The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2708: Surrounded by white home

Chapter 2708 Surrounded by White House

"Hey, president, aren't you kidding us?"

"He seems to be afraid that Mao is not long, how can he be the master?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and there was no scorn in the tone.

After all, many people here are imaginary powerhouses.

Hearing words, his face was smiling.

"You should never underestimate this little brother, the old man can guarantee with my character, he can be the master."

"And, any medicine you need, as long as you have a need, he can help you solve it."

He slaps his chest and his tone is very positive.


Some people still hesitate.

The old man who had just smashed the peak of the eight-fold peak, he looked at Xu Feng and said: "Little guy, I don't know if you recruited us, why?"

"Yes, you are talking about it, you let us come here, what do you want to do?"

"We don't know anything, just follow the notice."

Seeing that many people are questioning Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite people.

He said slowly: "Things are simple and rewards are very generous."

"White House's great elder Bai Wei, he wants to kill me, simply escaped by me, so I want to use you."

"Help me kill Bai Wei and kill the white people who want to kill me."

"It's that simple."

With the words of Xu Feng said.

The words that were originally boiling on the scene were directly quiet.

Many people have deep eyes and are jealous.

Bai Jiana is a nine-order force.

The foundation is not the same.

The most important thing is that Bai Wei is the great elder of Baijia, and his own strength is also very strong.

Xu Feng is very simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to really want to destroy the white house.

The people at the scene are in silence.

"If you are courageous, please leave consciously. Be bold, have this courage, as long as you are willing to follow me to destroy Bai Wei."

"I am here to assure you that the benefits of your medicinal herbs will be unparalleled."

"And, in the future, in the Cangming City Soul Masters Association refining the medicinal herbs, the price is 10% discount."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The beggar next to it did not refute.

He also said at the same time: "Everyone, I have to say a little, that is, I only represent me personally, and I will kill Bai Wei with Xu Feng’s little brother."


The words of screaming sounded, it was a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

The faces of countless people are shocked.

They did not expect it.

I have so much emphasis on Xu Feng.

"One by one is as timid as a rat, and it quickly goes away. Many people who look at the white house are not pleasing to the eye."

"I came to kill you with the white house, but I have a condition." I saw a middle-aged man.

His body is burly, but deep in his eyes, but there is a hint of paleness, his eyes are faint blood marks.

Many people were shocked when they looked at middle-aged men.

This middle-aged man is not simple.

This person is famous in Cangming City.

"There is no way to kill a knife."

They are all shocked.

"I know what your conditions are, it is not difficult."

When Xu Feng looked at the sky, he opened the road directly.

Duan Tiantian was shocked. He looked at Xu Feng and said, "Little guy, are you serious about this?"

Duan Tiantian is very clear, he went out to risk three years ago.

Stent into a grave.

When I knew that it was poisonous in the body, the toxins gradually spread. Every day at midnight, he felt internal cramps.

Wake up every morning, the blood mark in the corner of the eye will increase by one point.

He also came to see him before.

However, he gave him some detoxifying remedies, which not only did not have any effect, but became more serious.

"I ask you, do you feel the pain in your heart at midnight every day, but you don't know where the pain is."

"Then, after dawn wakes up, I feel that the whole person is dizzy and weak."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Duan Tiantian had big eyes, and he stared at Xu Feng.

Be aware that this is his weakness.

He is a martial artist in Cangming City.

He has a lot of enemies, and if many people know that he has such ills.

I am afraid that his future life is not good.

Therefore, he never said anything to anyone.

Why, Xu Feng saw it at a glance.

"Little brother, can you really help me relieve the pain?"

Duan Tiantian looked excitedly at Xu Feng and asked directly.

"I said it, it's very simple."

Xu Feng opened his mouth to the paragraph.

"The code of the Gobi, if you can help me relieve the pain, even if I have given you a horse for a lifetime, I am willing, but I just want to kill Bai Wei."

Duan Tiantian immediately screamed.

This kind of pain is too torturous.

"Well, you stand aside first, you want to follow me before the horse, but also see if I want to?"

Xu Feng said directly to the paragraph without a smile.

Many people around are sucking a cold breath.

Duan Wutian is the strongest person in the virtual world.

The entire warehouse in Cangming City, no more than ten people can fight with him.

Such a person wants to give Xu Feng a horse before him, as if he still looks aside.

"Die brother, your choice this time is very wise, Xu Feng brothers will definitely help you to relieve the ills."

He said to the passage not far from the side.

Duan Tiantian did not expect that he was so sure about Xu Feng. He quietly said: "Hey, I know who is this guy?"

He shook his head helplessly, but he was very sure: "What I can tell you is that you can follow him on the side of the saddle, and you will have a promising future."


Duan Tiantian was shocked.

He and He was also a little bit sympathetic. I didn't expect the other to value Xu Feng so much.

"I don't know if I can kill Bai Wei with you, what benefits can I get?"

Just the old man with a faint ambiguity, he looked at Xu Feng.

"Your cultivation will break through to the illusory peaks of the virtual world, and even have a chance to break through to the virtual world."

Xu Feng directly took out the golden jade purple dan.

The scent of the rich medicinal herbs is diffused.

"I am doing it with you!"

The old man was surprised at his face.

He is able to cultivate to the emptiness of the eightfold, naturally it is not bad in the eyes.

At a glance, the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng took out were the third-order sacred spirits.

Even the remedies that can't be refining.

With the promise of these two people.

The other warriors on the scene all agreed to come down.

Of course, some people are not willing.

"This group of idiots, is Bai Wei so good to kill?"

"Dan medicine is very precious, but you have to live with it."

"I have to see how this group of people will die."


Xu Feng looked at more than 30 people around him.

There was a sudden killing in his eyes.

"Everyone, it’s still time to quit. It’s going to be there, but if anyone dares to escape, or if it’s down, I will let him regret that he will come to the world in this life.”

In Xu Feng’s words, the horrible suffocation made many people unable to resist chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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