The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2971: Nine Stars

Chapter 2971 Jiu Xing Tian Tian Hammer


The middle-aged man who was pointed at Xu Feng by his nose, his eyes were full of anger, his face became extraoriously ugly.

Xu Feng stared at each other and said: "Don't you, you, yours... you have such garbage waste, I have seen too much."

"Ge Hai came to challenge and I have no relationship with half a dime. Whoever loves to go out and go out, don't bother me to practice here."

Speaking of it.

Xu Feng pointed to Qiu Shu, cold and cold: "If you continue to bring people to make troubles with me, don't blame me for passing everything here, silent. Maybe you really hope, I will leave Heicheng !"


Many people have heard the words, they are all uproar.

A peerless genius like Xu Feng, if he wants to leave Hei Tiecheng, he is afraid that it will be the other three big eight-order forces, and they will fight wildly.

If this thing happened, it really came to the silent ear.

Silence will inevitably be crazy.

"Kid, count you!"

Qiu Shu stared at Xu Feng with his eyes. He glanced at Xu Feng with a sly look and turned away with others.

Xu Feng continued to turn into the yard, he was too lazy to pay attention to everything outside, if he can break through to the virtual realm of seven realms as soon as possible.

He really wants to leave the camp in Black Iron City.



Ge Hai’s eyes were all cold and cold, but anyone who looked away from the camp of Hei Tiecheng was violently beaten by Ge Hai and then thrown into the camp of Heilongjiang.

"Ge Hai is really too arrogant. He is stuck outside our camp in Black Iron City. Don't we leave?"

Some people are not reconciled.

Whoever, as a person in Black Iron City.

Being blocked by Ge Hai, the heart is definitely not comfortable.

"It’s all Xu Feng. He obviously has the strength and can fight with Ge Hai. He just hides and does not fight.”

Someone said with blame.

Someone next to him said: "It’s a change to you. I’m afraid that you won’t betray the Black Iron City. It’s good, will you play?”

“Qiu’s mother tried to kill Xu Feng, and Qiu’s invincible was the seven elders of Heicheng.”

"Why should Xu Feng be born to death in Hei Tiecheng? If he is his, he will be directly away from Heitiecheng."

"With his talent, as long as he joins Kaishizong, even if he joins the Mosquito Gate, Qiu invincible can't take him."

Some people are still very clear inside.

The people with rhythm are all accused by people around them.

"Ha ha ha... I thought who it was? It turned out to be you. Are you not a member of the Ninth Army before Qiu Zhi?"

"Why, the commander of your ninth army, Qiu Zhi, was killed. You are lucky enough to survive. Is this the way to find a dead end?"

"It turned out to be the ninth army. I thought that why is it so ugly to talk?"

"Dare to love, you Qiujia just want to kill Xu Feng, what are you doing here?"


The other people in the Black Iron City camp, all of them were full of anger, staring at the man who was filthy Xu Feng.


The member of the Ninth Army, he quickly turned and left.

He did not expect.

The majesty of Xu Feng in the camp of Hei Tiecheng is actually so high.



Ge Hai's eyes were cold and killing. He rushed to the camp of Black Iron City, which turned out to be Xu Feng's yard.

He smashed the door of Xu Feng’s camp, and the bombardment was broken and shattered.

Xu Feng appeared outside the camp, his eyes were cold and killing, staring at the opposite of Ge Hai.

Ge Hai's two eyebrows are slightly curved, and his figure is extremely burly.

His eyes are full of majestic warfare, staring at Xu Feng, said: "I heard people say, you kill Chen Wuji?"

Ge Hai said with doubt.

He thinks that Xu Feng is just the six peaks of the virtual world. How can he kill Chen Wuji?

Xu Feng’s face is cold and cold. It seems that Qiu Shu and others still really do not kill themselves, and they will not give up.

Ge Hai is a person of Gai Se Zong. If no one is guiding, how can he find his own camp position?

What's more, how did he know that he killed Chen Wuji.

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Can you tell me who brought you to find my camp?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and many people looked at Ge Hai one after another. They wanted to know if Ge Hai would say it?

Ge Haihaha smiled and said: "It seems that you are also a temper, I Gehai likes to fight people like you."

"That is the guy over there, he told me that you killed Chen Wuji, and he was also responsible for entering the camp of Heicheng."

Ge Hai pointed at the man not far away.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all killing.

This man is the ninth army member who wanted to provoke everyone.

"When I kill him, come back to fight with you? Can you?"

Xu Feng’s mouth is raised.


Ge Hai's face is refreshing.


The man’s first thought was to escape, and he immediately felt the threat of terror.

His eyes are full of horror, saying: "Elders of the hills... save me..."

He just said three words of the elders.

Xu Feng slammed his back on his back.

He was completely exhausted.

Xu Feng grabbed his body and threw it away from Qiu Shu not far away. He said, "Do you want to kill someone by knife?"

"In this case, I will fulfill you, I will fight with Ge Hai!"

Ge Hai's face is not far away.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "If you can really kill Chen Wuji, it is better that we don't need to fight. I will take you to see our sect of Gai Shizong. He likes young geniuses like you."


No one thought of it.

Ge Hai, who ranked first in the list of small flames, took the initiative to talk about Xu Feng.

"First fight, let's talk!"

Xu Feng opened the road.

"Ha ha ha... just what I want!"

Ge Hai’s strong momentum broke out, and his cultivation was the four peaks of the creation.

However, the number of threads on his head has reached the number of sixty-five, which is really terrible.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking, and it is worthy of being the top eight in the ranks of Gai Se Zong.

Zhu Cheng’s eyes are full of anger, and he looks at Qiu Shu.

"Qiu Shu, if you force Xu Feng to join the enemy's eighth-order forces, I believe that even if it is the city owner, it will come out and punish you Qiujia!" Zhu Chengyi said.


The spiritual power of Ge Hai has flowed, and his violent momentum has burst out, and his hand has emerged as a horrible sledgehammer.

The sledgehammer radiated a dark glow, his eyes staring at Xu Feng, saying: "Go all out to fight!"

"it is good!"

Xu Feng thinks that the opposite of Ge Hai is very good.


With Ge Hai’s hammer, the smashing of the bombardment brought out the fluctuations of the wind and the waves.

However, above Xu Feng’s hands, the golden fists slammed out and slammed out toward the hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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