The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2854: Life and death

Chapter 2854 Life and Death

"Yu Yan, your talent is really good, but for so many years, I watched you grow up, do you think I really don't have a little precaution against you?"

The powerful momentum of Lu Ling broke out, forty-six spirits.

At the same time stir.

"The second-order product of the Holy Spirit: the sky is cracked!"


The spiritual flow of Lu Ling's body is crazy, his meridians, strong momentum fluctuations, incomparable horror.

Between his hands, there is a strong wind that tears the space.

In his eyes, there are cold and killing intentions.

"Yan Yan, you don't know how good, if not for me to kill your parents, how do you have such a chance?"

"If you are not with me, do you really think that you are a genius, can you become a virtual world?"

"So many years, you don't know the gratitude pictorial. Now, you have to kill me, you are really ungrateful."

The voice of Lu Ling is powerful, and every sentence seems to be very reasonable. Yan Yan is really ungrateful.

However, his words are ignored.

Yan Yan’s efforts over the years.

If it is not the practice of Yan Yan, and constantly strive for it, even if it is with the road, how can there be today's achievements.

The most important thing is that Lu Ling’s parents who killed Yan Yan’s parents were so shameful that they were so arrogant.


Xu Feng stood not far away, he could not help but burst into laughter.

For the shamelessness of Lu Ling, he is really an eye-opener.

Unexpectedly, some people can say that the murderous parents' vengeance can be said to be a great grace. This is a lot of anti-day.

Lu Hao's eyes swept over Xu Feng. His eyes were cold and killing. He said, "Boy, what are you laughing at?"

Xu Feng said: "I wonder if your childhood, suffering from unparalleled abuse, can you hate your parents so much?"

"If you don't hate your parents, why do you think that killing someone else's parents is a great virtue?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and many people could not help but nod.

Even the falcon gang is agreeing.

As the saying goes, killing the Father’s revenge does not share the sky.

What's more, Lu Ling killed Yan Yan's father and humiliated his mother. This is even a big hatred.

Not dead end!

But it became grace.

"Hey, wait for me to kill this kid, I will come and pick you up."

The road was full of gloom, his foot moving speed, suddenly speeding up, his hands bombarded.

"The sky is cracking!"

The power of this holy spirit, the horror, the strong volatility, is even more fierce.

Lu Yan’s eyes stared at Yan Yan and said, “How do you resist my smashing?”


The void seems to tear open in an instant.

Seeing that at that time, a long sword that could be opened in a hurry, so fell to Yan Yan.

Yan Yan bit his teeth, the spiritual power of his body, moving toward his hands, crazy.

The strong momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the horrible wind is blowing.

"Thunder and Thunder!"

Yan Yan exhibited a thunder and hundreds of thunder, and countless lightnings condensed in his hands.


Yan Yan’s Thunder, after all, is still a lot weaker than Lu Lu.

The whole man flew out and slammed on the ground.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face was white and he struggled to stand up from the ground.

The road was full of disdain, said: "Small beast, I have been raising you for so many years, you have grown into a white-eyed wolf, you actually want to kill me, I really do not care. Today, I will send you to see your parents. ”

The road was full of anger.

In his view, he was soft at the moment and did not kill Yan Yan.

Yan Yan should be grateful to zero, not to be against himself.


His hands continued to tear down toward Yan Yan.

The violent wind seems to tear the cheeks of Yan Yan.


The whole man suddenly quits and the blood spurted out of his mouth. Above his shoulder, the blood was very scarred.

"Road, I am fighting with you!"

Yan Yan did not expect that Lu Ling killed his parents and dared to say such righteousness. He rushed out in desperation.

Lu Hao sneered: "You kid, you are really too tender, I just want you to rush out, I want to kill you."

The road is full of disdain.

For the fledgling guy like Yan Yan, he felt that he had a million ways to kill Yan Yan.


His hands were torn, and it seemed that the boulder would be crushed.

Xu Feng's eyes flashed, he could see.

Yan Yan is somewhat dangerous.

However, he still did not shoot.

"Thunder and millions."

Yan Yan is still displaying thunder and hundreds of thunder, silver-white lightning, elongated dozens of feet in general, tearing open the void crack.


Yan Yan’s chest, the moment when blood is filled.

The other hand of Lu Ling, toward Yan Yan’s chest, screamed at the white tiger, tearing his heart.

"not good!"

Xu Feng looked at this scene, his heart is a secret road.

The spiritual power in his body is ready to help Yan Yan.

"If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price."

Yan Yan screamed, and in his hand, the violent giant elephant Dan, swallowed directly.


Just as Yan Yan swallowed the violent giant elephant Dan, he felt that his body was full of power.

It seems to be a giant elephant.

His eyes are full of majesty, and the whole person becomes extremely violent and step out.

The spiritual flow on the feet, his thunder and smashing out, the silver-white lightning, became earth-shattering.


This time.

Yan Yan did not quit, but continued to kill.

Lu Hao suddenly went backwards, and his eyes were all in vain.

Feel the violent momentum of Yan Yan, as if it were a sinister peak, even stronger.

His face changed greatly and said: "Good boy, you have obtained such a drug, no wonder you dare to kill the Falcon."

Yan Yan took the medicinal herbs and forced the strength.

It made him a little surprised.

For a moment, he saw that he would kill the road.

"Give me to die!"

Yan Yan is very clear that the violent giant elephant Dan's time of action is only half an hour, he must kill the roller as soon as possible.

"Thunder and Thunder!"

It is also the Thunder's show.

Everyone in the Falcon gang is stunned, and each one has a big mouth and said: "What kind of medicinal medicine is this, you can quickly improve the cultivation and strength. It is no wonder that Yan Yan is so bold."

"I want to come to this remedy, it is the cuddling of Yan Yan. Otherwise, I really don't know, where does he come from the courage to fight the lord?"

"This is also true, his strength is really strong now."

"This medicinal medicine is very precious and I don't know where he came from."

Seeing Yan Yan and Lu Hao, they are fighting again.

Falcons help people, one by one is a lot of discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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