Chapter 2867 has eaten you!

Seeing Xu Feng took out Yuling Tongmai.

Zhou Zhiyong’s faces are all stunned.

He was grateful on his face and said, "Thank you little brother!"

Zhou Zhiyong is a sinister sacred sacred peak, and he is eager to get the Yuling Tongmai Dan in Xu Feng’s hand.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The so-called, reciprocating!"

"You risked offending others and reminded me in good faith. I also give you a remedy."

Xu Feng did not care.

to him.

Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan, how much he wants to refine, how much can be refining, it is simply not too simple.


Zhou Zhiyong walked under the ring, he could not wait to go to the practice room, taking this Yuling Tongmai.

However, his heart is still somewhat worried about Xu Feng.

After all, Wang Laotou did not know when he had climbed up from the ground and disappeared here.

It is highly probable that with the character of Wang Laotou, he will not be willing to give up.

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and said: "You can continue to fight with me. There are many inside the drug."

"Of course, you can get the premise that makes me feel good. I don't want to fight, I want to change things."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

It was also a man with a seven-fold peak in the virtual world. He went to Xu Feng.

He wants to get the Royal Spirit.

Everyone understands this.

Xu Feng’s strength is terrible.

With his body, he once again resisted the seven-fold attack of the virtual world.

"Hey, how do I feel that this kid seems to be weird?" Someone looked at Xu Feng’s battle and made a false alarm.

In particular, Xu Feng was able to defeat in succession, and there were several imaginary dilemmas.

They have to be surprised.

"I also feel very strange, this kid is deliberately playing pigs and eating tigers."

An old man’s eyes are condensed.

When he was fighting Xu Feng, he still didn't think.

Now, the more you think, the more you think.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Feng seems to have no absolute advantage.

However, the occupation is in the control of Xu Feng.

Just like, he just fought with Xu Feng.

Seeing that he wants to win, he loses, he does not know.

"I am going, what is the origin of this guy, obviously playing pigs here to eat tigers, want to pit us."

Many people have 100,000 grass mud horses flying in their hearts.

In particular, those who only fought with Xu Feng.

The spiritual materials they and Xu Feng fight are all hard to find.

If you sell it, you can also get a lot of Lingjing.

However, I wanted to get Xu Feng’s Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan, so I lost to Xu Feng.

Each face is not reconciled.

"Your strength is very good, the old man is very interested in your remedy, I don't know if you can fight with me?"

An imaginary old man, he appeared on the ring.

Inside his hand, there are three Chinese spirits.

He said: "Your second-order best spirit, Dan, I use three Chinese spirits, and fight with you, how?"

Xu Feng stared at the three Zhongpin Lingjing.

He also really saw Zhongpin Lingjing for the first time.

Feeling the pure spiritual power contained in it, his face is full of smiles.

"You said that he dared not fight the imaginary battle?"

Someone looked at the old man in the ring and asked with curiosity.

"The strength of Zhao Guan is not simple. He also cultivates the second-order Chinese spirit and the spirit of strength."

"This guy took out three Chinese spirits, and of course he was ten, he was sure he could eat the young man."

"Zhao Guan has not been in this downfall for many years, earning treasures. It seems that this time I have to fulfill my wish."

"If I were the young man, I would not agree to fight Zhao Guan, and I wouldn't be a shame anyway."

Seeing Zhao Guan appear on the ring.

Many people on the crowd have speculated.

In the end, Xu Feng dared not fight with Zhao Guan.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Since you want to fight, then I can only fulfill you."

"If I lose, the imperial tong Dan in my hand, I will offer it in my hands, and I will never eat."

Xu Feng is very clear about his strength.

Do not say that the virtual world is eight.

What if it is a vain situation?

However, he first came to Heitiecheng. He felt that it was better not to be too arrogant.

Sometimes, when it is strong, it must be strong.

When you are a high-profile person, you can't keep a low profile.

Yes, now that you expose all your cards, it is tantamount to idiot behavior.

"Haha, it's refreshing, I like it!"

Zhao Guancang's old face, wrinkles curved, his mouth raised, with a smile.

In the past few years, he has received countless cultivation resources on the ring.

He can only take the shot if he is sure.

Seeing Xu Feng fight so many times in succession.

Even if Xu Feng fights with his body, his body should feel tired.

As for Xu Feng’s body, he has no interest in the ambiguous atmosphere.


Above the top of the head, the pulse came out.

Forty spirits!

Zhao Guan’s momentum is very good. He can be repaired in a virtual environment and gather forty threads.

Above his old hands, a burst of fire red light filled the air.

"Kid, be careful!"

Zhao Guanxi gave a drink.

At the moment when the body suddenly rushed out, the red glow above the arm swept toward Xu Feng's body.

It seems that the flames burst into a screaming sound, extremely fierce.

As Zhao Guan guessed.

Xu Feng has been fighting many times and his body is tired.

The real world of the illusory body is full of battles, and it will be tired.

The moment of spiritual flow on him.

The spirit of the top of the head is filled with moments.

"Forty Spirits!"

As the pulse of Xu Feng’s head emerged, everyone around the ring was growing up and stunned.

They only feel that the world is too crazy.

The ambiguous situation is double-constructed and condenses forty threads.


The battle between Xu Feng and Zhao Guan began.

Punch out.

The flame above Zhao Guan’s arm collapsed toward the surroundings.

"Cang Long Wang Quan."

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation. When the body moved, the whole body sent out a squeaky voice.

The golden light above the fist, sweeping constantly.

"The Holy Spirit of the Fireplace?"

Everyone only felt that the heart was shocked.

They only feel dry and dry.

When is the existence of a double ambiguity, can it be so crazy?


Xu Feng's imaginary body is a perfect realm, the power that erupted, plus forty spirits, the momentum completely crushed Zhao Guan.


Zhao Guan’s face was full of sorrows, he did not expect it.

I have been here for so many years, but also when I look away.


After being knocked out by a punch, Xu Feng still had to start, he quickly said: "Stop... Stop... Stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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