The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2765: Smash on the spot

Chapter 2765 is on the spot

Xunyang looked at Xu Feng.

He does not know the identity of Xu Feng.

Only at this moment, Xu Feng was able to stand up and help him prove innocence.

Since he saw hope, he could not miss it.

Xunyang's face was full of excitement and looked at Xu Feng. "This little brother, if you can point out the problem, not only will I thank you, but I believe that Captain Chen will be the captain of the law enforcement team. ”

“People who do business in Mingjun City know that Mingjun City is a city that pays attention to integrity and attracts so many people.”

"Captain Chen is the captain of the law enforcement team. Of course, he has to deal with it impartially. This little brother can be assured."

The existence of Xunyang is the existence of the wind and water mixed in Mingjun City. The words can be said to be dripping.

His words will not offend Captain Chen, but they will not leak.

The meaning in the words is obvious.

Moreover, even if Captain Chen wants to marry Xu Feng, he can't do it at all.

Captain Chen is secretly angry inside.

If he is going to start with Xu Feng now, it is not enough to sit down. Do they know that the law enforcement team of Daming Villa only knows good people?

However, if he does not do it.

This little boy on the opposite side is doing a good job.

Captain Chen looks to the old man around him.

The other side's eyes are disdainful. He doesn't think Xu Feng is really an alchemy teacher, especially Xu Feng looks too young.

He nodded to Captain Chen.

"In this case, you have to say something, otherwise, don't blame me."

Captain Chen’s face was awkward, and he said to Xu Feng’s.

Captain Chen did not expect to see that things are coming to an end.

But suddenly, killing a bite.

Xu Feng grabbed the two medicinal herbs in his hand and said: "Chen Captain, it looks like you haven't answered my question yet?"

"Can you see, what is the difference between these two drugs?"

Captain Chen heard that he did not think about it.

"Kid, I am a warrior, not an alchemy teacher. How can I see the difference between the two remedies?"

After Chen’s captain finished, he did not know what was wrong.

Xu Feng’s face was full of smiles.

He nodded with satisfaction and said: "Chen Captain, I don't know, is Xunyang an alchemy teacher?"

As Xu Feng’s question came out, many people were wide-eyed.

Xunyang is also the same as Captain Chen, but it is only a military.

He naturally can't tell the difference between the medicinal herbs.

"Hey, Xunyang is not an alchemy teacher, but these medicinal herbs, he knows which ones are good and which ones are bad. This is his shop."

Captain Chen was angry in his heart. He did not expect that the young man opposite was so deceitful.

Simple questioning will solve the dilemma of Xunyang directly.

Liu Lao, standing next to him, his face became extraoriously ugly.

"Chen Captain, even if you say that Xunyang knows the quality of the drug, then where are these bad drugs, where does Xunyang come from?"

"He is not an alchemy teacher, how do you get these remedies?" Xu Feng asked directly to Captain Chen.

Captain Chen’s eyes flashed, and he did not expect that this kid’s ring would be interlocked.

Captain Chen said coldly: "How do I know, where did he come from these shoddy medicines?"

Xu Feng looked at Xunyang and said: "Xunyang, you can tell Captain Chen quickly, who are your refining drugs?"

When Xunyang heard this, he still didn't understand what it meant.

Who refines the medicinal herbs, does it prove that these bad remedies are also refining?

Xunyang cast a grateful look at Xu Feng.

"Chen Captain, the medicinal herbs of our Xunyang store have been refining Liu Meng for so many years. This is the entire Ming Juncheng, and many of my companions know it."

"If these remedies are really problematic, I am sure that it must be the means of Liu Meng."

Xunyang pointed to Liu Meng not far away.

Since Liu Meng just fell into the stone.

He certainly will not continue to maintain Liu Meng at this moment.

He treated Liu Meng in the past few years. After Xu Feng’s analysis, he felt that Liu Meng was very likely to frame him.

"Xunyang, you don't want to frame me. These medicinal herbs are sold to you after I refine. How do I know if you have exchanged?"

Liu Meng pointed to Xunyang, his face full of anger.

Xu Feng grabbed the medicinal herbs in his hand and he came to Liu Meng’s body.

He said: "The two medicinal herbs are completely from the same person. The so-called shoddy does not exist."

"The two medicinal herbs, however, were refining, and there was extra residue in the medicinal herbs."

"And, another remedy, refining is more thorough. Such two remedies, unless it is an idiot alchemist."

“Otherwise, it’s easy to see the difference.”

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Many people have looked at the old man next to Captain Chen.

The old man stood there, his old eyes were deep, and they were all surprised.

"Captain Chen, if you don't believe in my words, or the alchemy teacher around you, you are really incompetent. You may wish to find a few more authoritative alchemists and come to identify and appraise!"

Xu Feng handed the drug to Captain Chen, and his face was a faint smile.

Captain Chen’s heart is full of anger.

He never imagined that Xu Feng really made the difference in the drug, so clear.

This matter, from beginning to end, is a conspiracy.

Inside the crowd.

A middle-aged man, his biting his teeth, his face, his heart said: "Damn, who is this kid?"

Xunyang stood there, he looked at Captain Chen.

"Chen Captain, we are a shop in Xunyang. These years are also famous in Mingjun City. Please also preside over justice."

"If this matter cannot be repaid to me, I will go to Daming Mountain Villa even if I am ruined."

Xunyang said directly.

Captain Chen looked at the second-order Shangpin Alchemist.

The other side came forward and he grabbed two medicinal herbs.

"Oh... I can’t think of the little brother’s vision so uniquely, and the old man didn’t even think that there was such a despicable alchemy teacher.”

The old man’s face is a smile.

The words of Xunyang Yu: "Liu Meng, it really is that you frame me!"

Liu Meng looked at Captain Chen and said: "Chairman Chen, this thing..."

Liu Meng’s words have not been finished yet.

Captain Chen directly sneaked up and took a palm to Liu Meng’s head and took it.

"Oh, such a despicable alchemy teacher should not be invented in Mingjun City." Captain Chen said indignantly.

Xu Feng stood on the side and stared at it.

He just came to Mingjun City and didn't know what was going on.

Otherwise, he will stop Captain Chen.

Liu Meng’s last words, though not finished.

Xu Feng can hear it, this thing may not be that simple.

Captain Chen turned his head and looked at Xu Feng with a smile on his face.

"This little brother looked very face-to-face, but he knew the medicine at a young age. I don't know where it came from?"

(End of this chapter)

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