The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2857: Broken bone

Chapter 2857

“Congratulations to the Lord, He Xi to help the Lord!”

“Congratulations to the Lord, He Xi to help the Lord!”


Falcons help people, seeing the road to break through to the creation of the environment, one by one is full of excitement.

The stronger the strength of Lu Ling, the more comfortable they will be in the Falcon gang and the higher their status.

Lu Hao's face was full of smiles. He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and said: "I broke through to the creation of the environment, and then your death."

There is still a big difference between the two atmospheres of creation and the atmosphere of the top of the world.

"During the death?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and his look did not have any fluctuations. “You really thought that if you break through to the creation of the environment, can you get me right?”

Xu Feng is very clear about his strength.

His ability to fight is absolutely not afraid of the road.

The road is full of sarcasm, said: "What is it? Now, I am a big realm with you, what do you fight with me? Today, the Falcons are destined to be your place of burial."

The spiritual power of Lu Ling’s body, his whole body rushed out, and his hands became sharp edges.

The tearing down of Xu Fengyu formed a strong wave of incomparable air, as if the space was rolling.

The whole earth is shaking, and a wave of hurricanes is constantly surging.

His face is arrogant and arrogant.

Breaking through the road to the duality of creation, he is imperative to kill Xu Feng.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Feng spoke a cold word.

Feel the attack from the road.

Today's road, his spirit has reached forty-eight.

Lu Hao did not expect that he broke through to the creation of the environment, Xu Feng is still so arrogant, his eyes, the killing has become more intense.

"court death!"

The road banged and the claws became sharper.

He madly attacked and formed the momentum that destroyed everything.

"Long Yue Tiandi."

Xu Feng still displayed the Cang Long Wang Quan.

However, this time, when he exhibited the Canglong Wangquan, his eighth-day gravity field broke out.

"Ah... I feel that my body is getting heavy and heavy, as if it is the eighth heavenly gravity field."

"Look at it, the kid's body is really the eighth heavenly gravity field."

"This kid is too abnormal, his talent is unheard of, and he has never seen it."

Falcons help people, they thought that Xu Feng will die.

I know.

At this moment, the strength of Xu Feng’s eruption is so terrible.

Also realized the eighth heavenly gravity field.


Lu Ling felt his body and became heavy. The speed of his movements suddenly slowed down.

In his eyes, he was cold and killing, saying: "Damn boy, I must kill him."

"Otherwise, such a terrible talent, growing up, is really endless."

Lu Hao is really afraid.

For Xu Feng's talent, he was instinctively afraid.


Long Yuetian’s squatting down.

Lu Hao broke through to the creation of the environment, he still did not get any advantage.

When the whole person quits, the powerful force shock still makes him feel miserable.

His heart is unwilling, his heart said: "Damn, who is this kid, his talent, should not appear in the Bi Tao door?"

"Kid, have to say, you really make me look good!"

Luke's eyes stared at Xu Feng, his face was full of dignity, and his spiritual power gathered wildly.

The forty-eight spirits above his head were completely floating, and he was about to display the second-order sacred spirit.

"The sky is cracked."

Lu Hao burst into a bang, the spiritual power of his body gathered wildly, and his hands were as if they were torn apart.

The incomparable waves of waves, followed by waves of waves, formed a wave of madness.


The sounds of the smashing sky are all squeaky, making the whole void seem to be tearing.

Breaking through the road to the duality of creation, the vastness of his display, the power is even more terrifying.

A strong wave of madness surges.

Everyone in the Falcon gang is clenching his fists.

"Kid, look at you still not dead!"

The white-haired old man is full of disdain.

"Since you want to take advantage of the second-order sacred spirit, I am not welcome."

Xu Feng slowly finished.

"Isn't this kid, and also has a second-order sacred spirit?"

"A strong and strong breath."

"Sure enough, it is the second-order product of the Holy Spirit."

Falcons help people, their eyes are a condensation.

"The Stories of the River!"

Xu Feng displayed the moment of the Stories of the Styx, as if it were a river, and it was going to the sky and smashing.


Strong volatility erupted, and the bursts of spiritual power rushed in all directions.

Xu Feng’s body suddenly regressed, and his shoulders were torn apart.

Unfortunately, the strength of the torn tears can not break Xu Feng's skin.

It can be imagined that his illusory body is perfect, how terrible it is.

"How could this be?"

Lu Hao's eyes, his second-order holy spirit skills, actually can not break Xu Feng's body.

"Good defense."

Many people are taking a breath.

"Mysterious ghost claws."

Lucy's eyes are all crazy, he spurs the power of the whole body, madly gathering toward his arm.

What brings is the power to destroy everything, the most important thing is.

It seems to be a mysterious ghost.

The paws are twitching toward Xu Feng's chest.

The second-order Chinese spirit is holy.

Many Falcons are stunned.

They never imagined that Xu Feng, who was guilty of ambiguity, forced the road to such a point.

Feel the power of the Holy Spirit skill displayed by the road, Xu Feng's mouth is raised, said: "I will let you see and see, my true strength."

"I didn't get it wrong. Just now, the absolute strength of this young man has not been displayed."

Someone couldn't help but speak, his face was wrong.

"How do I feel that he is bragging?"

A person, very unbelievable.

The ambiguous situation is twofold, and it can compete with the road of creation and the two roads.

It is enough to surprise people.

Now, tell them.

This young man has not yet gone all out. Who will believe it?

"The second-order best of the Holy Spirit: Burning the wind!"

Xu Feng's head, forty-nine spirits, completely condensed.

Inside his eyes, it seems that the flame is burning.

An endless flame, surrounded by his fists.

What brings is the turmoil that destroys everything.

His fist can destroy everything.

Can be broken!

(End of this chapter)

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