The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2816: Vice captain

Chapter 2816 Vice Captain Big Brother

"There is so much nonsense!"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, with an impatient look.

A bang!

The moment his body disappeared in the same place, the face of Ding Hao appeared five finger prints.

Ding Wei’s death on his cheeks, he felt the burning pain, his face was full of grievances.

"Do you dare to hit me?"

In Ding Yu’s eyes, the tears flickered, and the difference was crying.

"What can I not beat you?"

Xu Feng directly asked.


Then, his slap in the face of Ding Hao's cheeks, and continued to fall.

After a few slaps, Ding Hao's cheeks are swollen like a pig's head.

Blood spilled from the corner of Ding Yu’s mouth.

"Ah, you dare to beat me!"

Ding Hao’s face was stunned. He looked at the two guards around him and said, “What are you doing, are you pigs?”

The two guards heard the roar of Ding Hao and suddenly returned to God.

They really didn't think of it.

In Bei Mocheng, there are people who dare to play Ding.

As a result, they are all in a state of arrogance.

"You dare to beat our young master, you are dead!"

The two moved toward Xu Feng and rushed up at the same time.

"Hey, when the dog has a sense of superiority, you two dogs, **** it."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

The golden light of the body broke out.

"Big words!"

The two did not expect that the Xufeng District’s Tonglingjing Jiuzhong Peak was dare to say so much.

Their attacks have become very fierce, the spiritual flow, the light above the palms, and the rush of Xu Feng.


Xu Feng’s golden fists smashed out.

The smiles on both faces stopped abruptly, and instead they were screams, coming from the ground not far away.

The enormous power, destroying their meridians, caused their bones to smash, fell to the ground, and could no longer climb.

The two died on the spot!


Everyone around them was dumbfounded. They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes, some different.

"Who is this young man, the talent is so powerful, I am afraid it is not a nameless generation."

"I am not a genius disciple of Bi Taomen. I am afraid that I am really kicking the iron plate."

"Don't forget, Ding Wei's grandfather, but the eight elders of Bi Taomen, the genius disciple dare to provoke the eight elders?"

"This is also the case, who makes Ding Wei the only seedling of Ding's family?"

Many people have talked about it.

Ding Hao's look is strange, his two guards are not weak, and he was killed by Xu Feng.

His face was angry and said: "You dare to kill me, you will die very badly."

Ding Wei did not know.

Xu Feng wants to kill him, it is really easy.

When he died, he dared to threaten Xu Feng.

This is really the standard for mental retardation.

"If you die, you dare to threaten me. I am really convinced. If you don't accept it, you can't!"

Xu Feng couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Butylene has a grandson like you. It's really no one."

When you hear the word "butene".

Ding Yu’s face was astonished. He looked at Xu Feng and said, “Who are you, why do you know my grandfather’s name?”

Xu Feng just remembered.

The eight elders of Bi Taomen call for butene.

"Don't worry about who I am, do you want to die, or want to live?"

Xu Feng gave Ding Yi two choices.

"Crap, who doesn't want to live?"

Ding Wei is very smart now.

"If you want to live, climb away from here, I won't kill you."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Ding Hao almost did not spurt blood, what is his identity, if he climbed away from here, how to establish a foothold in Bei Mocheng.

"Don't be too much, my grandfather is the eight elders of Bitao. You just hit me, I haven't settled for you yet?"

Ding Wei pointed at Xu Feng, his arms were shaking up and down, and his face was full of anger.

Xu Feng just hit him and killed his guard.

This is a shame for him.

"It seems that you still want to die!"

Xu Feng stared at Ding Wei, and the momentum of his body went against Ding Yu.

"Ah... don't kill me..."

Where did Ding Hao’s bones come, he was directly on the ground, and his face was frightened. He said: "I am crawling away... don't kill me..."

Ding Wei said, he turned over to the ground and climbed to the side.

"Remember in the future, don't be guilty, otherwise I will kill you!"

Xu Feng said to Ding Wei.

Ding Hao’s biting teeth, his heart is resentful, and his heart said: “You give me a wait, the hero does not eat before the loss, when it is time to ask you to die.”


Just at this time!

A burst of footsteps came.

The members of the North Mexico City Guards suddenly appeared.

The man headed, he looked at Ding Wei, who was crawling on the ground, and said: "Ding Wei, what are you doing?"


Ding Wei heard the familiar voice, and he almost didn't feel moved and burst into tears.

Suddenly stood up and said: "Big brother, hurry to kill me, he dared to humiliate me, humiliate Ding."

"He hit you?"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

Ding’s status in Beimo City is well known.

Now Ding Wei has been labeled as such, this is not the face of Ding Hao, but the face of the whole Ding family.

"Uh huh... Big Brother, you quickly kill him. He just humiliated my grandfather. As long as you kill him, I must ask my grandfather to let you go to Bitao as an elder."

Ding Hao constantly pleaded.

The middle-aged man is the cousin of Ding Wei.

He knows that if he does not help Ding today, I am afraid that his life in Ding will not be good in the future.

Butene is the strongest of Ding's family, and it is the eight elders of Bitaomen.

But there is only one grandson Ding Wei.

Therefore, he can imagine the love of Ding Wei.

"Kid, you shouldn't have to do anything, you shouldn't provoke him."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the members of the escorts around him and said, "This person gathers people to make trouble and catch them."

Xu Feng looked at the middle-aged man opposite, saying: "Gathering people to make trouble? Are you talking about me?"

Middle-aged man, watching Xu Feng still dare to be so calm, do not give himself face.

"Do you think that I have to say you, who else?"

Ding Wei pointed to Xu Feng and said: "Dare to make trouble in Beimo City, and kill people in public. Don't you know the rules of Beimo City?"

Not far from Ding Yan's face full of excitement, his look is proud, arrogant pointing to Xu Feng.

"Yes, he is doing something wrong here, and quickly grabbed him. I want him to die."

Xu Feng has not been arrested yet, and Ding Hao can't wait.

"Since you are a law enforcement team, don't you know the people around you, so you want to catch me with a mentally retarded side?"

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed and his voice was powerful.

Ding Hao almost did not vomit blood.

What is mental retardation?

"Do you dare to marry me?"

Ding Wei now has Ding Yu support, he pointed Xu Feng, his face trembled, and rushed up and Xu Feng desperately.

"How about the word of one side, the arrogant person like you, should have been punished." Ding Wei firmly said.

(End of this chapter)

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