The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2893: Goodbye Yan Yan

Chapter 2893, Goodbye, Yan Yan

"you wanna die!"

The anger of Zhang Yixiu's face, the spiritual power of his body, and his ambiguous cultivation.

His spiritual veins are thirty, and they emerge in an instant.

As the pulse floats, the moment.

His arm became a claw, and he went to Zheng Xiaopeng and smashed away.

Jia Ken who came out of the yard.

He looked at Zhang Yixiu's work on Zheng Xiaopeng. He almost didn't have a big surprise, his eyes were gloating.

In his heart, he said: "Haha, it’s really interesting. I can’t think of this guy and take the initiative to go to the door to find death.”

Zhang Yixiu rushed out and roared: "Kid, I want to throw you into the sinkhole, let you try to taste the sinkhole."

Zhang Yixiu’s words seem to open a door to Zheng Xiaopeng.

His fat face is shaking.

He smiled and said: "The fat man really should let you feel the smell of the sewage pool."

When he was sneer.


The horrible momentum of Zheng Xiaopeng broke out.

The impact of his stick smashed out.

As the stick whistled, the hurricanes that ran wildly were carried, causing the air to oscillate.

Zhang Yixiu's eyes are wide and his heart is wrong.

"how is this possible?"

He felt the moment when the stick came down, bringing the power of terror, and his claws wanted to escape.

However, when he took the initiative to attack, he did not expect to see such a situation.

Some of his arms evaded late, and he was passed by Zheng Xiaopeng’s stick.

Blood ran down from his arm, and he continued to retreat a few steps, saying: "Slow... Who is you?"

"The power of terror?"

Zhang Yixiu’s heart is full of fear.

Zheng Xiaopeng said: "I am Zheng Xiaopeng, you can call me a fat man."

"Zheng Xiao brothers, how can we stop this, so as not to be laughed at." Zhang Yixiu's arms are shaking.

He knows that he is not an opponent of Zheng Xiaopeng.

"give up?"

Zheng Xiaopeng frowned slightly and said: "You are not going to throw me into the sinkhole?"

Zhang Yixiu smiled and said: "Zheng Xiao brother, I was not a slip of the tongue, but a mistake."

Zhang Yixiu said that he was losing his face on his face.

Road: "My big brother, it is the black iron guard ninety-three guards, Zhang Yiben, everyone is a good friend in the future, there is something to discuss."

Many people heard Zhang Yixiu move out of his big brother.

I thought that Zheng Xiaopeng would stop.

I know Zheng Xiaopeng’s stick, and the smashing out, said: “Sorry, I really want to make you feel the smell, the smell of the sinkhole.”


Zheng Xiaopeng's stick, waving out one after another.

Zhang Yixiu continued to regress.

Blood spurted out of the mouth.

He continually stepped back and continued to move backwards towards the sinkhole.

Zheng Xiaopeng is completely crushing him and falling into the lagoon.

"Little brother... little brother... hurry up..."

"Zheng Xiaopeng, my big brother is black iron guard..."

"Fat, I beg you, I am wrong..."

"I don't want to go into the sink..."

Zhang Yixiu, before throwing a few people into the sinkhole, he could hardly think of that taste.

The moment they are coming out are all miserable buzz.

Zheng Xiaofei cracked his mouth and smiled: "Hey, if you are so interested, how can you enter the cesspool?"

Zhang Yixiu's face was stunned. He looked at Jiaken and said, "Jacken, hurry up and help me. When I let my big brother repay you."

Jaken heard the words, he said: "Zhang Yixiu, I am not his opponent, that is, he took my yard."


Zhang Yixiu heard that he almost didn't spurt blood. His eyes were filled with anger and said: "Why don't you say that..."


The miserable snoring came out, and the whole man, falling towards the sinkhole behind him, crashed away.

Seeing that he fell into the lagoon, he was constantly struggling, and Zhang Yixiu, who had a stench.

Zheng Xiao fat licked his nose and said: "You slowly enjoy the taste of the sewage pool."


He looked at Jia Ken and said: "If it is not more than half an hour, if he comes out of the cesspool, the fat man will interrupt your legs."


Jason’s face is full of enthusiasm.

He secretly regrets, do not know what he is doing.

This is good.

I am afraid that Zhang Yixiu has also been offended.

Zheng Xiaopeng and Xu Feng went back to the yard.

"Jaken, what are you doing?"

When Zhang Yixiu wanted to come out of the lagoon, he found that Jia Ken had shaken him down.

Jia Ken’s face was helpless. He said: “Zhang Yixiu, I have no choice. If I let you come up, he will interrupt my legs.”


Zhang Yixiu's constant vomiting, the internal organs are rolling.

Some stench smelled into his mouth and rushed away.

"Jacon, my older brother will kill you!"

Zhang Yixiu’s angry face.

Jaken said: "Zhang Yixiu, even if your big brother is a black iron guard, you can't kill anyone."

Many people look at the appearance of Zhang Yixiu, all of them are hearty.

Their hearts are all excited.

"It’s really a wicked person to grind himself, it’s great..."

In particular, those who were previously thrown into the sinkhole by Zhang Yixiu, their hearts are full of revenge.


"Kid, you give me a stop!"

Xu Feng came out alone from the yard, followed by a kitten on his shoulder.

A cold voice sounded.

Xu Feng turned his head and saw Zhang Yixiu, who was thrown into the cesspool by Zheng Xiaofei yesterday.

Xu Feng rubbed his nose and frowned. "You are so stinky, and your mouth is stinky. Don't you know, wash it out and come out?"

Zhang Yixiu bowed his head and sniffed.

He only knew that he was being played by Xu Feng.

"Hey, that fat man can't be shackled for a long time." Zhang Yixiu's angry face, said: "He is not with you, I just take you out."

The flow of spiritual power in Zhang Yixiu is about to start with Xu Feng.

Many people are merciful and look at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's cold road: "Reassured, I will let you feel the smell of the sewage pool."

Just at this time.

Seeing that the two are going to start.

A voice sounded.

"Xu brother, are you here too?"

The master of this familiar voice is exactly the same as Xu Feng, who killed the Falcon gang.

Today's Yan Yan, his cultivation and strength, are even more terrifying.

It is getting closer and closer to the realm of creation.

Xu Feng heard the words, with a smile.

"Yan Yan."

Both of them smiled.


Zhang Yixiu looked at Yan Yan, and his face was full of fear. He swallowed his mouth and said: "Damn, who is this guy, why he knows the fat man, and now he has a good relationship with Yan Yan."

Many people beside them are also very surprised.

"Who is this young man, does he know Yan Yan?"

Everyone is very clear.

This Yan Yan is very strong.

He was able to get the sixth yard, which was all based on the true skill.

(End of this chapter)

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