The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2763: Xunyang shop

Chapter 2763 Xunyang Shop


Xu Feng is familiar with Qing Shui.

Within the scope of the entire Black Iron City, there are nine major nine-order forces.

However, Qing Shui Zong is the number one force.

The strength of Qing Shui Zong is extremely powerful.

There are many strong people in it.

Moreover, within the jurisdiction of Qing Shui, there are many powerful martial artists.

It can be said.

The most powerful nine-order force in the entire Black Iron City is this Qing Shui.


Cao Zhen nodded and said: "Xu brothers, you also know that among the nine major forces of the Black Iron City, the top three forces, the forces are far more than other forces."

"Therefore, between the three forces, there is constant friction, and there is an endless stream of infighting."

"Therefore, within the jurisdiction of Qing Shui Zong, it is natural to have the eyeliner arranged by our Bi Tao door."

"These people are responsible for inquiring about other forces and then reporting the news to Bi Tao."

Speaking of this, Cao Zhen said to Xu Feng: "The elders who provided me with information this time, his relationship with me is good."

"It is said that many people in this black wood purple vine are very embarrassed, I am afraid it is a very fierce competition."

Cao Zhen looked at Xu Feng with some worries.

"Xu brothers, this time going to the scope of Qingshuizong, it may be dangerous to compete for black wood purple vines."

"If it doesn't work, let's give up." Cao Zhen knows that it will be in the site of Qingshui.

Do not say Xu Feng's identity leaked.

Even if it is to compete for the black wood purple vine, there will be a big crisis.

A little careless, it must die.

Xu Feng heard that he had a smile on his face.

"Cao Da Ge, this news, people from Bi Taomen don't know?" Xu Feng was worried that Yang Zhao and others secretly made a blind man.

As long as no one is secretly framed, who knows that he is the person of Bi Taomen?

Moreover, it is also a good thing to go to the jurisdiction of Qing Shui.

He wants to see it.

Why can Qingshui Zong become the number one force in the nine ninth-order forces?

"There is no such thing. The elder is my subordinate. The news he sent back is through me."

Cao Zhen also knows.

There are many people who want to deal with Xu Feng throughout the Bitao Gate.

In particular, many of Xu Feng’s victims have lost their status.

Cao Zhen did not believe that people like Yang Zhao would be willing to give up and wait for Xu Feng to grow up to kill him without any reaction.

"That's good!"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Chu Da Ge, you tell me directly, how can I find the black wood purple vine?"

Cao Zhen looked at Xu Feng insisting on going.

He took a token from his arms and said: "Xu brothers, this is my identity token. When you go to Mingjuncheng of Qingshuizong, go to a place called Xunyang shop, you see a middle-aged man. His body is slightly fat, and most importantly, he has only one ear."

"This person is called Xunyang. You take out my token. After you hand it to him, it is said that the martial art arranges to compete for the black wood purple vine."

"At that time, he must not dare to neglect you, but you must be careful."

Cao Zhen reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Cao Da Ge, these medicinal herbs, I used them to refine them these days."

"You can take it after you take it, maybe you can make your repairs, and as soon as possible, you will be promoted to a virtual environment."

The medicinal herbs that Xu Feng took out were all these days.

Let Cao Zhen go to the warehouse to retrieve the spiritual materials.

Xu Feng himself has refining a lot of medicinal herbs.

After all, he went to the site of Qing Shui Zong, but the danger and opportunity are possible.

He refining the medicinal herbs in case of emergency.

It will also give Cao Zhen refinement, and some second-order remedies that can be improved.

These remedies are very precious for Cao Zhen.

For Xu Feng, it is just a little effort.

"Xu brother, thank you!"

Cao Zhen felt that the most correct thing he had done in his life was to invite Xu Feng to Bi Tao.

He felt that the luckiest chance of his life was to help Xu Feng to get the good impression of Xu Feng.


Xu Feng's shoulders, the kitten sitting.

Xu Feng’s yard, he arranged the existence of some formations.

No one can break the array of the whole Bitao Gate.

Except for Cao Zhen, no one knows that he is leaving.

After leaving the Bi Tao Gate.

According to the description above the map, Xu Feng went all the way to the jurisdiction of Qingshui, which is Mingjun City.

He is very clear.

Since there is news of the black wood purple vine, it is able to arrive as soon as possible, and there is a chance.

"As long as I find the black wood purple vine, I can refine the medicinal herbs. When I upgrade my gravity field, I can just wait."

Xu Feng’s field of killing has been promoted to the early stage of the first-order killing.

However, his gravity field and space field have all stopped at the seventh heaven.

It is too difficult to continue to make progress without using the remedy and the oppression of the outside world.

This is also the reason why Xu Feng left the Bi Tao door.

If he can break through to the virtual world, he will realize three kinds of ambiguity.

At that time, it is not impossible to kill the warriors who are at the peak of the virtual world.

He is very clear, how terrible is the killing of the righteousness.

Five days!

Xu Feng did not meet any difficulties along the way.

He quietly came to the site of Qing Shui Zong.

He went directly to Mingjun City.

Looking at the bustling streets and shops of Mingjun City, his eyes are full of surprises.

It is worthy of being the number one of the nine ninth-order forces. Such a grand occasion is really not simple.

It should be known that Mingjun City is only a city in Qingshuizong. The person in charge is not Qingshui.

It is the subordinate force of Qingshuizong, a force called Daming Mountain Villa.

Xu Feng walked in the streets of Mingjun City.

He found that there are still many alchemists in Mingjun City.

Moreover, the strength of the military in Mingjun City is not weak.

Many middle-aged men he met were guilty of vain.

Even from time to time, I still meet, the existence of high-order virtual dilemma.

"This big brother, I don't know how to go to the Xunyang store?"

Xu Feng walked around, still did not find the Xunyang shop, he asked a slightly older man.

The man looked at Xu Feng with some eccentricities.

"You are not a person in Mingjun City?"

Xu Feng heard the words, nodded and said: "Big brother is really a good eye, like a torch. One of my big brothers is doing business in Xunyang. I just came from the country and want to go to him to see if I can find a job to make a living."

The middle-aged man heard the words and shook his head directly.

"I advise you not to go to the Xunyang store, they are now difficult to protect themselves, let alone make a living."

Xu Feng is a little surprised and doesn't understand what the other party means.

The middle-aged man looked at Xu Feng’s look.

"You are really a girl, and the drug shop in Xunyang has been faked on the spot. Now it is being punished by the law enforcement team of Daming Mountain Villa. It is very likely that the shops will not be able to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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