Chapter 2956

"15,800 points!"

Xu Feng stared at his identity token, his battle points, along with the killing of ten intermediate flames.

It becomes 15,000 points.

To know.

Each intermediate flame magic can get a thousand points.

"When I return to the camp of Heitiecheng, kill Qiu Zhi and others, and destroy the Ninth Army of Heitiecheng, I can choose to practice in Dongfu."

Xu Feng is over the camp of the Black Iron City, and the nine cave houses are extremely inspiring and anticipating.

"Hey? What happened?"

Xu Feng did not know how long he had killed in the Flame Valley.

The low-level flames that he killed were not even counted by himself.

However, kill ten intermediate flames.

He appeared in a valley.

His face is a condensation.

Just because the environment of this valley is quiet and calm, it is not like a place with flames.

The place where Xu Feng passed before, there are flames, will not be very calm.

And once he arrives.

The Flames will attack him immediately.

Flames can feel the breath of people.

"Since the valley is quiet and there is no flame, then it will be cultivated here for a while!"

Xu Feng did not rush to leave, but in the valley, found a relatively good place.

He sat cross-legged and said to the kitten on his shoulder: "Kitten, I am practicing here now, you can look around, if you have a strong intermediate flame, you can not do it."

Xu Feng knows that the strength of the kitten now is more than enough to deal with the low-level flames.

However, it is dangerous to deal with the intermediate flames.

"Brother, I am still here to protect you, you hurry to practice!" said the kitten to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled. "In this case, when I am finished, I will take you around."

Xu Feng is now working on the spiritual power of his body, and his cultivation is promoted to the five realities of the virtual world.

In his eyes, there are flashes of light, and they are replaced by other warriors, perhaps consuming the spiritual power of ten intermediate flames.

It has long been enough to break through to the sevenfold and even higher realms of the virtual world.

However, Xu Feng is only the fifth stage of promotion to the virtual world.

However, he can feel the tremendous improvement of his own power.

Did not think too much.

He immediately began to sort out.

It can be said that with so many flames fighting, he really benefited a lot.


“Have you searched for the trace of Xu Feng?”

Qiu Zhi originally returned to the camp of Heilongjiang.

However, after a few days.

He still felt that he did not see Xu Feng’s body and did not see Xu Feng’s death.

Some are sitting upset!

So, from the camp of Hei Iron City, he came to the outer edge of the Flame Valley again.

"The commander-in-chief did not find any traces of Xu Feng. In the past few days, we searched all the places outside the Valley of the Flames!"

The core members of several Ninth Army all spoke to Qiu Zhixin.

No one wants to stay outside the Valley of Flames.

They also want to leave early.

Qiu Zhiwen said, nodded and said: "Continue to increase my search for strength. In any case, I don't see Xu Feng's body. I still can't rest assured that some sleepless food!"

Qiu Zhi is very clear that Xu Feng’s talent is too horrible.

Once gave Xu Feng a chance to breathe.

At that time, they may be threatened by the Qiu family.

"Military commander, still searching?"

Several people thought that they could all go back to the camp in Heilongjiang.

I did not expect that it was even a search.

The faces are all wrong.

"Yes, you all give me a serious point. If Xu Feng survives, he will not want to survive by his means."

With a cold voice, Qiu Zhi warned several people.


Although they do not want to continue searching, they do not dare to violate the orders of Qiu Zhi.

The Qiu family is deeply rooted in the Black Iron City.

No one wants to provoke easily.

Qiu Zhi looked at the huge flame valley. If he didn't know, entering the Valley of Flames would definitely die. He wanted to rush into the Valley of Flames.



Xu Feng opened his eyes and took a deep breath. His cultivation was almost the same. Both of them were with light.

He stood up, facing not far away, carefully staring at the kittens around him and screaming.

"Kit, we are strolling around the valley!"


The kitten jumped out in one step, and a slamming sound appeared on Xu Feng’s shoulder, and the eyes were very excited.

Xu Feng is constantly wandering around the valley.

He found that the entire valley, there really is no flames.

"it's wired!"

His eyes were slightly raised, his brows were raised, and the surrounding spiritual fluctuations were carefully felt. His heart was strange.

He felt unreasonable, such a good environment, but no flames come over.

"No, sure, what is wrong?"

Xu Feng muttered to himself.

"Kitten, let's keep looking!"

Xu Feng began to look inside the valley again.

This time, he walked more carefully.

"No, here?"

Xu Feng came to the southeast of the valley, and he stared at the corner not far away.

"Array method?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are all blinking. He didn’t expect that there would be a battle, and there must be some weirdness.

"Good array, but unfortunately has lost support!" Xu Feng found that the formation is very mysterious.

However, the spirits of the array method are obviously becoming decadent, and the formation may break at any time.

Xu Feng walked to the front of the formation, and he raised his palms, and the bursts of spiritual power swept.


In an instant, the entire formation collapsed completely.

"How many years have you finally been someone?"

A little old voice sounded.

The sound, as if from the ancient times.

Xu Feng only felt that the whole person seemed to be floating.

His body disappeared in place.

Xu Feng glanced at the kitten on his shoulder and only breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, a good little guy, a solid foundation, a sinister five-fold late, condensed fifty-five spirits?"

The old voice sounded.

Xu Feng did not expect that the other party would have a glance at it.

"Hey, the warrior who has soared from the lower mainland?"

The words of the old man, this time finally with surprise.

As if, he was not surprised that Xu Feng’s five-fold ambiguity and the condensed fifty-five spirits.

Xu Feng knows that the lower mainland in the mouth of the old man is the southern continent where he is.

However, around the mainland of the Spirit, there should be many lower continents similar to the southern continent.

Oh la la...

at this time.

An old man in a white robe, his beard and hair, were pale, and his eyes looked radiant.

He stared at Xu Feng and nodded with satisfaction. "Don't be surprised, you have come to the place where I left behind."

"Xiao Feng, a younger generation, meets the predecessors!"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite old man, respectful.

(End of this chapter)

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