is this person a small flame list? Recently, rumors have beaten Chen Hai and become the first Xu Feng in the flame list?"

Someone pointed to Xu Feng and said with surprise.

"Yes, it must be him, otherwise who can be repaired in a false realm, and hard to resist the creation of the military?"

Many people are very clear about the ranking of the small flame list.

"I knew him early, I still started with him. Isn't that looking for death?"

The man who was flying out by Xu Fengzhen.

His eyes are all annoyed.

Today, I dare not find Xu Feng trouble.

Xu Feng looked at the bridge, he was going to walk up the bridge, not far from a figure came here.

When Zhang Yiben saw Xu Feng’s back, he said: “Xu Feng, it’s really narrow road, you stop me!”

Xu Feng turned his head and looked at Zhang Yiben.

He didn't care.

He took a step and walked towards the bridge.

His eyes completely chose to ignore Zhang Yiben.

With his current strength, Zhang Yiben could not enter his eyes.

He walked on the bridge, his spiritual flow, his eyes looking straight ahead, stepping out.

Zhang Yiben did not expect Xu Feng to ignore himself. His eyes were cold and killing. "Xu Feng, you killed my brother's hatred. I haven't settled with you yet? You can't die on the bridge." Above."

Xu Feng walked on the bridge and felt the mud and sand rolling underneath.

The gust of wind blew through, and the whole man stood on the bridge like this, and did not move.

Many people looked at Xu Feng's back and were surprised. "This kid is so strong and strong that he can have such endurance."

"He is so determined on the bridge that he seems to be able to endure a strong impact and stand still!"

(End of this chapter)

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