The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2819: Interrupted legs

Chapter 2819 interrupts the legs

"I can't think of the small things in the Bei Mo district, and actually alarmed the eight elders. It really made Wang feel a little flattered!"

Wang Bihai stood there, his back was very straight.

Both eyes are calm and self-sufficient.

Wang Bihai is the person of Cao Zhen.

Today, Cao Zhen is the deputy doorkeeper of Bitaomen. He believes that butene does not dare to treat him.

"Little things?"

The anger of Buten's face, he felt that Wang Bihai did not put himself in the eye.

After he appeared, Wang Bihai did not have any awe.

"My grandson will be killed by you. Do you still think this is a small matter?"

The butene sound is full of anger.

He has been a pioneer in Bitao for so many years, and naturally he has his own strength.

Today, Wang Bihai, the captain of a **** team, did not give him face, how he was not angry.

"Eight elders, the cause and effect of this matter, I think you are also clear." Wang Bihai is very calm, said: "Your grandson is rampant in Bei Mocheng, I am the captain of the **** team, can't be indifferent?"

"Your grandson has repeatedly criticized the authority of the **** team and publicly claimed that Beimo City is the site of Dingjia."

"Is this the default for the eight elders?"

"Or, the eight elders think that they are going to be the doorkeeper?"

Wang Bihai’s voice is very exciting.

Every sentence is straightforward.

Moreover, every sentence makes the elders of the eight elders face.

If he admits it, I am afraid that these words will be transmitted to Bi Taomen. He does not say that his status is not guaranteed. Even if he is a life, he may not be able to survive.

Butene binoculars direct Wang Bihai, said: "Captain Wang, I am the eight elders of Bitaomen. Even if my grandson is making mistakes, I will not be able to deal with you. When I return to Bitaomen, I will personally Report the doorkeeper."

Wang Bihai slowly said: "Eight elders, you can rest assured that after law enforcement, I will naturally go to Bitaomen to make a statement."

Buten's face was full of anger, said: "Wang Bihai, are you not giving a face to the old man?"

The smell of butene is pervasive, and he is the realm of emptiness and arrogance, and the powerful momentum is surging.

Wang Bihai said: "Eight elders, since you are the eight elders of Bitaomen, you don't know how to break the law."

"My Wang Bihai is right, sitting straight, your face may be very valuable, but in Wang's eyes, the rules of Beimo City are more valuable."

Wang Bihai’s voice is powerful.

"So, you are not willing to give up today anyway?"

Butene eyes are slightly picked up.

The singularity of the emptiness of the body emerged. His old voice sounded and said: "Do you think that if the old man is going to do it to you, will Bitao Gate hold the responsibilities of the old man?"

"Will they go to a dead man and go to the old man?"

The sound of butene is threatening.

The meaning is obvious, that is, don't force me to kill you.

Kill the white kill!

"It turned out that this mentally retarded grandfather like you, it is no wonder that he dares to be so arrogant, but it makes me open my eyes."

Xu Feng came out of the crowd, his eyes fell on butene, and the brilliance between the looks was anger.

Hearing the voice of Xu Feng, butene also wants to see who it is, dare to do nothing at this time.

When he turned around, he stared at Xu Feng's face.

The breath on his body converges and says: "It turned out to be the Xu brothers. It was really the water that rushed to the Dragon King Temple."

Butene is a sinister ambition, and it is completely convergent. He knows that killing Xu Feng is equivalent to offending the elders.

Do not say that he butene, the entire Ding family must follow the finished.

The elders’ lessons.

"I don't need to be a brother to me, I am not familiar with you."

Xu Feng is not giving any face to butene.

Many people think that butene is going to be furious. But I know that butene is a smile on the face. "Xu brothers, this grandson is really wrong. You see that everyone is the same as Bitao. How about opening the net?"

But at this time, where do you still understand?

Wang Bihai is so persistent.

That is the young man who is provoked by his grandson, Xu Feng.

At the same time, he secretly sneaked in his heart: "This waste boy, you are not good at attracting anyone, but you are tempted to provoke this comet. This is the Lord who is not afraid of fear."


Everyone looked at the attitude of butene to Xu Feng, they are puzzled and more curious about Xu Feng’s identity.

"You said, this youth will not be the genius of Heilongjiang?" Someone could not help but ask.

"You didn't hear that butene said that everyone is a colleague? That is to say, this young man is a person from Bitaomen."

The person next to him replied.

Xu Feng looked at butene and said: "You only have such a grandson, and some short guards are justified."

Butene heard Xu Feng's words, he nodded suddenly, who knows Xu Feng's second half of the sentence, let him nod his movements, suddenly stopped.

"But, you can't let the whole Ding family, or you die for a grandson?"

Listening to the meaning of Xu Feng's discourse is obviously not open.

Butt's face is bitter, and his old eyes are pleading, saying: "Xu brother, please spare me my grandson, I promise that in the future, he will not behave in Beimocheng, and will be a man again."

Ding Tao and others looked at their father's attitude, and all of them were dumbfounded.

Why is butene so afraid of Xu Feng?

"I really want to spare him, but he does not spare me!"

Xu Feng opened his mouth to butene: "You ask him, when the captain of the king caught him, what did he say?"

Butene swallowed the water, and he stared at Ding Wei, saying: "You don't know what to do, what did you say, disrespectful to the Xu brothers?"

"Grandpa... I said to interrupt his legs!"

Ding Hao is stunned at the moment.

The grandfather who is respectful in his eyes, why was he so whispered.


Butene suddenly slammed on Ding's face, and his teeth shattered several pieces.


Butene directly interrupts the legs of Ding.


Ding Wei made a miserable snoring, his eyes were blood red tears, said: "Grandpa, why did you interrupt my legs?"

Butene does not want to do this, but he knows that only in this way can he save his life.

"Xu brothers, he deserves to be guilty. In the future, I will strictly discipline. If the Xu brothers are not satisfied with my punishment, then if you really want to kill, then kill me."

The sound of butene is decisive.

Xu Feng knows that butene does this, and it is also a apology for himself.

He nodded and said: "You interrupted his legs and made him unable to do evil. This is a good thing."

"You don't want to think about it. He is provoked by me today. I don't rule out that he will provoke the strongest of Heicheng in the future. At that time, your Ding Jia is not flying."

"In the future, you will be doing business in Bei Mocheng, don't be too overbearing."

Xu Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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