The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2811: Reconstruction of the astrology

Chapter 2811 Reconstruction of the Astrology


Zhao Shengming thought he was dead.

Just as he was preparing to fight with Wu Hao and others.

A figure appeared in front of him.

It is Xu Feng.

Xu Feng did not expect that in the secret of the chaotic star, he could still meet this tempered elder.

Before he performed his mission in the Astrology, he led the Astrology to be destroyed because of him.

However, the lord of the Astrology is also a bit of kindness to him.

He deserves to help rebuild the astrology.

Wu Hao, the whole person directly quits.

When Zhao Shengming looked at Xu Feng, his eyes were as big as a bronze bell.

He did not expect that, in just a few months, Xu Feng’s strength has risen to such a terrible level.

Wu Hao, who is a virtual singer, is not an opponent of Xu Feng.

"Kid, who are you?"

Wu Hao’s eyes stared at Xu Feng with a dignified look. He clearly felt that Xu Feng’s body was only the repair of the nine peaks of the spiritual world.

However, just a simple blow by Xu Feng, but it can make him suffer a big loss, the whole person almost fell to the ground.

"You are the last kid?"

The helper of the mixed sky, his eyes just stared at Xu Feng, his eyebrows were shocked, he did not expect, Xu Feng actually did not die.

"You know him?"

Wu Hao looked at the helper of the mixed sky.

The other party nodded and said: "Do you forget that we last annihilated the Astrology, to a large extent, to kill a young man named Xu Feng, and he is the Xu Feng."


Wu Hao’s eyes were suddenly contracted. He knew that the other person was a genius, but he did not expect that the horror would be so.

"At the time, wasn't he a three-way repair of the spiritual realm?"

The flaws of Wu Hao’s face, in a few short months, Xu Feng’s cultivation was upgraded to the peak of the nine spiritual peaks of Tong Lingjing. What a surprise.

"The strength of this kid is not simple. We can kill him if we all go together."

The helper of the mixed sky, in his eyes, the cold killings emerged, and the violent turbulence of the body surged.

Spirituality flows through his meridians, and the spirits of his head are all floating in an instant.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite people and said: "You last wanted to kill me, just that I can solve you."

The pulse of Xu Feng’s head broke out in an instant.

"Forty Spirits!"

As forty words emerged, Wu Hao and others almost did not spurt blood, one by one are stunned.

"God, how is it possible?"

Wu Hao was stunned and had not waited for him to come back. Everyone began to flee around.


Someone snorted and fled around.

The cold killing of Xu Feng’s eyes appeared, saying: “Hey, under my eyes, do you want to escape?”

"Dragon is in the wild!"

The dragon king boxing was displayed, and a five-fold man who escaped from the opposite side was beaten by a boxing in the back. The whole person fell to the ground, and blood spurted out of his mouth. His face was full of guilt and panic.


The kitten also smashed out from Xu Feng's shoulder. His speed was so fast that every step fell.

It was a figure that fell to the ground.

Zhao Mingsheng stood there, his eyes were all blasphemy.

He was completely in a state of arrogance. At that time, the sect of the Astrology Chamber thought that Xu Feng would not be able to laugh at Bi Tao for three years.

Yes, now is only a few months, Xu Feng's strength, is enough to laugh at the entire Bi Tao door.

Wu Hao’s eyes are all pleading. He bowed down to Xu Feng and said, “Please, don’t kill me...”

Hearing Wu’s pleading, Xu Feng slowly said: “Tell me, who is it, let you come and kill me?”

In the depths of Wu Hao’s eyes, there is a flash of light. “I can tell you, but you can’t kill me!”

"Say, still don't say?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, the cold killings emerged, and his voice was filled with firmness.

"Can you kill me..."

Wu Hao’s eyebrows are trembled.

"Don't say, then die!"

Xu Feng was too lazy to waste time with Wu Hao, the spiritual power of his body was stirred up, and the look was cold and killing.

For a moment, his fists were pressed down against Wu Hao.

Blood spurted out of Wu Hao's mouth.


Wu Hao is not reconciled inside, he feels that he can not die in vain.

Even if you are dead, you have to pull someone back.

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and cold, and his heart is: "Yang Zhao, when I go out from the secret of the stars, it is your death."

It is not too difficult for Xu Feng’s current strength to want to kill Yang Zhao’s ambiguity.

Subsequently, Xu Feng appeared opposite Zhao Mingsheng.

He smiled on his face and said, "Elder, you can still remember, you promised to give me a mount?"

Zhao Mingsheng's look is a bit embarrassing.

He bet with Xu Feng at the time.

Later, the astrology was destroyed.

Xu Feng did not have time to tell him what he promised.

"Xu Feng brothers, Zhao Mingsheng is here to apologize to you, I am keeping my life, just to ask you something."

Zhao Mingsheng said that he would bow down to Xu Feng.

He is a temper in his own right, but his heart is not free.

Otherwise, when the patriarch of the Astrology is dead, he will not give him the task of rebuilding the astrology.

Xu Feng is actually joking with Zhao Mingsheng.

He knew that Zhao Mingsheng was just an temper and didn't have any bad thoughts.

He quickly put Zhao Mingsheng up and said: "Zhao Elder, what is the matter, as long as I can do it, but it does not matter!"

Zhao Mingsheng did not expect Xu Feng to speak so well, and now the face is grateful, said: "Xu brother, please help me rebuild the astrology."

Xu Feng heard that he looked nodded with dignity.

"It is not difficult to rebuild the astrology. However, if you want to revert to the power of the past, I am afraid it will take some time and you need to operate on your own."

Xu Feng said to Zhao Mingsheng.

"Xu brothers, as long as you can eliminate the free gangs and other forces, my astrology is a big force with a hundred miles, and it will flourish in less than three years."

Zhao Mingsheng said to Xu Feng.

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Xu Feng agreed to Zhao Mingsheng.

Free to help those forces, the strongest person, but also the six peaks of the virtual world, he wants to kill easily.

"Xu brother, that is really thank you."

Zhao Mingsheng expressed his gratitude to Xu Fengxi.

Xu Feng said: "Your astrology is also destroyed for me. I will help you rebuild it. It is a matter of division."

"You can rest assured that after rebuilding the Astrology, I will say hello at the Bitao Gate and let them take care of you."

Xu Feng’s words to Zhao Mingsheng made Zhao Mingsheng’s face full of excitement.

He can see it.

With the current strength of Xu Feng, the position in Bitao Gate is bound to be high.

If Xu Feng greets him, the astrology grows up, it is only a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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