The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2735: It’s great that you are not dead!

Chapter 2735, you are not dead, great!


Xu Feng’s dark crow Ling Yu flew away from the Astrology.

He can't support it.

The whole person is crumbling.

"Brother, are you okay?"

The kitten felt the bad situation of Xu Feng, and he spoke directly.

"Kitten, we are hiding in a hidden place. Whenever there is someone, we will continue to chase us."

Xu Feng said to the kitten.

His dark crows are too expensive and his body is a bit serious.

that's it.

He kept falling down.

The kitten grows bigger and squats at Xu Feng.

"Brother, don't worry, the kitten is carrying you. No one can catch you in this forest."

The kitten slammed and took Xu Feng toward the forest and rushed out quickly.

In a blink of an eye.

Time is like a white gap.


Bi Tao Gate.

Cao Zhen's face was full of anger. He stood in the hall and looked at the child cream above. He said: "The doorkeeper, I think someone apparently deliberately framed Xu Feng."

"When he went to the Astrology, why did he have other forces to destroy the astrology?"

"In addition, we Bi Ting door is a nine-step force, even their own subordinate forces can not take care of it, is it not to be laughed at?"

Cao Zhen’s words echoed in the hall.

He did not expect the astrology to be destroyed.

Moreover, Xu Feng is almost seven days old and has not returned yet.

It is very likely that Xu Feng also followed the star elephant and died.

But what they don't know is.

Xu Feng’s defeat of Jiang Dahua did not spread.

Why didn't it spread?

The biggest controller, of course, is the seven elders of Black Iron City, and Qiu is invincible.

He is very clear.

Once Xu Feng defeated Jiang Dahua’s news, there will be many people who will extend the olive branch to Xu Feng.

At that time, Xu Feng is such a talent.

It is very likely that it will really be seen by people of other powers.

Of course he can't let people spread the news.

The people who help the sky, but also Xu Feng was blocked, they are not willing to watch Xu Feng grow up.

Therefore, the entire Bi Tao door people also thought that Xu Feng died.

The child frost sat on it, and he heard Cao Zhen’s words.

He nodded and felt very reasonable.

"The hustle and bustle is really a bit of a deception, even combined with other forces to destroy the astrology."

In the tone of the child cream, it seems to contain anger.

However, he did not say what to do.

"The doorkeeper, I am willing to ask for help, take my team and kill the gangster." Cao Zhen said directly.

The four elders Yang Zhao stood up and looked at Cao Zhen. He said: "Cao Zhen, don't you want to die?"

"Yang Dahua, who knows how to help the sky, is a disciple of the seven elders of Black Iron City. You are going to kill the gangster now. Isn't it equal to playing the other's face?"

"You do it this way, we are Bitaomen, how do you stand in the Black Iron City in the future?"

Yang Zhao’s tone is ridiculous.

He looked at Tong Shuang, but he said: "The door lord, the horoscope is only a subordinate of our Bi Tao, a small force that does not flow into the stream. If it has already perished, then go with him."

"In any case, our Bi Tao Gate is still the ninth-order force, and it is still the third largest force in the ranks of the Black Iron City."

"As long as the status is not shaken, who dares to come to our troubles?"

Speaking of it.

He looked at Cao Zhendao: "I don't think there is any opinion about the small forces below. But some people have great opinions and don't know if they are guilty."

Cao Zhen is very upright and how he is Yang Zhao’s opponent.

When the next roar, he said: "Whoever has a ghost, who can't die, and it is very bad!"

Cao Zhen’s sentence came out.

Some people in the hall have a slight change in their faces.

Yang Zhao’s eyes are full of killing.

Tongshuang is very trusting to Cao Zhen.

He said: "Nine elders, I know that you are angry at Xu Feng's death. However, life and death."

"In the scope of this Black Iron City, how many days do you not die? You don't have to be too sad."

"This is the end of the matter. We must improve our Bi Tao door and repair it so that it cannot fall."

After the boy frost was finished, he stood up and walked outside the hall.

Cao Zhen’s face was full of anger.

Yang Zhao’s face with a smug smile said: “Cao Zhen, it seems that this year your subordinates are being abused a lot.”

It turned out that Bi Tao door.

Every year, there are nine elders, each of whom is a subordinate, and a warrior in the spiritual world.

This is also to let Bi Taomen be able to succeed.


Cao Zhen snorted coldly, squatting on his sleeves and walking towards the outside.

"I will definitely investigate this matter. If I let people know that someone is doing it, I will never give up."

"It’s a big deal, and it’s going to the elders."

Cao Zhen’s voice is absolutely inside.

When Yang Zhao and others heard the words of the elders, the look changed slightly.

Yang Zhao is very popular with the elders.


In a blink of an eye.

Half a month passed.

The injury on Xu Feng has recovered almost.

He looked at the kitten with gratitude on his face.

During this time, the kitten is in this forest, hunting hunting monsters everywhere, looking for demon, and looking for treasures everywhere.

"Kit, thank you!"

Xu Feng pinched the kitten's small head.

The kitten's relatives followed Xu Feng's side. He looked at Xu Feng's recovery and said: "Brother, kitten and you are good brothers, a lifetime!"

When the kitten spoke, he also used his claws and patted his little chest.

Xu Feng is looking at the inexplicable touch.

Come to the mainland of the Spirit, unaccompanied.

The kittens are always around, first in the nine wild seas, regardless of their own safety, just to let Xu Feng survive.

Moreover, the kitten is also Xu Feng's most loyal partner.

"Well, good brother, a lifetime!"

Xu Feng reached out and, with the paws of the kitten, came a high-five.

The depths of his eyes were filled with the killing of the forest.

He looked at the astrology in the distance.

There was a lot of smoke, and he didn't have to think about it. He knew what was going on.

"This account, I will be clear with you."

Xu Feng’s heart is killing.

"Brother, where are we going?"

The kitten asked Xu Feng.

"Go to Bitao Gate."

Xu Feng took the kitten, one person and one cat, and continued to walk toward Bitao.

The guards of Bitaomen, they saw Xu Feng and Cao Zhen together, naturally will not stop.

Xu Feng just returned to his yard.

"Xu brothers... you are not dead too much!"

A loud voice came from outside the yard, it was the voice of Cao Zhen.

"Cao Big Brother."

Xu Feng smiled at Cao Zhen.

"Ha ha ha... I will say that the brothers and sisters of the world are so easy to die!"

Cao Zhen reached out and patted Xu Feng's shoulder, his face was smiling.

"I didn't die, but the mission failed."

In the depths of Xu Feng’s eyes, the murderousness became very strong.

Star Xiangzong has grace for him.

However, he indirectly caused the destruction of the astrology.

(End of this chapter)

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