The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2946: Small flame list forty-seven

Chapter 2946 Small Flames List forty-seven


A stream of blood in the middle of the field, with fragments of the internal organs, spewed out.

In his eyes, he is not reconciled.

His whole body was broken and the whole person looked embarrassed.

From the huge pit, when you climb out.

His body is full of severe pain.

He came to the edge of the pit and was ready to climb.

A figure appeared in front of him.

"Ah! My hand!"

One foot, just step on his palm.

Ten fingers of pain, making Tanaka a miserable snoring.

Tanaka’s cold road: “Are you not very arrogant?”

"You have the ability to kill me!"

Tanaka’s eyes are threats.


His voice just fell, and Xu Feng slammed into his head.

He has wide eyes, and his eyes are incredible before he dies.

His sister is the core disciple of Wangfu Mountain Villa, and it is the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, ranking ninth.

Tian Zhenli!

"The courage of this kid is too big. Now Tanaka is killed by him. It is estimated that Tian Zhenli will go crazy!"

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and there was a pity in his eyes.

To know.

Tian Zhenli is the ninth existence of the Flame List.

Deng Yuan and other people's faces have become difficult to look at, the heart said: "The big thing is not the sister of Tian Tianli in the field, the strength is the top existence, she is famous in the flamefield."

"Now, Xu Feng kills her younger brother. I am afraid that Xu Feng is about to face the anger of Tian Zhenli."

Zhao Kun and others are not worried.

In their eyes, all the flashing lights are uneasy.

As the initiator of Xu Feng, his face is very calm.

He put the storage ring in Tanaka up.

He turned and walked toward Deng Yuan.

He found that Deng Yuan and others were somewhat worried.

"Captain, what are you worried about? Now Tanaka has been killed by me. Let's continue to compete for Danyang fruit."

Xu Feng said to Deng Yuan and others.


Zhao Kun reluctantly sighed and said: "Xu brother, you do not know, this Tianzhong he can not kill!"

"This person's sister is the ninth existence of the flame list, named Tian Zhenli, this person is very heart-wrenching."

"It is said that she likes to kill any man. As long as it is a man, it is easy to be killed without provoke her, let alone kill your brother."

Xu Feng heard the words, a faint smile.

He was invincible, and Wu Siyue was provoked.

Do not care more than one Tian Zhenli.

He smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, we continue to look for Danyang fruit."


Deng Yuan and others are sighing in their hearts.

They think that Xu Feng is frivolous and normal.

It’s a pity that such a peerless genius, if it’s really a battlefield in the flames, it’s too pathetic.

"Let's hurry to find Danyang fruit!"

Deng Yuan, they also converge on the mind, one by one, looking for Danyang fruit.

Inside the valley, there are dead bodies everywhere.

Danyang fruit has also been searched by many people.


However, Xu Feng’s killing of Tanaka’s affairs naturally spreads.

"You have heard no, Black Iron City seems to have a peerless genius, and the illusory situation has killed the Tanaka."

"How is it possible? Tanaka is a four-fold cultivation of the realm of creation, and it is the existence of the 94th."

"Don't believe it, I really see it with my own eyes. If the young man grows up in the future, the future is boundless!"

"It’s really people who are more dead than people, and they are all four, and they have a fifty-three spirits."

“Is it true?”

There is a lot of discussion everywhere.

Xu Feng and Deng Yuan, they did not continue to find Danyang fruit.

The crowd walked outside the valley.


They are all very fast.

A burst of footsteps suddenly came.

Today, everyone gets Danyang fruit.

Even those who see hostile forces are too lazy to go.

I was thinking about holding Danyang fruit and going back to practice.

Gather more threads.

A young man, he suddenly appeared in front of Deng Yuan, and his eyes were full of majestic warfare.

Staring at the opposite Deng Yuan and others, said: "Who is killing the people in Tanaka, give me out!"

The voice of the youth is very handsome and full of energy.

The breath on him is much stronger than the previous Tanaka.

Deng Yuan and others are both condensed.

"Small flame list forty-seven, Wangshao Villa, Jiang Zilong!"

Deng Yuan’s words rang.

Everyone is worried.

You know, the top 50 and the last 50 of the small flame list are huge gaps.

Xu Feng went out and his face was calm.

He has no fear of Jiang Zilong.

His current holy soul line has reached thirty-seven.

The spiritual skills he cultivated were enough to deal with Jiang Zilong.

Really, at the last moment of desperation, he can also use the fourth-order Horcrux, the bliss beads.

At that time, Jiang Zilong will die.

Of course, the use of bliss beads, for Xu Feng, is also a huge consumption.

Will damage his holy soul.

He didn't want to use it because he had no choice.

"I am!"

Xu Feng’s voice is very calm.

When Jiang Zilong looked at Xu Feng, he was surprised inside. He said: "It is not easy to be so young."

He slowly said: "I am called Jiang Zilong, but a disciple of Wangfu Mountain Villa. You kill Tianzhong. I want to avenge him."

"Of course, your current strength, able to kill Tanaka, is really amazing, not my opponent."

"I will give you a chance to live. After half a month, I will personally come to your camp in Black Iron City and challenge you personally."

In the eyes of Jiang Zilong, they are all proud.

He is full of confidence in himself.

Therefore, he did not fight Xu Feng at all.

Instead, choose to challenge Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that he looked at Jiang Zilong with appreciation. He said: "If you want to fight with me, you don't need half a month. After seven days, you can come directly to the camp of Heitiecheng. I accept your challenge."

In Xu Feng’s words, it is also full of confidence.

Among his eyebrows, all that emerged were light and calm.

"Are you sure for seven days?"

Jiang Zilong did not expect that he was a proud person.

Xu Feng is even more proud.

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng said affirmatively.

Jiang Zilong said: "In this case, after seven days, I will personally go to your camp in Black Iron City, and I hope you will not hide."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Waiting for your arrival!"

Jiang Zilong swept Xu Feng and he turned and walked away in the distance.

Deng Yuan said: "Xu brothers, you should fight for half a month, the strength of Jiang Zilong is not simple."

Xu Feng heard the words, a faint smile: "Captain, Jiang Zilong is a proud person, I must be more proud than him, to be able to beat him above the momentum."

"Otherwise, psychologically, we can't beat our opponents. If we fight, it will be greatly discounted. This is the spirit of going forward."

(End of this chapter)

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