The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2830: Qing Shui’s siege

Chapter 2830, the siege of Qing Shuizong

"All the bombing!"

When Xu Feng spit out four words, the golden light of his body broke out completely, and the powerful momentum filled the air.

"God, he turned out to be a refining monk. No wonder the strength is so terrible. I just saw the record on some books."

"It is said that the refining monks are extremely difficult. The breakthrough of each layer is difficult to climb to the sky. It is even more painful. It is the way that many people can't walk through the martial arts road, and they will choose the way. I did not expect him to practice. ”

"The refining monk, is it really so strong? Why, I have never seen it?"

An old man has obtained records from ancient books, but it is the existence of a refining monk, and his strength is extremely strong.

When his words rang, everyone was stunned, and some people were full of curiosity.

They are extremely curious about the four words of the refining monk.

"It’s normal that you haven’t heard it. It’s said that the refining monk is the most powerful force in ancient times.”

"At that time, the chaos of the heavens and the earth was first opened, and everything has just been shown. Only when the human races open their own bodies can they become stronger."

“After waiting for some of the strong incarnations, they began to find ways to absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.”

"Of course, this method of cultivation is left behind by the Protoss."

The words of the old man make everyone squatting.

They don't understand whether the old man is bragging.

However, Xu Feng’s strength is really obvious to all.


Xu Feng stared at the three people on the opposite side. Among his eyes, they were full of suffocating anger. "You don't want to run away. No one can escape in front of me."

"Long Yue Tian Di!"

Xu Feng casts the Canglong Wang Quan, filled with the dragon's figure, and the horrible air waves permeate the surroundings.

The storms and the storms swept over, forming an endless wind and hurricane in the thunder and sea.


The moment of a fist punching out.

The fist turned into a dragon, falling from the heavens and the earth, and the wind swept the earth, bringing shock.

The endless waves are constantly rolling.


Long Yue Tiandi suppressed down.

A middle-aged man with a sinful situation, he made a scream: "Don't... kill me..."


Unfortunately, the fist was suppressed and the body was crushed into a crush.

His bones are scattered in the Thunder Sea.

Xu Feng’s eyes turned to Zhao’s and Wu’s elders, and their faces were cold and killing.

"You falcons want to kill me so much, I have to see, how many pounds do you have?"

Xu Feng’s voice is filled with murderousness and brings a horrible atmosphere.

"Get started!"

The golden light of Xu Feng’s body made Wu elders and Zhao Wei feel a burst of chills.

Zhao Wei looked at the situation is not right, he opened his mouth to Xu Feng: "This brother, I am also forced to do it."

"It's not that I want to kill you, but he is the elder of our falcon gang. I can't follow his orders."

When Zhao Wei spoke, it seemed to be tears, and his face was unwilling and bitter.

As if he really didn't want to kill Xu Feng.

Not far away, Yan Yan ridiculed: "Xu brothers, don't listen to him being there, this person is even more mean and shameless."

Zhao Wei did not expect that Yan Yan said that his face changed slightly and stared at Yan Yan. "Yan Yan, you just let Xu Feng not kill me. I tell you a secret. I promise this secret. You will definitely be very satisfaction."

Yan Yan heard the words, slightly rubbing his eyes.

"Zhao Wei, I am not the first day to meet you, your shameless, but notorious, do you think I will believe it?"

Yan Yan is very clear about Zhao Wei's nature, so he will not bother with Zhao Wei and others.

"If I want to tell you the secret, about your parents, is it about your life?"

Zhao Wei’s cold road.


"Want to run?"

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over the elders of Wu, and he found the other person’s spiritual flow.

Strong breath fluctuations came out.

The eighth heaven space in his body emerged, and the void seemed to be torn apart.

Behind him, the dark crow Ling Yu suddenly appeared.

"Dragon is in the wild."

The dragon king boxing is displayed, and the dragon seems to be condensed on the fist, and the horrible waves are filled.


Wu Chang’s boss was shocked. He did not expect that Xu Feng’s speed was so fast.

He raised his palm and greeted Xu Feng's fist.

The moment of the collision of the boxing armpit.

The gust of wind rushed toward the surroundings.


How can the elders of Wu be Xu Feng’s opponent?

In particular, Xu Feng’s imaginary body is full of perfection, and the power that erupts seems to be like a mountain.

The whole man slammed out and the blood spurted out of his mouth.

His heavy shackles are among the thousands of fires.

Let the flame burn on his body.


"A horrible young man, go to summon everyone, we must slay this child, or it will endless trouble."

Although Yang Xie is a sinister sect.

However, his time to break into the illusory nine is not long.

Moreover, even he is not sure, he can kill Xu Feng 100%.


Wu Elder stood up and he was embarrassed.

Staring at Xu Feng with his eyes, said: "Kid, I am the elder of the Falcon gang, you dare to kill me, you will be chased by our falcon."

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Feng suddenly laughed and said: "You don't feel ridiculous? You falcons help me to see me, but they are all insanely chasing it!"

"Being spared, are you dreaming?"

In Xu Feng’s tone, all that was revealed was killing.

He moved in the footsteps and punched out with a punch.

The elders of Uganda did not hesitate, and the palms continued to meet.

It was a bang, and he flew down.

His meridians have been shaken, staring at Xu Feng, saying: "How is it possible? Your strength, why is it so strong?"

Xu Feng said slowly: "There is nothing impossible, but you are too wasteful."

Saying, the foot moves, and you punch down.


The elders of Wu died in the Thunder Sea.


Many people are taking a breath of cold breath, but it is a singular and powerful man. There are no more than ten falcon gangs.

In this way, Xu Feng's simple punches, a complete shock.

"This child has grown up, and the future is really limitless. Such a terrible strength is unheard of."

"His body is also very powerful, and the ambiguity is one heavy. It is really incredible to cross the entire seven levels and kill the opponent."

Just at this time.

Someone squinted and stared at Xu Feng, thoughtfully said: "You said this kid, can't it be a demon?"


Hearing these two words, the people around him are full of horror, and there is fear between them.

(End of this chapter)

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