The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2697: Rapid increase

Chapter 2697 Rapid Improvement

Bai Kai looked at Xu Feng with excitement.

"Xu Big Brother, can you really make me a first-class elite alchemy?"

Bai Kai thinks this is incredible.

Xu Feng smiled.

"How difficult is this?"

Xu Feng's face is determined.

Bai Chong did not believe it. He thought Xu Feng was bragging.

“Have you qualified for alchemy?”

Xu Feng looked at Bai Kai and asked: "Where is there enough spiritual material to provide you with alchemy?"

Bai Kai heard the words and said: "Xu Big Brother, our family will start to test. Those of us who participated in the test can go to the alchemy room of Baijia to refine the medicinal herbs. All kinds of spiritual materials are available."

Bai Kai said to Xu Feng.

"That's good, let's go."

Xu Feng stood up directly.

"Ah, go now!"

Bai Kai was a little surprised.

Xu Feng said: "Don't forget, you only have seven days. If your talents don't work, you will bury my reputation."

“In just seven days, let a first-class Chinese product alchemy teacher become the first-class elite alchemy teacher. This challenge seems to be good.”

Xu Feng said to himself.

He is very aware of his ability to teach.

As long as Bai Kai's talent is not bad, you can do it.

"Xu Big Brother, please come with me."

Bai Kai took Xu Feng and went to the alchemy room.

Bai Kai and Xu Feng came to the outside of the alchemy room.

The person responsible for the alchemy room is a white-haired old man.

When he looked at Bai Kai and Xu Feng, he was a little wrong.

"Less master, there are still seven days to test the family. How do you come to the alchemy room now?"

In the old man's tone, there is obviously a blame.

Bai Kai respectfully said: "Three elders, I went to the nine wilderness areas to find a kind of spiritual material, almost killed by the Falcons, and Xu Da Ge saved me."

The old man heard the words, and the depths of his face were all angry.

"Bai Wei is too much."

He said: "Less master, you have to go to the alchemy room alchemy, perhaps if you can become a first-class Shanglian alchemy, there is still a trace of hope, get the ancestors' favor."

"Well, three elders, I am here to refine alchemy."

Bai Kai said.

"Hey, isn't this a lesser master? Are you here to hug your feet?"

Not far from a young man, just came out of the alchemy room.

His eyes are ridiculous.

Bai Kai heard the words, his face was angry.

"Bai Xuan, I am not a temporary buddy, it has nothing to do with you."

Bai Xuan.

It is the person of Bai Wei, the other is the top-level top-level alchemy teacher, and the talent in the entire white house is also very good.

"Hey, if I want to be yours, just give up, why do you need to shame?" Bai Xuan said.

The three elders stood there. He looked at Bai Xuan and said: "Bai Xuan, you should not be too arrogant. You are only practicing for a few years than Bai Kaiduo."

"Bai Kaita's talent is not worse than you. Sometimes, everyone is a family, don't aim so much."

The words of the three elders sounded.

The expression of Bai Xuan is angry.

"Three elders, you prefer Bai Kai, who does not know the whole white family?"

"Even if he is taught for a few more years, he can catch up with me."

Xu Feng stood by.

He looked at Bai Kai and wanted to talk. He said directly: "Are you interested in arguing with a mad dog?"

"The old man, hurry to arrange the alchemy room."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The white face was full of anger, pointing to Xu Feng, saying: "Where are you from?"

Xu Feng did not look at Bai Xuan.

The three elders looked at Xu Feng, and they were a little surprised.

"Three elders, arrange an alchemy room."

Bai Kai opened the way to the three elders.

"Come with me."

The three elders frowned slightly.


"Give me waiting."

Bai Xuan looked at Xu Feng and Bai Kai and walked toward the alchemy room.

Xu Feng and Bai Kai entered the alchemy room and looked at the spiritual material on the shelf of the spiritual material. He nodded with satisfaction.

"This is not bad, it is worthy of the nine-order forces."

Xu Feng looked at the spiritual materials on the shelf, and there were quite a few good spiritual materials, which was enough to make Bai Kai the first-class elite alchemy teacher.

The three elders looked at Xu Feng.

"You are here, how is he alchemy?"

As a second-order Chinese alchemy teacher, the three elders know that when they are alchemy, they need to be quiet.

Xu Feng smiled and looked at the three elders and asked: "Can you let him be a first-class elite alchemy teacher in seven days?"

"Are you not nonsense? How is it possible?"

The three elders said with a beard and a wink.

"You can't, I can!"

Xu Feng did not speak directly.

"what did you say?"

The three elders have round eyes and look at Xu Feng. The voice is unbelievable.

"Don't get in the way here, hurry out, delay time, when you have less family, you really become a past tense."

Xu Feng said directly to the three elders.

"Mom, if you can make the Lord less, after seven days, you will become the first-class elite alchemy teacher. I will be able to be a cow in my life."

The three elders turned to the outside of the alchemy room and left directly.

Bai Kai looked at the three elders and said: "The three elders are my father's enlightenment master. My father's death is the most heartbreaking thing in his life."

"Once, my father was his pride."

Xu Feng is not surprised.

Bai Kai’s father should be very good, otherwise it would be impossible to get the eight-level power and the benefits of Black Iron City.

"Start next, I will point you to alchemy."

Xu Feng said to Bai Kai.

Bai Kai took out the alchemy furnace. He asked Xu Feng: "Xu Big Brother, what kind of medicine do I refine?"

Xu Feng said: "The best first-class middle-aged spirit of your refining, I will give you some advice."

"Okay, thank you, Big Brother."

Bai Kai is very respectful to Xu Feng.


Bai Kai began to refine the medicinal herbs, and he refines the first-order Chinese products.

Xu Feng stood on the side and kept talking.

Bai Kai’s heart is shocking.

He never thought about it, refining the light and ignoring it, and there is so much attention.

Moreover, he found that the knowledge of alchemy that he did not understand before was almost suddenly clear.

With the successful refining of medicinal herbs, Bai Kai’s face was stunned and said: “The eight-four-quality medicinal herbs?”

Bai Kai refining is not the first time.

The highest quality of his refining is only seventy-five.

"There is a surprise, not a 90% quality."

Xu Feng turned his eyes and said.

Bai Kai went straight to Xu Feng and said, "Xu Big Brother, do you accept me as a disciple?"

Xu Feng actually knows that this Bai Kai talent is really good.

He raised Bai Kai.

"I teach you the skills and abilities of alchemy, the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual."

Xu Feng next, continue to point to Bai Kai.

Just two days.

Bai Kai's alchemy level, crazy improvement, he can refine several kinds, are first-class Shangpin Lingdan.

His own heart is shocking. He never thought that he could be so fast and become a first-class master of alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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