The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2966: Gravity pressure

Chapter 2966 Gravity Pressure

Whirring whirring……

Inside Xu Feng’s mind, it seems that there is endless flame burning, and it contains all the horrible waves.

In his eyes, there are flashes of light.

He did not expect.

Time has such a mysterious spiritual skill.

This holy spiritual skill does not have any so-called level at all.

Today's holy spiritual skill is only a first-class product of the Holy Spirit.

However, this first-order product of the Holy Spirit can be continuously improved.

"Burning the Buddha!"

Xu Feng’s face is a color of surprise. As long as the number of celestial fires in the world is constantly blended, the power of this holy spirit will be even more terrifying, and the power of the flame will be fully revealed. .

Yan Yan's eyes looked at Xu Feng and smiled: "Little guy, how, this holy spirit is not terrible, and it seems to be tailored for you."

Xu Feng is grateful for his face.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng is deeply embarrassed.

His kindness to Yan Yan's sage is still in mind.

"Ha ha ha... don't thank me, we dead people can watch you grow up."

"In the future battle between the Terran and the Mozu, it is really satisfying to be able to really turn the tide."

"In any case, when the disaster of the heavens and the earth comes, you must protect the land of the gods of the gods."

Yan Yan Zun said to Xu Feng dignified.

That is the responsibility and mission of the strong.

"Predecessors can rest assured that as long as I can do what I can, I will definitely go through the fire!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all a firm light, and guarding the human race is the mission of all Terran.

He feels that as long as the true strength can be achieved, it is an inescapable thing.


He Yan Zun's reaction to Xu Feng, he is still very satisfied, met Xu Feng twice in succession, he thinks this young man is very good.

Perhaps the young people in front of us will play a big role in the coming of the world.

"You can cultivate here, skilled and skilled to burn the Buddha!" ​​Yan Yan Zun reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard, he nodded and said: "Okay, thank you seniors!"

Xu Feng is like this, in the flame cave house, constantly practicing.

He first integrated the flameless flame into the burning Buddha.

With constant proficiency.

"The first!"

Above Xu Feng's palm, a red-hot lotus flower gradually emerges, giving off a golden glow.


Xu Feng took a deep breath, he did not expect, it is really difficult to integrate the flame into the burning Buddha.

He did not know how long the time had passed, and the lotus flower formed by the infinite flame on the palm of his hand contained a horrible power.

The eyes of Yan Yan’s sages are full of horror, and the heart says: “The sacred spirit of the Holy Spirit.”

"If this kid is involved in four kinds of heaven and earth, I am afraid it will be even more horrible."

Yan Yan Zun also knows that it is not easy to integrate the heavens and the earth to form a lotus flower.

I saw that the lotus flower that was condensed by the flame gradually spread out and merged into Xu Feng’s body.

Xu Feng’s face is a faint smile, saying: “I can’t think of a fusion of heaven and earth, the power is so powerful.”

"I continue to integrate the fire into the ground."

Xu Feng began to merge the second flame.

"not good!"

Xu Feng’s face changed greatly, and with the fusion of the fire and the flames, the horrible waves were brought.

As if it were violent fluctuations, it surged in all directions, forming a strong momentum.

The constant vibration of the whole void brings with it a shocking wave of air, as if it can swallow the void.

"not good!"

The face of Yan Yan’s sage changed slightly, and the horrible momentum of his body spread.

His palms moved toward the place where Xu Feng was, and instantly extended to suppress the entire void.

Xu Feng’s eyes were dignified, and he took a deep breath, and his face was full of fear.

“How could it be so horrible?”

Xu Feng’s heart is wrong.

He did not expect to combine the two worlds of fire, the power of such horror.

Yan Yan Zun is also amazed.

He won the "burning Buddha" but was unable to cultivate.

He does not have such a good luck with Xu Feng, and he can have a world of fire.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Xu Feng looked at Yan Yan Zun, he found that the figure of Yan Yan Zun, became even more faint.

Yan Yan’s singer waved his hand and said: “You are too bold in this kid’s courage. The power of the combination of the two worlds is very terrifying. When you cultivate, it is best to be careful.”

Xu Feng is also a little bit nodded in his face, and he can't use it casually when he has no last resort, unless it is a very skilled fusion.

Subsequently, Xu Feng carefully felt after "burning the Buddha".

It’s a while.

Xu Feng stood up and he said: "Predecessors, I am also practicing almost, thank you!"

Xu Feng is ready to leave the flame cave.

Yan Yan Zun looked at Xu Feng with anticipation and said: "Go!"

His sleeves are waving.

Xu Feng disappeared from the flame cave house.

Many people have left on the huge square of the Nine-Dongdong House.

It’s really the time for Xu Feng to enter Dongfu, and it’s a little longer.

They did not expect that Xu Feng entered the Dongfu and had not come out for five days.

Today, I haven’t seen it until ten days have passed.

Zhu Cheng, but has been outside the nine caves.

Qiu Shu is only arranging people, taking turns guarding.


As Xu Feng appeared on the outside square, his eyes sparkled with light.

"Ah! Xu Feng came out, hurry to inform Elder Qiu Shu." Some people not far away said.

However, Chen Wuji, since Xu Feng entered Dongfu, also left the scene.

Zhu Cheng’s face is full of joy.

"Xu Feng, is it okay?"

Xu Feng looked at Zhu Cheng with gratitude and said: "Thank you for the elders of Zhu!"

"Xu Feng, what do you think, follow me to leave the Black Iron City camp, go to Heilongjiang, or stay in the flame battlefield?"

Zhu Cheng asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Leave in the flame battlefield!"

After the opportunity of the flame cave, it is more determined that Xu Feng will stay in the flame battlefield.

"In this case, you leave with me, when we walk separately." Zhu Cheng said to Xu Feng.


Xu Feng knows that this is Zhu Cheng wants to protect him.


Just as Xu Feng just walked out a few steps, many people's faces changed greatly, only because of the nine cave houses, suddenly emitting a horrible light.

Especially in the fifth cave house, the horrible momentum spread.

Xu Feng felt that the gravitational gravity of the horror came.

Zhu Cheng, who is next to him, is full of horror.

"Boy, what are you going to leave, don't you want to enter my cave house?"

An old voice, as if from ancient times, is a resounding camp for the entire Black Iron City.

Countless people are heading towards the location of the Nine-Dongdong House and want to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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