The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2714: Meet Chen Youran

Chapter 2714, Meet Chen Youran

The mysterious woman is very clear.

The Taikoo Dragon Soul is the supreme being among the heavens and the earth.

However, the ability to awaken the Taikoo Dragon Soul itself is nothing.

What's more, the awakened Taikoo Dragon Soul can actually be promoted.

Xu Feng did not expect that his Taikoo Dragon Soul would actually improve.

His eyes looked at the opposite picture.

He looked at the white tiger at the moment and seemed to become a lot more common.

"It seems that the effect of this picture is only one time."

Xu Feng shook his head with some helplessness.

The level of this picture is too low.

If it is a very high-level view of the picture, every time you think about it will be different feelings, different feelings.

He stood up.

Going to the center of the statue, he squinted at the statue.

It is also a thank you.

He walked outside the main hall.

The white family ancestors did not expect Xu Feng to come out so quickly.

He thought that Xu Feng had no gains.

He looked at Xu Feng slowly: "Little brother, you can actually think more about it for a while, maybe there will be more sentiment."

Hear the words of the white family ancestors.

Xu Feng smiled undecidedly.

"Forget it, thank you for your kindness."

Xu Feng left in front.

The white family ancestors turned and he looked at the picture and he closed the door directly.

He sighed helplessly and said: "Don't he even think about the picture?"

Of course, the white family ancestors did not know that Xu Feng had already seen success.

Moreover, Xu Feng's Taikoo Dragon Soul has also evolved.

His claws are too long, and he is promoted to the soul of the two-legged Taikoo Dragon. The power of the Holy Spirit has been greatly improved.

After Xu Feng returned to the room, he began to realize his Taikoo Dragon Soul, while refining the soul crystal.

He now has a lot of soul crystals in his hand, enough for him to practice for a long time.


Soulist Guild.

Look inside your eyes.

He knows that there is a big man who is coming to the Soul Association today.

At noon.

A middle-aged Confucian-looking man in a white blouse, he took a step and came to the Soulist Guild.

He had already waited early, and he quickly greeted him directly to the other side, his face was smiling.

The people around me looked at this scene and they were all shocked.

They don't understand.

Who is this middle-aged Confucian student?

Is it worthy of such a respectful treatment?

"Chairman Chen, you are finally here."

He said to the other party.

Middle-aged Confucian students with a smile on their faces, said: "Uncle, you have such a good relationship with my father, you still call me leisurely."

Middle-aged Confucian students looked helplessly.

He knows his temper.

He smiled and said: "When I drink with your father, of course you can call you leisurely."

"Now, you are the vice president of the Black Iron City Soul Masters Association. I belong to your subordinates and cannot be embarrassed."

The voice of the cockroach is firm inside.

Chen Youran heard that he knew his temper and was too lazy to continue to discourage.

"Uncle Uncle, the person you said, where is he now?"

Chen Youran.

He is the vice president of the Black Iron City Soul Masters Association, and he is a third-order elite alchemy teacher. His status is very high.

He is also a strong man of creation.

He heard the words, he said: "You can come in with me first, I slowly tell you that this matter needs to be considered."

He took Chen Yuran and walked toward his room.


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At the same time, Xu Feng's series of performances are told to Chen Youran.

Chen Youran is even more open-eyed.

He is self-proclaimed within the scope of Hei Iron City, and Chen Youran is already a very talented genius.

I can't think of Xu Feng being so abnormal.

He was suddenly very interested in this young man.

"Uncle Uncle, where is this person now, take me to meet him."

Chen leisure is a little anxious.

The reason why he received the news of the embarrassment came from Heicheng, a non-stop.

That is, that thing can't be delayed.

He said: "He is in the white house."

"Let's go to the White House."

Chen Youran stood up and he was going to walk outside the room, but he was dragged directly by the donkey.

"Leisure, this thing, can't worry." I know Xu Feng's temper, the other party is very good at speaking.

However, he now tells Chen Youran about Xu Feng’s affairs.

He was afraid that Chen Youran would go to see Xu Feng’s words now, but it would cause Xu Feng’s resentment.

"Uncle Uncle, you don't know the situation of blossoming. The life of her life has become weaker and weaker."

Chen Youran has a daughter.

Inexplicable poisoning, the entire alchemy of the Black Iron City, are helpless.

Later, his daughter was directly comatose.

Now that life is getting weaker and weaker, he doesn't even know what poison is in his daughter.

Oh, of course, it’s very clear.

"Leisure, I will take you to the White House later. I will go to see Xu Feng first and tell him the cause and effect."


"Okay, uncle."

Chen Youran has no hesitation.

His wife was born for this daughter.

Caused his wife to die of dystocia.

For so many years, he watched his daughter grow up.

Who knows, inexplicable poisoning coma.

He and Chen Youran walked toward the house of Baijia.

Xu Feng was sitting in the yard, his eyes narrowed slightly, he was thinking, where should I go next?

"Xu Gongzi, the president of the Soulist Guild, look for it!"

A beautiful woman, she is now the shackles of Xu Feng's yard.

Xu Feng is now in the White House, which is a supreme existence.

"What is he doing?"

Xu Feng frowned, a little self-talking for a while, he said: "Go and ask him to come in."

Not much time.

Both Yan and Chen Youran came to the courtyard of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes are very strange, and he feels the unfathomable breath of Chen Youran.

When Chen Youran saw Xu Feng, his heart was shocked.

It is really Xu Feng who is too young.

If he didn't know that he couldn't lie to him, he even suspected Xu Feng, was he swindling and cheating.

"Hey, please, please."

Xu Feng pointed to the opposite chair.

He sat down and looked at Xu Feng. He said: "Xu Xiao brother, this is the vice president of the Black Iron City Soul Guild. I took him to take the liberty to visit, and I hope that the younger brothers will not care."

Xu Feng heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Mind: "Does this Chen Youran want to draw me?"

Chen Youran looked at Xu Feng and said directly: "Little brother, let me know."

"My name is Chen Youran. Uncle and my father are very good friends. I came here to visit, I am taking the liberty and hope to forgive me."

"Just, my business is very urgent. I hope my little brother can help."

"But all the things that Chen can do, the little brothers are open."

Chen Youran opened the door.

(End of this chapter)

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