The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2794: Altar of the Mozu

Chapter 2794 Altar of the Mozu


With a burst of cold wind blowing.

Many people in the passage are chilling.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully stared at everything in the passage.

The heart is shocked.

As he continued to penetrate the channel, he felt the magic became stronger and stronger.

"What's going on, how strong is the magic?"

Xu Feng knows.

The Mozu of the Lingshen continent, but the blood of the warriors, is used to enhance their cultivation and strength.

Qin Laohan and other two people, with Xu Feng came to the end of the passage.

Deep in the passage.

It is a purple altar.

Around the altar, it is surrounded by blood, and the breath is very gloomy.

"Qin Laohan, where is the goods you brought?"

A middle-aged man with red eyes.

His eyebrows are bloody.

"Help the Lord, look, the goods I brought this time, but the best."

Qin Laohan said to the middle-aged man with respect and respect.

The middle-aged man is the helper of Qinghai.

His cultivation is the restoration of the six peaks of the virtual world.

"You open me and see!"

Middle-aged man, said to Qin Laohan.


Qin Laohan will open the curtain of Xu Feng.

"Good, full of blood, really good!"

The middle-aged man's face is a satisfying look.

“It’s really good!”

Xu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were cold and killing. He said: "It's really good. As a human race, you actually set up an altar of the Mozu. What crime should you sin?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Inside his eyes, there is a sense of killing.

Strong air waves are constantly surging.

" poison?"

Qin Laohan and others are stunned. They can't imagine how Xu Feng would be safe and sound.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept around the altar, and blood flowed around the altar.

Not far away, all the piled up were all corpses, and all the smells were stinking.

Xu Feng frowned and said with a killing: "Hey, I see that your two men are pitiful and have saved you with kindness."

"Not only did you not repay your grace, but you will have to enmity. It seems that people like you really can't stay."

Xu Feng's life, the most hated is the person who will be enemies.

He stepped out step by step and suppressed it with a punch.

The old eyes of Qin Laohan are all condensed.

In the moment when his footsteps receded, the whole person’s legs were soft and almost didn’t fall to the ground.

Blood ran out of his mouth, and his eyes widened and his face was unwilling.

He did not expect.

He was actually punched by Xu Feng and directly killed.

The little boy looked at Xu Feng and punched Qin Laohan.

His face was frightened and went straight to the side, saying to the middle-aged man: "Help the Lord, kill him!"

At this moment, the little boy, the face of the face, where there is the slightest kindness, is cold and biting.

Xu Feng’s mouth trembled. He originally wanted to spare the boy’s life.

I did not expect it.

The boy is so vicious.

At this time, I still want to kill him.

"Good boy, dare to pretend to be poisoned. Are you taking the initiative to send your door to death?"

Qinghai helped the Lord's cheeks, horrible, and all of them came out of cruel bloodthirsty.

Among the eyes, the red blood of the blood broke out, and the momentum of the six peaks of the virtual world broke out.

"Hey, I have to see, what can you do?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

The killings are constantly coming out of his eyes.


Middle-aged man, around the body, thirty-four spiritual veins, instantly emerged.

The veins are criss-crossed, forming a **** glow.

Strong and incomparable momentum, the magic is on his body, constantly emerging.

He stepped out step by step.

Above the hands, the blood-red claws condense in an instant.

The tears of the claws blew open, and they slid directly toward Xu Feng’s chest.


Xu Feng suddenly found that the middle-aged man's veins are actually dark colors, but the symbol of the constant flow of magic in it.

"Dragon is in the wild!"

The Canglong Wang Quan showed up, and in a moment, a fist became a dragon, and went toward the middle-aged man.

The golden dragon, above Xu Feng’s fist, continually condenses and emerges.

A strong and incomparable momentum broke out.


The fist and the blood-red claws, together with the collision, the whole void is constantly oscillating.

Xu Feng felt that a piece of magic, toward his body, seemed to be pouring.

However, Xu Feng's face is very calm.

Those magical moments were resolved by him.

The moment of the creation of Ding Fu, the pure magic, has been transformed into pure spiritual power.

Spiritual power surged toward his body, and his cultivation was also subtle.

The incomparable momentum broke out, forming a circle of air, as if the entire void was oscillating.

"Long Xiang nine days!"

I haven't waited for the middle-aged man to come back.

Xu Feng’s Canglong Wang Quan was once again displayed.

The moment of a fist condensed, it seems that a dragon is taking off.

The dragon is above the fist and is flying in the air.

The middle-aged man is full of mistakes.

He stared at the pulse of Xu Feng's head.

"Forty-two spirits!"

The lines of the thread are criss-crossed.

The breath of Xu Feng became extremely fierce, and a fist slammed out, and the void was shaking.

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and his cheeks became squatting. He said, "How is it possible? The nine spirits of the spiritual environment are repaired? Forty-two spiritual veins!"


Middle-aged man, his claws were shattered in an instant.

Blood spouted from his mouth.

His body flew out, his arms were torn open, and blood flowed directly from the tiger's mouth.

His footsteps continued to quit, and his eyes were unwilling.

He bit his teeth in his death, he did not expect that he was so easy to ascend to the six peaks of the virtual world, even by a young man, defeated so miserable.

Both eyes are unwilling.

Xu Feng appeared in front of the middle-aged man. He slowly said: "You are so colluding with the Mozu, you should die!"

The middle-aged man is unwilling to face.

He bit his teeth.

" me..."

With the middle-aged man, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his whole person was instantly demonized.

The entire altar was constantly shaking, and it was shaking, and all the sounds were loud.

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, on the dark altar, a burst of magic began to be released.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said: "Brother, it seems to be really a demon, and it is very strong."

In the body of Xu Feng, the voice of the mysterious woman sounded.

"I don't think that the devils have even appeared on such a fringe. It seems that the entire spiritual godland, the disaster is really coming."

The words of the mysterious woman reveal all mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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