Chapter 2937, fame

Watching a melee.

Xu Feng's whole body, the golden light broke out.

The kitten also followed Xu Feng.

He will attack opponents from time to time.

However, the last resort of killing, he let Xu Feng come to work.


Xu Feng continued to kill the hostile forces, and in the blink of an eye he won five hundred points.

In other words, he killed the existence of five hostile forces.

A chaotic battle.

There are killings everywhere.

"Ah... save me... that little brother, everyone is Black Iron City, hurry up and save me..."

Not far away, a fat man has a sharp eye.

He just saw the existence of the double peak of Xu Feng’s killing and creation.

At this moment, he is being attacked by a triple attack.

His mouth is traces of blood.

Looking at each other's long sword, you must pierce your chest.

He made a cry for help in the place where Xu Feng was.

"Do not hesitate, I will kill you."

The man who made the three-fold situation, he did not look at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes were slightly congested, saying: “I didn’t want to gossip about it. If you say this, I really have to be nosy!”

The other party is just a triple repair of the creation.

Xu Feng did not understand where he came from the courage to speak to himself.

"Yes, my brother, teach him lessons and let him know that the sky is high."

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said righteously.

Immediately, he suddenly shook his head and said: "No, not to teach him, but to kill him and seize his resources."

The kitten made a movement that wiped the neck.

Zhao Peng’s eyes were stunned by his sorrow. He stared at the kitten and said: “I will kill you after I kill your master. I will slowly cook it with slow fire. I want to Eat a roast cat."

Zhao Peng did not expect that a small beast would dare to be so arrogant.

The kitten heard the words and said, "Brother, hit him!"

"Hit him together!"

Xu Feng heard the words, cracked his mouth and smiled: "He wants to bake you to eat, I will give him one, fire and live!"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The kitten kept applauding and said: "Ha ha ha, it’s perfect to roast the living, I want to eat the fire and live!"

"No, no... not eating people, maybe his meat is stinky, stinking..."

The kitten and Xu Feng sang one and one.

The warrior of the Black Iron City, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, was stunned.

Is this really a cat?

"I killed you!"

Zhao Peng did not expect.

The opposite Xu Feng and the kitten, simply did not put him in the eyes, so chatted with such a blatant.

The spiritual power of his body gathered, the spirits of the top of the head broke out, and the three creations of the creation were all condensed, and the forty-eight spirits were condensed.

"Who is that guy, so irritating Zhao Peng, I don't think there is any benefit to him."

"I didn't feel the mistake. I was arrogant and arrogant. I dare to be so arrogant and provoke Zhao Peng."

"I really don't know who is not afraid. Looking at his age, it is very young. It is the newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers."

Seeing Xu Feng and the kitten, so angry with Zhao Peng.

Many people have compassion in their eyes.

In their view.

Xu Feng will die.


The spiritual power of Zhao Peng, accompanied by the spiritual veins, gathered on the palm of his hand. What he showed was the second-order sacred spirit.

His palms are like a huge mountain, and the dragonfly falls down.

All that are carried are strong air waves, which seem to be able to destroy everything and collapse the earth directly.

"Brother, go!"

The kitten yelled at Xu Feng.

The golden light of Xu Feng’s body broke out, and the power of the body of the creation came out. Above his fists, it was a horrible momentum.

"Canglong Wang Quan!"

The display of Xu Feng is the Cang Long Wang Quan.

A punch hit.

The power of the body of creation has become terrible.

The bombardment of the fists and smashing out brought the sound of squeaking, which made people’s ears feel the pain.


Among the many people's surprised eyes.

Xu Feng’s fist, and Zhao Peng’s palm, madly collided.

Two waves of air surged in all directions.

It seems as if a huge wave of tumbling rolls.


"How could this be?"

Zhao Peng’s heart is shocking. He did not expect that he would not have any upper hand when he exhibited his second-order Holy Spirit.

You must know that the opposite of Xu Feng is just a virtual reality.


Many people are open-mouthed and jaw-dropping.

They can't imagine how Xu Feng did it?

"Oh, it seems that your strength is nothing more than that. It is really hard to beat!"

The sound of Xu Feng sounded, and above his head, fifty-three spiritual veins broke out at the same time.

"Burn the wind!"

In the immediate moment, his footsteps moved.

Above the fists, there are violent storms.

The overbearing fist is unstoppable.

At the same time, there is a hot flame in this boxing.


Just as Zhanpeng wholeheartedly prepared to deal with Xu Feng’s fist.

The speed of the kitten is raised to the extreme.

A sharp claw, from his back, smashed down, blood dripping.

The kitten suddenly retired and went out. He made a face to the angry Zhao Peng.

"You like this kind of garbage, you want to eat this!"


Zhao Peng made an angry cry.

However, Xu Feng’s fist has already attacked him.


The madness of Zhao Peng’s spiritual power has become extremely terrifying.

He can feel that the fist that Xu Feng attacked is very dangerous.

"Golden spirits palm."

Zhao Peng screamed and displayed his most powerful Holy Spirit, and the palm of his hand was golden.

His eyes are dignified in the depths, saying: "I want to see, how strong are you?"


However, it turns out that the loading is being thundered!

Zhao Peng is going to escape.

So many people now, Xu Feng really does not necessarily chase him.

However, he has to prove that he is very powerful.

It’s hard to beat Xu Feng’s “burning wind fighter”!

The end is naturally very miserable.

The blood spurted out of Zhao Peng's mouth, his face became pale, and the whole person continued to retreat.

"How could this be……"

This is the second time Zhao Peng said this.

"Let you try the taste of flame burning!"

In the palm of Xu Feng's hand, a flame instantly condensed.

The flame rushed out toward Zhao Peng.

"Do not!"

Zhao Peng made a miserable cry.

The flame burned on his body.

The kittens are all smiling, saying: "Oh, you don't want to bake the bun?"

The kitten stood not far from Zhao Peng, he said proudly.

"I really don't care, is Ben Biao also able to deal with it?"

The kitten said incomparably.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten and shook his head helplessly.

Zhao Peng was killed like this.

Many people, looking at Xu Feng's eyes, have become dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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