The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2784: Faced Gigi Elder

Chapter 2784, the face of the elders

"Xu Feng, you are also ahead, I am alone!"

In the eyes of Elder Kyrgyz, there is no feeling.

Xu Feng heard that he was angry inside.

You know, not long ago.

Xu Feng helped them detoxify and let them get out of danger.

How long does this take?

Elder Kyrgyz is ungrateful.

He let other people be cannon fodder, Xu Feng has no opinion.

These people, from the very beginning, and the elders of Kyrgyzstan should have such a state of mind.

Black wood purple vines, they certainly can't get much.

At that time, I can only see the mood of the elders.

However, Xu Feng had a life-saving grace just before him.

The next moment, let Xu Feng be a cannon fodder.

This is somewhat ungrateful.

Xu Feng did not say anything on the surface, but his heart was cold and killing. He said: "Hey, if you want me to be cannon fodder, then you have to look at it. Who are we playing and who are we killed?"

Xu Feng also walked in front.

Among the low-lying wetlands, the grass is very dense.

Chen Yagang turned his head and stared at Xu Feng. "Xu Feng, you should go ahead."

Several people turned their attention to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stared at Chen Yagang and smiled: "If you are going to be, everyone in this wetland, after poisoning, can no one detoxify you?"

Xu Feng’s sentence came out.

The elders of Kyrgyzstan really spoke.

"Chen Yagang, you were the captain of the law enforcement team, and you should be ahead."

Chen Yagang did not expect it at all.

This is really lifting a rock and licking your own feet.

"What do I do?"

Chen Yagang knows if he wants to address Xu Feng.

It is not to let the elders of Kyrgyz open him in front.

Now, other people have retired behind him.

He didn't dare to say anything.

Only able to bite his teeth, and stunned Xu Feng.

His killing of Xu Feng is really incomparably strong.

As he walked, he thought about what he was going to do to really kill Xu Feng.


When everyone walks around.

Xu Feng's eyes were condensed, and the spiritual power of his body flowed out.

I saw him on the left hand side, stepping out of the moment.

Above his palm, spiritual power converges into an attack.

In the grass, directly bombarded.


A miserable snoring came out.

A colorful snake, which came out of the grass, fell out and fell in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the snake and was shocked.

They did not expect it at all.

Xu Feng’s ability to perceive is so strong.

Even if it was the elders of Ji, they did not find a poisonous snake hidden in the grass.

Master Wang looked at the viper and said: "Day, is it the legendary second-order snake, multicolored water snake?"

A few people were shocked to hear the name of the colorful snake.

This multicolored water snake is extremely fast.

The most important thing is that people who are poisoned may be killed on the spot.

Even if Xu Feng has a means of detoxification, he is unable to return to heaven.

After all, a dead person, who can save it?


They all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

No matter who it is, if it is attacked by the colorful snake, I am afraid that it will be killed on the spot.

Some people looked at Xu Feng with a complicated look. From the beginning, they felt that Xu Feng was a burden.

However, from everyone along the way, they seem to have no help for Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng first detoxified them, and then, it was to kill this colorful snake.

In other words, it is not that Xu Feng is cumbersome, but that they are cumbersome.

Chen Yagang did not say much at the moment.

He was ridiculed and sneered in his heart: "It's an idiot, this colorful snake, if it can kill other people, how much better?"

"This kid actually took the initiative to kill the colorful water snake."

For Chen Yagang.

Xu Feng acts like a good person. Does he really think that others will appreciate him?

If Elder Ji is really grateful to Xu Feng.

How could it be like Xu Feng, and they are all in front of the road?

Xu Feng did not know Chen Yagang’s inner thoughts.

When he does things, he always has a clear conscience.

As for Chen Yagang and others, it is a kind of enmity, or ungrateful, and has no relationship with him.

Everyone passed through the entire wetland.

During the period, someone was poisoned.

However, Xu Feng did not bother the other side, but he shot him to detoxify.

That person also knows gratitude.

He is deeply grateful to Xu Feng.

"Oh, it’s the location of the black wood purple vine, getting closer and closer, not far from the front."

Elder Kyrgyz looked at the place in front of him, and his look was a faint smile.

Everyone heard the words of Elder Ji, and they all had expectations on their faces.

Blackwood purple vine is a third-order spiritual material.

They can use the black wood purple vine to enhance the repair.

You can also use black wood purple vines to go to the auction to exchange enough crystals.

"Ji Chang, we are all blessed by you."

Someone said to the elders of Kyrgyzstan.

Chen Yagang looked at the elders with a smile and said: "Ji Chang, so, let's go find the black wood purple vine."


The elders of Kyrgyzstan’s eyes are cold and killing.

Standing on one side of Xu Feng, he felt the death of the elders of Kyrgyzstan.

To know.

Xu Feng is a warrior who perceives the existence of the killing of the righteousness. His ability to perceive the killing is really too strong.

With eight people walking, the towering trees in front, and the lush forests, all disappeared.

Instead, it turned out to be a ruin.

The face of Elder Kyrgyz suddenly changed, and his heart said: "Is the address above actually a relic?"

To know.

It is not a matter of surprise to see such relics in the mountains.

"Hey, what is this?"

I saw the middle-aged man in front, and he picked up a medicinal bottle.

A burst of scent of medicine spreads out.

His face was full of excitement and said: "It turned out to be the second-class remedy, it is so good!"

Seeing him get the remedy.

The elders of Kyrgyzstan squinted slightly and said, "Take me but give it to me. I will finally distribute it."

The words of Elder Ji’s voice rang, and the faces of several people were greatly changed.

They did not expect that the elders of Ji were so overbearing.

"Ji Chang, when you came, but the discussion is very clear, everyone needs what they want."

"Black wood purple vine, you can get more than half, we can get a small part, you will not be a ruthless?"

The middle-aged man, he said to the elders.


On the elders of Ji, the impetuous situation of the seven-fold situation broke out.

His eyes were taken with a sensation of killing, saying: "Oh, strength is the rule, I am the strongest here, and of course I have the final say."

"If you don't want to die, hand over the drug."

Elder Ji is completely wanting a person and monopolizing everything.

Everyone understands it.

Elder Kyrgyz did not speak the rules at all.

(End of this chapter)

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