The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2748: Nine-headed blood snake flower

Chapter 2748 Chapter 9 Blood Snake Flower

Tongshuang heard that his face is full of curiosity.

He looked at Jitai and others.

He is also very surprised. In the end, Jitai and others, **** Zhaoku?

Moreover, can you kill so many falcon gangs?

"Let's talk about it, how do you do it?"

Tongshuang asked directly.

Several elders are curious.

Cao Zhen’s eyes are full of pride, knowing that the killing squad is his subordinate, and he is still his face.

Of course, the contribution made by the killing squad is greater.

The more his face, the more light it has.

Jitai said: "When you are in the door of the Lingjing Mine, we just met a group of people who are fighting with the group of Falcons."

"At the time, we were there to ambush, and when they were fighting, we shot."

"So, although our strength is not as good as Zhao Ku and others, it is not difficult to kill them."

Jitai directly told Tongshuang according to the reasons stated in advance.

Someone looked at Jitai with amazement.

They feel that Jitai and others are lucky.

Otherwise, the falcon's strong, I am afraid they want to kill them.

As a result, the other party actually lost both sides and made them cheap.

The elders are cold and cold: "Is there such a coincidence?"

The voice of the elders was a bit cold. His old eyes were staring at Jitai and other people.

In the end, his gaze fell on Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, you are a member of the killing squad. What are the causes and consequences? You don't plan to talk about it carefully?"

Xu Feng stood up and his doubles fell on the elders.

He said slowly: "The elders, if you want to know the specific situation, please ask the elderly, personally go to the Lingjing mine to investigate."

"Unexpectedly, the Falcons help the bodies of the people, and they are still in the Lingjing vein. You can also check the truth."

Speaking of it.

He did not care about the ugly cheeks of the elders.

The elders were angry in the heart. He did not expect that Xu Feng just joined the Bitao Gate and dared to blame himself.

"Noisy, what are you, have such qualifications and talk to the old man." The violent momentum of the elders pervaded.

It turned out that the cultivation of the elders turned out to be a sinister peak, and the violent momentum made people feel shocked.

The strong breath spread out.

Xu Feng felt the momentum of the elders, but his face was calm. He stood there, not humble.

The corner of the mouth rises slightly.

He went straight out a few steps and deliberately moved closer to the elders.

He clenched his fists in his hands and said to the child frost: "The door owner has a suggestion. I don't know if it is convenient to say?"

Other elders replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

Xu Feng is directly ignoring the rhythm of the elders.

The elder old man suddenly stood up, and he slammed and slammed on the chair next to him.

"Kid, you are really daring, who gives you the courage, so ignore the old man!" The voice of the elders, all contain anger.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and grinned at the big elder.

"Old things, advise you to be polite to my brother, maybe you will rely on my brother later?"

The crisp sound of the kitten came out.

The elders’ cheeks are shaking.

If you don't think of it in the main hall, he is not very good at shooting Xu Feng.

He is really ready to teach Xu Feng.

"I rely on him?"

The elders looked at the kitten and said: "It turns out that you are a monster, but the old man is a little bit of you."

Tongshuang looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, do you have any good suggestions, let me say it."

Tongshuang’s heart is filled with satisfaction.

Xu Feng dared to roar the elders like this, but it made him look at each other.

If Xu Feng is timid and shrinking, he will even think that Xu Feng is just that.

"The doorkeeper, there are a lot of Lingjing veins in the valley we found, it is better to arrange the elders to take charge of them."

"You know, if the Falcons help people react, it is very likely that they will arrange for the strong to go to the Lingjing vein."

"If the elders are sitting there in person, you can imagine that the falcons are going to help people.

"The most important thing is that there are big elders, unless they are the falcon gang's helpers. Otherwise, they are all dead, isn't it a fight against the Falcons?"

Xu Feng’s voice is calm and self-sufficient.

His tone and effect are all in good order.

The face of the elders may not look good.

He has been out of the mission for many years.

"If the elders think that they are old and weak, if they really can't perform their tasks, there are a lot of strong people under him."

"In addition, I believe that such a dedicated elder of the elders will inevitably consider the future of Bi Taomen and become a model for us."

Xu Feng’s words are said again.

Several elders are heartbroken. ,

They secretly said: "This kid is so good, he can't talk and drip, so the elders can't refuse."

"It seems that this elder is really being defeated by this kid."

The child cream is slightly addiction.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng, your suggestion is very good, but..."

Tongshuang said here, deliberately looking at the elders.

"The elders are the old people of our Bitaomen. It’s good to have him personally. Of course... he is...he is older..."

I haven't waited for the child to say it.

The elders came out and said: "The doorkeeper, this matter is handed over to the old man to do so, lest this kid gossip."


The elders snorted coldly.

"It is a great elder, it is the object that we all admire."

Xu Feng said to the elders in advance.

The elders of the elders are angry.

He secretly said: "I knew that this kid is so powerful, why should the old man talk nonsense?"


Xu Feng did not return directly to his yard.

He walked towards the spiritual warehouse in Bitaomen.

His purpose is the spiritual material he needs.

After all, giving him a second-order medicine is not very useful for him.

Come to the spiritual warehouse in Bitaomen.

Xu Feng entered it smoothly.

He needs to find a spiritual material that is almost as valuable as medicinal herbs.

Moreover, because they killed the Falcons to help Zhao Ku and others.

Xu Feng can also choose a lot of spiritual materials.

“It looks like the spirits inside are very rich.”

Xu Feng’s face is full of smiles.

He began to pick the spiritual material.

With Xu Feng coming to the warehouse.

His eyes paused on the shelf not far away.

I saw there, there was a strange flower.

Above the blood-red flower, it seems like nine flowers, and each flower exudes an incredible atmosphere.

It seems like a snake head.

"Nine-headed blood snake flower?"

Xu Feng’s eyes wide open and his face was full of surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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