The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2885: Weird beads

Chapter 2885, weird beads





Just a little while.

The blood of the snow-covered seven-claw fox, the price will be raised to 80,000 Lingjing.

Chen Youran sat next to Xu Feng.

His eyes have never left the blood.

Xu Feng’s heart is also very clear.

Chen Youran only has such a daughter, naturally it is very love.

Presumably, for the blood of this seven-clawed fox, he will be desperate.

Another time passed.

The price of blood in the snow-covered seven-jawed fox has risen to 1.2 million Lingjing.

Xu Feng’s heart is a burst of embarrassment.

These people are the real local tyrants.

Almost, it is a sigh of 10,000 lingering in one breath.

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

Seeing the constant price increase of everyone, it seems that there is no end.

Chen Youran simply opened his mouth.

His voice sounded.

Many people look at Chen Youran.

Some people's eyes are slightly picked up.

Not far from a white-haired old man, he laughed and said: "Since the vice president Chen wants, the old man will give up the fare increase."

The old man is obviously, wants to let Chen leisurely inherit his human feelings.

However, Chen Youran did not speak.

Chen Youran’s fare increase makes everyone more or less scrupulous.

After all, he is the third-order elite alchemy teacher.

If you offend Chen Youran, you may not know how to do it when you are asking for someone in the future.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of smiles. “It seems that Chen’s influence in Hei Tiecheng is still very big.”

The old man responsible for the auction.

His old eyes swept over the crowd and said: "The blood of the snow-covered seven-claw fox, the price of the fifteen thousand Lingjing, can anyone still increase the price?"

Chen Youran is slightly relieved.

It is a great surprise for him to get the blood of the Tianqiu Seven-Claw Fox at a price of 150,000.

"Chairman Chen, it is really bad, the blood of this seven-clawed fox, I also want it, I can only offend!"

Just at this time.

A man with a gray hair, his eyes look very sullen.

Xu Feng looked at the past.

I saw an acquaintance.

Isn't it the Qiuhai that was beaten by him before?

In Qiu Hai’s eyes, there are anger and killing.

The man with gray hair is the second brother of Qiu Hai, and the fifth guard of the black iron guard.

It can be imagined how powerful his strength is.

The identity and status of the Black Iron City is also very high.


Qiu Cheng said in an understatement.

Chen Yourun did not say a nonsense, said: "200,000!"

He directly increased the price of 40,000 Lingjing.

Everyone can see it.

For the blood of the snow-covered seven-claw fox, Chen Youran is inevitable.

Xu Feng shook his head secretly.

Chen Youran is really too proud.

Is it easy for him to do this and others want to raise the auction price?

Qiu Cheng also knows Chen Youran, and the blood of the Tianqiu Seven-Claw Fox is inevitable. He smiled and said: "Twenty thousand!"


Many people secretly whisper.

"Yu Cheng is obviously deliberately raising the auction price."

"The people in Qiu's family are so mean, but they are so happy, so it is interesting to see Chen Yuran doing it."

"Hey, the home of the hills is getting more and more arrogant these years."

Everyone understands.

Above the auction, unless it is something that the two parties are bound to gain, they will desperately increase the price.

However, Tianxue seven-jaw fox blood, for Chen Zuoran such a third-order elite alchemy teacher, is the necessary spiritual material for refining medicinal herbs, of course, it is very precious.

In the eyes of everyone.

The blood of the snow-covered seven-jaw fox does not have much significance for Qiu Cheng.

Just when Chen Youran is still preparing to increase the price.

Xu Feng laughed haha.

"Chairman Chen, since some people like to raise the price, it is better for me to come together and join in the fun. It is good to play with everyone!"

"Twenty thousand one thousand!"

With the price of Xu Feng coming out.


At the auction site, many people couldn't hold back and laughed.

This is completely the rhythm of the disgusting Qiu.

Qiu Cheng is the fifth guard of the Black Iron Guard. He is angry with his face. He said: "The auction is an adult. I think this kid is deliberately disturbing the order of the auction. Please expel him!"

The words of Qiu Cheng sounded.

The old man's brow slightly twisted.

Xu Feng said: "When it looks like an auction, I didn't say it, don't let the price increase a Lingjing?"

"If you feel awkward, you can also increase the price to me!"

Speaking of it.

He smiled and said: "Of course, you are a person with status and status. I think if you increase your price and do not meet your status, it will inevitably make people laugh."

"You might as well add a price, I just let you give it!"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Many people smiled awkwardly.

As a fifth guard of the Black Iron Guard, how can the fare increase is too low?

And, Xu Feng means.

Your markup represents your identity.


Qiu Cheng is not good at raising prices.

Adding too little will inevitably become a laughing stock.

Add too much, in case Xu Feng and Chen Youran really give up.

He takes a spiritual material that has no value to himself, and it is a waste of hundreds of thousands of crystals.

Even if he is the fifth guard of the Black Iron Guard, he will feel very painful.


Qiu Cheng snorted and did not continue to increase the price.

Chen Youran’s heart is a smile.

He doesn't mind ten thousand Lingjing.

However, I also know that Xu Feng is not accustomed to the Qiu Cheng. It is a disgusting help for him.


Underground auctions will be the most exotic auction price ever.

"Twenty thousand one and one Lingjing!"

Chen Youran paid Ling Jing, and obtained the blood of the Tianqiu Seven-Claw Fox.

The auction is still going on.

Chen Youran looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu brothers, if you look at something, even though you open your mouth, Lingjing counts on my head."

Above the auction floor.

In front of the old man, a bunch of beads appeared.

"This string of beads, hard and incomparable, invulnerable, and even the fires of heaven and earth, can not be burned and melted."

"As for the role, the people in our underground auctions have not been identified."

"The starting price, 50,000 Lingjing!"

The words of the old man rang.

Everyone is in vain.

They think the underground auction is really too dark.

A string of beads that do not know what to do, must have 50,000 Lingjing.

They feel that they are auctioned unless they are big.

"Buddha, starting price, 50,000 Lingjing!"

“Nobody raises the price?”

The old man's face is a bit ugly.

This series of beads has been photographed three times in succession.

The previous underground auction was also a streaming shot.

I knew this early.

He is too lazy to take it out.

"Hurry and jump over!"

Someone urged.

The old man swept his eyes and shook his head helplessly.

He also felt that this string of beads is not worth 50,000 Lingjing.

"Five thousand Lingjing!"

Just when the old man is ready to revoke, let the beads flow.

A voice sounded.

Everyone looked at the sound coming from there.

When they saw that Xu Feng could only face, they all understood the appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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