The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2922: Finally reached the top

Chapter 2922 finally reached the summit

The old man looked at Xu Feng and said: "Since you come to the eighth floor, do you want to upgrade things, such as repairing, such as body, or holy spirit, even if it is the realm of the Holy Spirit, I am I can do my best to help you."

The words of the old man rang.

Xu Feng slightly narrowed his eyes. He stared at the old man and said: "Predecessors, my gravity field reached the realm of the ninth heaven."

"Well, when I climbed the road for nine days and nine days, I felt the existence of the atmosphere of gravity. I wonder if I can help me break through to the tenth day?"

Hearing Xu Feng’s inquiry, the old man carefully looked at Xu Feng.

His face was full of excitement, saying: "I don't think it would be unbelievable that Black Iron City can have such a genius."

"With your talent, the future will be nine days in a dragon. However, if you want to improve your cultivation, I can help you to upgrade to a virtual reality."

The old man continued.

For those who give themselves to the Black Iron City.

Xu Feng is still very respectful.

"If you want to improve the field of gravity in the tenth day, I can help you, but I can't break it. I don't dare to be 100% sure."

"If you can't break through, you must look at your own creation and understanding. After all, the field is not like repairing. If the spiritual power accumulates to a certain extent, it will break through."

The old man patiently explained to Xu Feng.

He felt that Xu Feng's talent was really incredible, and his face was accompanied by appreciation.

"I can't think of the ambiguous situation, and it is a genius to be able to raise the field of gravity to the ninth heaven."

The old man’s eyes fell on Xu Feng, and his face was full of praise.

“Premiers praised.”

Xu Feng said to the old man.

The old man looked at Xu Feng’s expression and was more satisfied. He said: “Winning is not arrogant, not defeating.”

The old man is on the nine-day road, and there are many years.

He has seen a lot of geniuses.

However, compared with Xu Feng, there really isn't.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Xu Feng said modestly.

"You release your gravity field, let me see."

The old man said to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s ninth heavenly gravity field permeated, and the entire void was constantly falling down.

It seems like a burst of storms.

The opposite of the old man’s eyes were all surprised, saying: “The terrible gravity field.”

The old man is also a knowledgeable person.

Yes, such a strong momentum, very majestic.

"Why is this kid's gravity field so strong?"

The old man’s heart is full of surprises.

Xu Feng put away the gravity field, and he looked forward to looking at the old man.

"You feel carefully, then I can help you, there are only so many."

The old man’s remnant was suddenly released.

Xu Feng is very clear. ,

As the old man releases the remnant, it means that he will die and disappear completely.

Xu Feng only felt that the continuous field of gravity was constantly converging toward his body.

"The ninth day of gravity in the middle of the field!"

The old man felt the elevation of gravity in Xu Feng, and his old eyes were shocked.

He did not expect that Xu Feng’s understanding was so good and the promotion was so rapid.

"The ninth day of the gravity field is late."

"The ninth heaven is the peak of gravity!"

With the gravity field in Xu Feng's body, it is almost in one go, directly breaking through to the tenth heaven.

"The tenth day of gravity field!"

The field of gravity in Xu Feng’s body has continually erupted, causing the void to follow.

The old man looked at Xu Feng, his eyes looked forward to him, saying: "Little brother, can you ask for one thing?"

Xu Feng heard the words, suddenly smiled: "Predecessors, you want me to help Heilongjiang, right?"

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, the old man’s face smiled and said: “Haha, it’s really smart. Since you choose to join Heicheng, you have to accept its good and bad, and then help Black Iron City become stronger.”

Xu Feng heard the words, said: "Predecessors, you are afraid to look at me, I am nothing but a virtual situation."

Xu Feng’s cultivation is indeed very weak.

However, the old man is completely convinced of his own vision.

If the youth in front of us does not rise in the future, no one can really rise.

"You don't have to be self-effacing. With your talent and realm, future achievements are limitless. You can take care of Black Iron City a little. It is a good thing."

The old man knows that with Xu Feng’s talent, the future is really a good one.

Subsequently, the old man did not continue to say more.

He is very clear that Xu Feng is such a peerless genius.

As long as you get the favor in Heilongjiang, you will definitely drink water in the future.

Moreover, he can see that Xu Feng is not a person who is ungrateful.

Xu Feng appeared on the nine-ninth road.

Seeing Xu Feng appear again, many people are making exclamations.

Xu Feng’s inner secret: “Predecessors, if one day, Xu Feng helped Hei Tiecheng, it’s not impossible.”

Although Qiu is invincible and Wu Siyue, he does not like it very much.

However, Shi Jie refused to resist Wu Siyue despite the injury.

When there is no sound, it is more, it is saved his life.

Among the forces, there are so many good people and bad people.

You can't deny the good people inside because of a few bad guys.

To be a person, you must learn to be informed.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng was fluctuating. He began to climb toward the ninth floor of the nine-day road.

"Does this guy really want to climb the ninth floor?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and his face was wrong.

However, Xu Feng looked at the ninth floor.

His eyes are firm in the depths.

"No matter what the ninth floor is, I have to go and see."

Xu Feng is the kind of person who can't die without the heart of the Yellow River.

Since he decided to go to the ninth floor of the nine-ninth road.

Then, you must go to the ninth floor to see.


Seeing Xu Feng heading for the ninth floor, their eyes are shining and expecting.

As for Qiu Invincible, Wu Siyue, they look at Xu Feng's figure, they are all angry and killing.

Wu Siyue is now a ten elder, and his hatred of Xu Feng has become even stronger.

"Do you think Xu Feng really can climb the ninth floor?"

Someone asked with doubts.

Even when the elders were silent, he was staring at Xu Feng at the moment.

He wants to see if Xu Feng can reach the ninth floor.


As Xu Feng's footsteps moved, the fluctuations above the nine-day road became even stronger.

It seems to be the gathering of the heavens and the earth's spiritual power, and the spiritual power is moving toward Xu Feng's body and mad.

His body appeared on the ninth floor in a light manner.

The whole scene, quiet again.

"Genius, peerless genius!"

The silent heart couldn't help but make a shock.

The nine-day road to the ninth floor means that the future is limitless.

Black Iron City is too small, such a dragon, in the future will certainly be nine days.

(End of this chapter)

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