The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2897: Living welfare

Chapter 2897 Living Benefits

Outside the secret.

Inside the eyes of Shi Jie, they are all severely radiant.

He looked at the many black iron guards in front of him. He said coldly: "You all give me a clear understanding. The assessment in the secret world is to select talents for Hei Tiecheng and give me the spirit of 120,000 points. Keep an eye on it."

"If someone is doing well, or if the talent is very good, you must report it to me immediately."

The sound of Shijie is firm.

He is the person in charge of the black iron guard assessment.

His consistent style is unselfish, and he must give Black Iron City a chance to screen out the real powerhouse and genius.


Those black iron army nodded to the stone.

There are a few of them, their eyes deep, their eyes flashing.


"Run, Gu Yao Green!"

With a sharp voice coming.

A group of people have fled all over.

In order to get the first place in the assessment, Gu Yaolu, as long as he was met, is a dead end.

"Gu Yao Hong is coming!"

In the entire mystery, anyone who heard the words of Gu Yao Green felt scalp tingling.

In order to become a black iron guard, this guy is almost in the secret world to kill the Quartet, wherever he goes, everyone is afraid.

"Do not kill me!"

A young man pleaded for the ancient Yao.


Gu Yaolu did not have any room for mercy, his hands waved out and his arms instantly turned into sharp edges.

He tears the other party directly into two halves, and he does not feel that such a means is cruel.

In his eyes.

As long as you can become a black iron guard, you can be desperate.

He has been practicing in the Black Iron Army for so many years, and he is trying to become a black iron guard.

Moreover, the black iron guard assessment itself is very cruel.


Xu Feng walked in the secret, he looked a bit bored.

"Brother, you said that our luck is so bad, I have not met a person for a long time."

Since Xu Feng has just entered the secret environment, he has been challenged by one person. After he killed the other party, he really did not meet any warrior.

Even Xu Feng feels incredible.


The kitten's eyes condensed and said: "Brother, it seems that there is a little monster, I am going to play with each other."

The kitten slammed out, his speed was very fast, and he went out between the rocks not far away.

I saw a whole body, all of which were light blue snakes. They suddenly came out of the rock and wanted to escape.

"In the presence of grandfather, do you still want to escape?"

The kitten screamed.

The sharp claws fell down.

I saw that the snake was suddenly split.

Blood sprinkled.

The kitten sighed helplessly and said: "Oh, it is too boring, this snake is too weak."

The kitten looked at the snake and he couldn't help but sigh.


Just at this time.

The three figures were coming around the kitten.

The kitten's eyes are all in vain, saying: "Brother, what do these people want to do? I feel very scared?"

The sound of the kitten sounded, and Xu Feng almost didn't bleed.

The opposite is just the existence of three imaginary dilemmas, and the kitten can easily kill each other.

He is not afraid at all.

Three people looked at Xu Feng and said: "The kid, give us the monster on your shoulder, I can let you have a horse."

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly and said: “Now I’m rolling, I’m too lazy to care about you, killing you is really boring.”

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the three people on the opposite side laughed.

"Ha ha ha..."

"This is the biggest joke I have ever heard. I am guilty of triviality and dare to talk to us like this?"

"I really don't know what it is. It doesn't matter if he thinks that he alone can kill us three people?"

"It’s really a dead end."

The three eyes are killing in both eyes.

Angry face.

"Boy, you are too arrogant, I will come to you!"

A young man with a virtual ambiguity, he stepped out toward Xu Feng, and his hands were chilly.

His palms seemed to be cold arrows, and they came toward Xu Feng's chest and smashed holes.

The gods are cold and killing.


A burst of wind blew up.

The whole void seemed to be shaking, and thirty-four of his heads appeared, and the attack of the palm of his hand came.


Looking at the other's palm, it is necessary to attack before the chest.

The other two people have cold smiles on their faces.

They think that Xu Feng will die.

However, it was at that moment.

Xu Feng’s palms stretched out, and the other’s arms were grabbed, and the powerful force broke out.

"Just rely on you? Where did the courage to kill me?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and the voice was mocking.

Immediately, the horrible waves of wind and waves.


With the moment of Xu Feng's palm force, the six-man man with a virtual ambiguity, his whole body pulse hit, want to tear Xu Feng.

I know, the power of the powerful force hits out.

The meridians above his arm break instantly.

The meridians of the whole body break instantly.

After the whole person flew out for dozens of meters, he fell to the ground and could not climb again.

The other two people were shocked in both eyes.


Both eyes are afraid.

The kitten said coldly: "Don't you want your grandfather to be a pet for you? Don't run!"

The sound of the kitten with a taunting moment, suddenly sharp claws, swept down.

A young man with a vain sixfold, above his back, seems to have been torn by a sword.

The blood was sprayed out, and his body fell to the ground, his eyes widened, apparently dead.

"how is this possible……"

The rest of the people, both eyes are afraid.

"Kid, I am fighting with you!"

He felt that Xu Feng’s ambiguity was triple, and if he attacked it, he might kill Xu Feng.

I know, Xu Feng slammed down and his body seemed to be a broken kite, flying through the sky.

Blood spewed out.

Outside the secret.

Several Black Iron Army were shocked by their faces, saying: "Which is that young man, a gift of horror."

"The three sinful circumstances of the virtual shackles of the shackles of the virtual world, should not be reported to the ten elders?"

Someone suggested.

"What to report, wait a while to say."

Next to a black iron army, his eyes narrowed and said: "It is still very early, as long as he survives, we look for opportunities to tell the ten elders."

"That's ok!"

The other person indulged for a moment, or nodded and agreed.


Over time.

There are fewer and fewer people who have survived.

Over the sky of the mystery, a burst of spirits, pure and incomparable, directly fell to the ground below.

"The welfare that survived?"

Along with the mystery, a distant voice came.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all joy, saying: “I didn’t expect such a good thing, a good spirit.”

Xu Feng’s heart was amazed, and it’s not the eighth-order power of Heilongjiang.

These spirits are very good for cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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