The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2802: Why not kill?

Chapter 2802 Why not kill?

He blood seal did not expect that he really miscalculated this time.

The young people opposite are terrible.

The vain body itself is very powerful.

The power of a fist burst is enough to counter the sinister warriors.

What's more, Xu Feng is not weaker than his thirty-five spirits.

“The first-order best spirit of the Holy Spirit?”

He blood seal felt the dragon dragon fist that Xu Feng displayed, the second type of horrible power broke out, his eyes were suddenly shrinking.


He blood seal is very clear, he is the eighth day of the Falcon gang, he only got a first-class best holy spirit.

Why, Xu Feng won the first-class best of the Holy Spirit, so horrible?

"You forced me, then don't blame me."

He blood seal knows.

If, he does not display the first-class supernatural spirit.

Do not display your own killer, I am afraid that next, is the object of being abused.

"You must not be polite to me, you are very polite, I am not used to it."

Xu Feng’s mouth is raised.

The ridiculous look is beyond words.

No doubt.

Xu Feng is really not afraid of blood seals.

"You are looking for death, I will fulfill you."

The thirty-four spirits of the top of the blood seal, madly dancing, bring a virtual shadow of the road.

"The first-class supernatural spirit: the red-covered dance!"

His thirty-four spirits, when they danced, were carried by a burst of hurricanes.

In his body, the field of the sixth wind and the peak of the wind is also erupting.

Among the eyes, they are all arrogant.

"Kid, you didn't expect it, my field of the wind, and my holy spirit skills, so fit."

He blood seal felt Xu Feng's body, without any atmosphere of the field, he said with sarcasm.

Just got a little advantage, the nature is revealed.

"Do you want a field?"

Xu Feng’s mouth raised, he looked at the opposite blood seal, mocked, said: “Dare, you want to compare the field with me?”

Said, Xu Feng's eighth heavenly gravity field was released in an instant.

Eight earthy rays, like eight worlds.

Heavy pressure, from Xu Feng around the body, constantly gathering.

"This is... the eighth heavenly gravity field?"

Someone couldn't help but scream.

only because.

They found that their body became very heavy and it was really difficult to move.

In the field of the wind that was originally bloody, it is light and fast.


As Xu Feng’s eighth-day gravity field broke out, his advantage in the field of wind was almost gone.

Instead, his footsteps became very slow, and he came to the impact of Xu Fengqi.

The spirit of his head is also blocked by the gravity field.

As a result, the dance of his veins became like a creep.

"Ah... **** it!"

He blood seal could not help but scream, he really did not understand, how Xu Feng did it all.

It is clearly a nine-fold cultivation of the spiritual realm, but it can condense the eighth-day gravity field, and the illusory body.

The most important thing is that it is accompanied by thirty-five threads.

Is this really a person?

"Long Yue Tian Di!"

The third type of Canglong Wang Quan broke out.

The gravity field brings about the pressure of terror, which makes the blood and blood of the blood become slow.

The moment when a fist punched out, the whole void broke out, and it was a squeaky voice.

The violent winds are rushing in all directions.


He blood seal body has been suppressed, he wants to avoid Xu Feng's fist, but found that it is impossible to quickly avoid.

Only able to let your own holy spirit skills, and Xu Feng's Cang Long Wang Quan, a collision.

However, such a collision is simply to hit the stone with an egg.


Blood was sprayed from his mouth, and his eyes were filled with blood.

His body is like a broken kite, slamming on the ground.

He blood seals his arms and wipes the blood from the corners of his mouth.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes, his eyes became blood red.

"I am fighting with you!"

He Xuefeng has been so humiliated.


As the blood in his body surges, it brings a horrible momentum.

Many people are wide-eyed, and they know that the blood of the blood seal will bring a horrible momentum.

The head of his whole person, thirty-four spirits, seems to be a different person.

Inside the eyes, they are all blood red.

"Red Cover Dance!"

He blood screamed, his foot moved, and the body of the wind wrapped his body.

Thirty-four spirits, the blood red light shrouded.

It seems to be a group of magical dances.

As Xu Feng suddenly slammed, the spirits covered, and the voids made a sound.

"But that's it!"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and this sentence spit out. Many people turned their eyes.

Such a powerful Holy Spirit has such a terrible attack.

Falling in the eyes of Xu Feng, it is actually four words.

But so!

"Long Yue Tiandi, give me a suppression!"

Xu Feng’s body, the eighth heavenly gravity field, broke out completely, and the void was falling.

The hollow tears bring violent fluctuations, endless waves, rolling around.


Thirty-four "red cover dances".

In this way, being suppressed by a fist, all formed a fierce momentum, destroying everything.

Thirty spirits were defeated, and blood was sprayed from the mouth of He Xuefeng. He was unwilling to face.

The whole person fell to the ground like this.

Xu Feng’s ankle is in the **** chest.

"What are you qualified for? You are arrogant!"

Xu Feng has a word, a tone of voice, and his eyes are overbearing. They are all arrogant.

Everything is under his control.


The scene became silent.

They all know that after this battle, Xu Feng was thoroughly famous as Heicheng.

The spirit of the nine spirits was repaired, and the blood was sealed.

From the beginning to the end, He Xuefeng did not fight back.

"You want to... do... what?"

He blood seals his eyes with fear. He looks at Xu Feng who is walking to the front, and his voice becomes trembling.

"What do you think?"

Xu Feng asked, and the brow was picking.

"You can't kill me. I am the genius of the Falcons. You kill me. You will die very badly."

He blood seal said.

Xu Feng spit out four words coldly and said: "Why not kill?"

He didn't even have any hesitation.

A punch is going to the **** seal.

Just when he was going out.

A cold, biting sound came from afar.


It was a young man in a white robe. His eyebrows were actually white, and his body seemed to be chilling.

Wherever they go, some of the vegetation is condensed with ice.


Unfortunately, his words have no threat to Xu Feng.

The fists were heavily smashed in the chest of blood, and blood was sprayed from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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