Chapter 2684 Killing


In the void of blood red.

Xu Feng's eyes became blood red.

If someone looks at this scene, it will be shocking and unspeakable.

It turned out that Xu Feng’s heart appeared in the heart.

The opposite of him at the moment is a pile of dead bodies.

These people were all killed by Xu Feng’s anger.

There are killings in his eyes, as if he is now, only knowing the machines that kill.

The opposite side of his face stood at the moment, and it was exactly the same as Xu Feng.

However, the face of the figure was full of evil smiles, and his mouth was slightly raised.

It seems to be mocking the incompetence of Xu Feng.

"Ha ha ha..."

The blood-red figure was full of laughter.

The sound has become extremely powerful.

In his eyes, there are bursts of light flashing.

"Killing? What is killing?"

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

He felt that there was a chill between the heavens and the earth, and it was all depression.

And the chief culprit of all this is himself.

One will be a million bones!

The field of killing in his body is constantly shaking, and the field of killing in his tenth day is constantly emerging.

"Xu Feng, you are very sinful, you **** it!"

The opposite blood red figure is Xu Feng.

What he showed was like a swallowing punch.

The incomparable and powerful like a swallowing fist is a blood red glow.

"It's like invincible!"

The figure on the opposite side, he showed a lot like swallowing a fist, more overbearing, more terrifying.

The momentum of the horrible fist is the light of killing.


Xu Feng is also acting like a invincible.

His fist was in front of the other's fist, but it seemed so vulnerable.

It seems that the light is constantly surging.

The fists are colliding together.

Xu Feng’s body was directly shaken off, and his eyes were shocked.

Why is the same boxing method, the same person exerted it, and the power of the explosion is so great.

He only felt that his own meridians were shaking, as if the blood of the whole body was constantly stirring.

"Ha ha ha... Xu Feng, since you can't care, why do you cultivate the field of killing?"

"To be honest, in my eyes, you are really weak chicken." The blood-red Xu Feng opposite, he directly taunted.

He has blood red light on his body.

Then there was another punch, which came from Xu Feng. ,

The same fist.

Xu Feng could not resist, and the whole person flew out again, and blood was sprayed from the mouth.

"Ha ha ha... As long as I kill you, I am the most powerful Xu Feng." Xu Feng smiled very arrogantly.

He looked at Xu Feng, and his eyes were seductive.

"Xu Feng, as long as you kill the group of people in front, you can become as strong as I am, let's do it."

"The killing can become stronger. Why do you want to suppress your inner killing?" The blood-red Xu Feng's voice is full of seductiveness.

Xu Feng’s eyes were deep and suddenly disappeared.

He looked at the crowd in the distance.

I saw a few women on the edge of the stream there, playing constantly.

These women have no volatility at all.

Among his eyes, the moment of killing emerged.

It only takes a moment.

He can easily kill those ordinary people.

He took a step.

Just in the moment he was ready to start, his eyes were deep, and suddenly there was a glimpse of the realization.

"It's like invincible!"

Xu Feng showed his appearance like a swallowing fist. The breath on his body suddenly changed. The **** light just like it disappeared instantly.

Above his fist, a huge image was condensed in an instant.

The image seems to be an invincible existence.

Above the huge image, there is a more terrifying momentum.


The opposite of the blood red Xu Feng, directly hit by this punch, smashed out, his look is incredible.

"Impossible... How can you beat me?"

Xu Feng, blood red, is not reconciled in both eyes.

Xu Feng slowly said: "You don't know the essence of killing. Killing is not killing innocent people."

"Killing is to achieve the ultimate supreme purpose, it is called killing, otherwise it is going crazy."

The voice of Xu Feng spread out.

The field of killing on the tenth day of his body gradually merged together.

Above his fist, it seems that there is a weak killing line.

The most important thing is that the rune contains implied momentum.

"Killing the righteousness!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of excitement, this is the real world of righteousness, this is the killing of the righteousness.

"Ha ha ha... I don't think I really feel that killing is righteous." Xu Feng's heart is ecstasy.

“It’s like a gallop!”

Xu Feng was another roar. Above his fist, it seemed to be very strong, so he shot it out.

It looks like a normal punch.

At the moment when the two fists collided together, his look was shocked.

The horror of killing the righteousness is finally revealed.

Xu Feng, who is opposite to the blood red, is not reconciled in his eyes.


With Xu Feng is another shot and bombarded.

The red peak of blood red is directly broken.

Grab the countless light spots and merge toward Xu Feng's body.

He looked at the void of blood red around him and disappeared instantly.

Xu Feng’s face is shocking.

His body has long been soaked in sweat.

He is very clear about himself.

Everything just now is his heart and devil.

When he felt the inner world of killing, he couldn’t think of a killing spirit.

It would not be the epiphany of the last moment.

He is afraid that he will really get mad.

At that time, even if he realizes the existence of killing, he will become a killing machine without feelings.

"Hey, what about my repair?"

In the moment when Xu Feng sinks his heart, he feels his cultivation.

Unconsciously, the breakthrough is sixfold.

Moreover, the spirit he has now condensed has reached 36 degrees of such horror.

Xu Feng's heart is full of excitement, the whole body's spiritual power seems to be constantly surging, his mouth is a smile.

Plus, feel the existence of the first-order killing.

His current strength, even in the face of a virtual reality, is not afraid.

Just when Xu Feng was immersed in joy.

The kitten jumped quickly to Xu Feng's yard.

He felt that Xu Feng was awakened and his eyes were eager.

"Brother... not good..."

"You finally wake up from cultivation."

The original kitten has long wanted to remind Xu Feng.

However, he felt Xu Feng's body, the constant killing of the changes in the shade, he did not dare to interrupt Xu Feng cultivation.

Only anxiously waiting.

"Kit, what's wrong?"

Xu Feng asked a little strangely.

"Brother, Baiyang Island is about to die."

After the kitten finished, Xu Feng jumped down and looked angry.

(End of this chapter)

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